
Chapter 3: The Tug Of War

Might Already Be Too Late

As the day unfolded, Sunday stretched out ahead, signaling the end of the weekend and the impending return to school. Typically, Simon and I would conclude our day by going together to get dinner, sharing stories and laughter. This time, however, there was an unmistakable air of unease surrounding Simon. He ate with haste, consuming less than his usual voracious appetite. Curiosity tugged at me, but I decided against probing further.

After our meal, our tradition was to wait for each other before departing together. But on this occasion, Simon abruptly stood up as soon as he finished eating, seemingly in a rush. Without a word, he darted out of the snack bar, leaving me perplexed. With a quick realization, while I continued eating, it struck me as highly unusual for Simon to act in such a manner without offering an explanation. Fueled by curiosity and a hint of concern, I hastened to finish my own meal and embarked on the lonely walk back to the hostel we both called home.

To my astonishment, upon arriving at the hostel, I discovered Simon already there, engrossed in a video call. As I recalled his hurried exit from the snack bar and his mention of calling his girlfriend, I decided not to disturb him. However, there was something amiss about the call. Simon's contagious laughter and obvious excitement indicated that he was talking to the person who had been bringing a smile to his face lately—Trina. But hadn't he mentioned he was going to call his girlfriend? Did this mean he had already made his decision? Was he choosing to sideline his real girlfriend for Trina?

Before I could jump to conclusions, Simon's girlfriend called him right after he ended the conversation with Trina. Their conversation unfolded in a calm and familiar atmosphere, as if nothing had changed. It seemed Simon hadn't revealed his new friend to his girlfriend yet, and there were no indications that he intended to do so anytime soon. Simultaneously, he began noticing that his conversations with his girlfriend lacked the spark they once had. Sometimes they would call each other, only to find themselves without anything substantial to say. I felt the discomfort in those moments, mirroring Simon's own awkwardness. Conversely, his interactions with Trina were filled with laughter and effortless dialogue, their calls only ending when duty called.

Simon found himself lost in a labyrinth of thoughts. Was he prepared to let go of Trina when Sunday arrived? This pivotal decision loomed over him, growing increasingly complicated and challenging the more he allowed himself to grow closer to her. That night proved to be the most arduous he had ever endured. His studies lay neglected, as his mind wrestled with the weight of his internal struggle. Sleep eluded him, and he remained in a perpetual state of contemplation. Sharing his burden with others was out of the question, for fear of judgment or misguided advice. The last thing he wanted was to blame someone else for his own problems, forever marring their relationship. Thus, Simon chose to bottle up his emotions, shielding them from his friends, family, and even his girlfriend. In his mind, this temporary isolation seemed like the best solution, knowing that a monumental decision awaited him.
