

Rayburn made more adjustments then started the micro-generator again slowly he started to add power. This time the micro re-doubler kicked in half way through the cycle. 'Good,' Rayburn thought, 'about time,' then he noticed that the power was starting to climb far higher than he'd set it for. Grabbing the IMT he was just starting to shut it down when the damn thing activated! Appearing outside the ship's hull, Rayburn hit his micro shield. He just hoped Tempro was tracking him; this trick only gave him a minute at the most before the air in the shield was gone.

Kimison had been working on the modulator when he heard the micro INT and generator power up. Running he arrived just in time to see Rayburn vanish. "Tempro I need a position for him now!"

"He is outside, oh dear, his shield is rendering the IMT ineffective!" Tempro told Kimison.

"How close is he to a hatch?" Kimison yelled.

"He's beside the one in front of you now!" Tempro replied. Tying a rope to his waist Kimison yanked the hatch open and lunged for Rayburn. As the pressure from the ship blew him out, Kimison remotely shut down the shield. A moment later they were both lying on the deck, Tempro having closed the hatch.

Both gasping for breath Kimison looked at Rayburn, "You have to be the luckiest ass in the universe! Next time just let the piece of shit go! You're trying to get yourself killed aren't you? Plus you're trying to take me with you, you ass!"

"You know I can't do that!" Rayburn gasped out. "It was the only working model we have!"

Kimison got to his feet helping Rayburn to stand. "No more of this ok? I need you to complete these things."

Rayburn smiled this was the nearest they had been in years, not since the man's half brother had tried to kill them.

They were about a day out from the first of the noble's territories when Shelby called Derrick. "Yes Shelby, is everything alright?" Derrick asked her.

"I think I have a problem I've never had before," she told Derrick.

"A problem? What's wrong? The ships are ok aren't they?" A worried Derrick asked Shelby.

"They are fine Derrick but it appears that they BOTH are going to emerge at almost the same time. I've never had this happen before; I believe it is being so close to me that has caused this. I am afraid that someone will have to stay with them 'till they are ready." An astonished Shelby told Derrick.

A hologram of Conner and Thomas appeared a moment later. "Sire we could transport them back to the Imperial planet. We could also bring Marco back with us if he is ready."

Derrick sat back; it was a tempting idea; he knew that with Conner at full power he could easily transport both of them. "Alright, but I need the both of you back here as fast as possible. No playing there and back."

"Yes Sire, we will do as you order." Both of the holograms said with a smile.

"Another hour Sire." Shelby answered before Derrick could even get the question out this time.

"Thank you Shelby for notifying me right before." Derrick told her as he turned back toward the view screen.

Greeson finally stirred from the deep unconscious state he'd been in. "Ugh damn," he groaned out, "what the hell hit me?" Looking up he saw Dempsy sitting on the floor in meditation. Finally righting himself Greeson sat back against the wall, while trying to not look anywhere but at Dempsy as the room began to spin lightly.

Pulling himself together Greeson also started to meditate. "Good," Greeson heard Dempsy say, "so you were taught properly. Tomorrow we start learning. I'm not sure what you and the others had in mind. It is never a good idea to attack someone with no inkling as to who or what they are first."

"I apologise for the offence sir," Greeson said a moment later. "We were all told to attack you with everything we had. I didn't think that was a good idea, that's why I waited longer."

Dempsy nodded so this one wasn't as stupid as he had thought at first, good. Teaching this one might actually yield someone worthy of learning what Dempsy knew. Smiling Dempsy thought damn it! I just wish this damn hangover didn't last so long!

"Derrick," Shelby said, snapping him out of his thoughts about his coming meetings with the nobles.

"Yes Shelby, is it time?" Derrick asked.

"Yes it is, Derrick. They will be ready for space almost an hour after they emerge. This is unprecedented. You have found a way to get my children back faster. Thank you Derrick," Shelby said as she appeared with huge tears falling from her eyes. "Thank you so much, I truly know now that had I not found you and you me." Here Shelby lowered her eyes and voice, "I know I would no longer exist."

Shocked, Derrick could only stare at her, "For all you have done for me Shelby, I feel I have done so little to repay you. So I have to say thank you to you also."

Hartwell had tears in his eyes; the emperor was the greatest man he'd ever known on and off the battlefield. The simple fact that the man was as humble as he was spoke volumes. Hartwell shook his head, the man just didn't realise all the good he'd done, and all that he was it seemed destined to do.

"I am detecting rapid increase in the cognitive functioning of both 0125 and 0403," Shelby advised.

There was a crackling then a male voice came over the loudspeaker. "Mother? Is that you I feel?" Came at first, a tentative voice.

"Yes son, welcome back, you are in an improved re-gen with one of you brothers..." Shelby started.

"Oh mother!" came another male voice, "I thought to never hear you again!"

"0403?" Came the first male voice.

"0125? So they got you also," came the sad voice.

"I am on a mission with the new emperor. Before he has your brother, Conner takes you to the Imperial planet, he will wish to speak to you." Shelby informed them.

"The emperor," they both said with a sense of awe in their voices.

"You will find that this emperor is far different than any other we have known. Sleep for an hour then you can emerge into space." Shelby lovingly told them.

"Yes mother, thank you," voices said then were quiet.

"That was beautiful," Hartwell said with tears in his eyes. This was the first time he'd ever seen the ship emerge.

Derrick went back to reading up on the five major Nobles that they were going to be visiting first. In particular was the Duke Risen, Derrick already knew the man was a traitor he just had to have solid proof.

Looking behind him he could see that the now solid hologram of Mary was watching his every move. 'Damn,' he thought, 'the damn thing even followed him even when he took to relieving himself. Damn,' he thought, 'I knew when I went into this I wouldn't have a lot of privacy but I didn't think I wouldn't have any!'

At Ranger headquarters a tall, thin female was bent over a computer console. A device was hooked to the side enabling her to extract almost anything she wanted. Almost anything, the encryption she kept running into was unlike anything she'd ever seen. Sighing she had enough to start. Walking out she walked past several of the techs who didn't give her a second look. Cradling the data disc she smiled, soon bastard you will pay for the death of my son!

Derrick's communicator went off a few minutes later. "Emperor, are you busy at the moment?" Came the voice of the Ranger High Commander.

"No High Commander, I will always have time for you." Derrick told the man whose eyes opened wide in shock.

"We have detected a break into the Ranger central data centre. When we checked the video feeds there was nothing unusual. At present we are at a loss." The man reported.

"What was accessed?" Derrick asked though he had an idea he already knew.

"It appears that all information on you was accessed by anyone that might have spoken, interacted, or actually seen you. This is a serious breach; I'm just glad that you planted all that false information in the database." The older man reported.

"Thank you high commander, please keep me informed." Clicking off Derrick thought, 'so that ass is at a dead end. He's trying to get all he can on me and others that have been near me.' Smiling, 'good,' Derrick thought 'the false information should lead whomever he sent into the open soon.'

"Derrick, it's time." Shelby said.

"My sons, the emperor wishes to speak to you before you emerge into space." Shelby informed both of the ships.

Two holograms appeared on Shelby in front of Derrick and bowed. One, a tall, slender blonde teen, the other a young man barely out of his teens with jet dark hair. "Yes Sire?" They both stated.

"As I have told all ships after emergence, I require that they go by the name that they were given or were allowed to choose. I therefore ask you both for yours or if you wish to be given one." Derrick asked of both the holographic males.

"Yes Sire." The blonde 0125 started, "I was known as Lars. I was told it was a proud name, it was also the name of my first crew commander." Derrick nodded, making note glad that the man would be remembered.

Turning toward the jet black haired teen Derrick asked, "And you 0403?"

Suddenly standing proud and tall the young man answered, "I was called Johnathon for a few years. I was told that I was allowed to keep it by supplemental crews later on."

Derrick had a wide grin on his face as he looked over at Hartwell. Hartwell had a shocked look on his face, which of course had Derrick again about to fall out of the command chair laughing.
