
Assassin: Time for Cesar to Come Back! 

When Vicente left the Association building at the end of the day, he was not physically tired, but mentally.

The stronger he became, the more he could process new information and understand the rules of how things worked in this world. After a day of studying and some training at the Association's headquarters, he was tired as he left that place at dusk on his way home.

However, with his mana at its best and his stats getting higher and higher, Vicente noticed something as he walked back to his house for his daily dinner with Nina and Eve.

His eyes moved to the side, but he didn't change his expression or his walking motion towards his house.

However, Vice clearly felt someone following him!

After training as a blacksmith to extract metals from ores, he refined many of his special skills. Now, Vicente could more easily sense and control the metals in the bodies of those around him.
