
Chapter 126: Opening the Meridians

The tribespeople around me did not know what was happening, nor did I. I guessed the black eyes were part of the mark thing. They should vanish after the ritual is over.

They stopped chanting, staring at me with fearful gazes, but it did not matter because the spell was completed! The mark on my forehead was done.

I felt… different. It was like a veil from the world had vanished, and my eyes could see everything perfectly. I could see the darkness in the air! It was the demonic energy!

Only a few cultivators had that energy, but all spiritual beasts had. Some places called them demonic beasts for a reason. So now, when I looked at the tribespeople around me, I could see their demonic energy as clear as the day.

The sight of it made me feel somewhat… better? I disliked the idea of killing all of them, but now, with my new-found vision, I could see they were just like Ren Shoushan said in the ancient scroll: demonic energy.
