
Settling In

I left the two dead Saalistaja on the command bridge, knowing that Jun Li would take a measure of satisfaction tossing them out of the airlock like he had been threatening to do for a while.

Leaving the bridge, I deactivated my armor and cracked my neck back and forth.

"Are you okay, little one?" asked my dragon, coming up to my side. "You know you didn't have to do that."

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him. His armor still looked the same to me as it did in the entertainment lounge, but now the others could see it, too. He was one of my chosen. But that didn't mean he could question my decision after the fact.

"Excuse me?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. Maybe he had the same foot-in-mouth disease that GA suffered from on occasion. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt just this once.
