
Jun Li

There was a rush of footsteps and a huge, muscular man came charging down the hallway towards me. I would have to give him points; he was definitely attractive. Robotics had come a long way from the talking greyish-blue head to this body.

Instead, the man standing in front of me was easily 6 feet tall with black hair and brown eyes. His hair was cut in a very stylish angular fringe that draped over the left side of his head, a few strands falling onto his face and covering his eye.

Dressed in a tight black t-shirt and blue skinny jeans with black combat boots, I could see his muscles flexing and shifting as he ran.

I continued to stare at the body that Jun Li had chosen when I can to a very sudden realization.

Kind of like my armor, Jun Li hadn't been able to really put his new body through its paces before coming to rescue me. Which meant that he probably didn't know where the breaks on the thing were.
