
If The Dark Lord Permits

I watched my four Saalistaja mates pace around the ship as if they were getting ready for war. I would have to admit it wasn't the most comforting of feelings.

Midnight wrapped his arms around me as Da'kea continued to sharpen all of his weapons, and I would have to admit, it was an impressive amount of them. Ye'tab was constantly on his wrist unit while GA and Tha'juen were sparring in the newly finished gym.

But what made it worse was that no one was talking. Like, at all.

"Okay," I said over dinner one night. I had had more than enough of the silent treatment, and since we were going to be meeting up with Sha Shou in just over 20 hours, I needed to know what I was walking into. "Can someone please tell me what is going on while I am still asking nicely?"

There was a strained smile on my face that might have clued the guys into the fact that they were approaching the top of my shit list.
