
Something simple

Jacob and the others watched the replay of the parade that same night.

The Capitol, a society immersed in extravagance and superficiality, was excited and getting ready for the Hunger Games parade.

Amidst all the pomp and excess, an event that bordered on twistedness was being celebrated: dressing children and teenagers like puppets for the entertainment of the citizens.

As Jacob watched the competitors walk down the runway, he couldn't help but feel a deep unease. The costumes were excessive, absurd, and completely detached from reality. Children dressed as birds with feathers and enormous headdresses that hid their innocent faces. Teenagers in shiny outfits adorned with jewels and glittering fabrics, as if they were figures from a twisted fairy tale.

In previous years, all of this was the same. Each tribute walked with false confidence, striving to appear brave and proud while being observed by a crowd that enjoyed the grotesque spectacle. Their painted faces and exaggerated makeup only emphasized the fact that they were children, thrown into a deadly arena to entertain a decadent society.

The Capitol had lost sight of the true essence of these games. Instead of acknowledging the cruel reality of the fight for survival, it had become a ridiculous and dehumanizing circus. The tributes were treated as objects, toys for the delight and amusement of the Capitol citizens.

Now it was about adults, some already elderly. But still, the crowd was going crazy.

Jacob found himself struggling with deep indignation. How could they find entertainment in the suffering and desperation of these young people? How could they justify such ostentation and eccentricity in the midst of such a somber event?

In that moment, Jacob once again realized the true tragedy that lay behind all this charade. The tributes, despite their young age, were being forced to participate in this twisted spectacle. Their innocence was stolen from them, and they were forced to become voiceless puppets without choice.

The Capitol prided itself on its opulence, on its ability to defy the limits of fashion and extravagance. But in their attempt to stand out, they had completely lost sight of humanity and respect for those they used for their entertainment.

As Jacob watched the tribute parade, he felt a mixture of sadness and disgust. The Capitol had turned tragedy into a spectacle, the fight for survival into a ridiculous caricature. It was a grim reminder of the darkness that dwelled in the heart of this society, and a call for reflection on the consequences of our own obsession with fame and spectacle.

Jacob went to bed as soon as Katniss left, without speaking much to Haymitch due to the microphones in the place.


The next day, Jacob woke up early, went straight to the kitchen, greeted Haymitch, and started breakfast.

Several minutes later, Katniss was seen coming down the stairs.

"You're late." Haymitch growled a little annoyed.

"Sorry. I fell asleep after the nightmares of mutilated tongues that kept me awake half the night." Katniss replied, uninterested in being scolded.

Haymitch gave her a stern look, then backed off. "Fine, whatever. Today, at training, you have two duties. One, stay in love."

"Obviously." Katniss knew that if they let their romance fade, they would die from the complaints of the viewers.

"And two, make some friends," Haymitch pointed out.

"No." Katniss replied and said, "I don't trust any of them. I can't stand most of them, and I prefer that it's just the two of us."

"Come on, Katniss, Finnick and Johanna are good choices. It seems like we're friends without even speaking much," Jacob replied with a smile.

"If it's just the two of you, it won't be enough." Haymitch insisted and said, "You're going to need more allies this time."

"Why?" Katniss didn't know.

"Because you're at a clear disadvantage. Your competitors have known each other for years. So, who do you think they'll target first?"

"Us. And nothing we do will surpass any old friendships. So, why bother?" Katniss was stubborn.

"Because you can fight, Jacob can take out professional tributes one by one. Remember it well, Katniss, he almost died because he saved you. Besides, you are popular among the people. That could still make you desirable allies. But only if you let others know that you're willing to team up with them."

"Do you mean you want us in the Career pack this year?" Katniss asked, unable to hide her displeasure.

Traditionally, the tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4 join forces, maybe adding some of the other exceptional fighters, and hunt down the weaker competitors.

"That has been our strategy, hasn't it? Training like Careers?" Haymitch countered.

"And usually, the decision about who will form the Career pack is made before the Games begin. Jacob could have joined the Careers last year, but his strategy left me impressed. However, this year even he knows he's at a disadvantage."

"So we're going to try to team up with Finnick and Brutus... is that what you're saying?" Katniss asked.

"Not necessarily. They're all victors. Form your own group if you prefer. Choose whoever you want. I suggest Chaff and Seeder. Although Finnick is not someone to ignore," said Haymitch. "Find someone to team up with who can be of some use to you. Remember, you're no longer in a ring full of trembling children. These people are experienced killers, regardless of how they may appear."

"We have a history with District Eleven; we'll accept their alliance like last year regardless of what Katniss says. Finnick will be included, and I'll see if I can add Johanna to our alliance." Jacob finished his drink and made this decision without asking Katniss.

"I'll try." Katniss said in a closed tone.

"Of course you will, although this time I'll make the decisions. I prefer you to follow me in all of them," Jacob didn't show submission to Katniss's thoughts.

Effie appears somewhat early to take us downstairs because last year, even though they arrived on time, they were the last two tributes to appear. But Haymitch tells her he doesn't want her to be the one to take them to the training center.

None of the other victors will be appearing with a chaperone, and being the youngest, it's even more important for them to seem independent. So she has to settle for taking us to the elevator, patting our hair, and pressing the button for us.

It's such a short ride that there's not really any time for conversation, but when Jacob extends his hand, Katniss doesn't pull away.

Maybe she ignored him this morning in private, but during training, they have to appear as an inseparable team.

Effie didn't need to worry about them being the last to arrive. Only Brutus and the woman from District 2, Enobaria, are present. Enobaria appears to be in her thirties, and all they can remember is that in hand-to-hand combat, she killed a tribute by tearing their throat out with her teeth.

She became so famous for this act that, after becoming a victor, she had her teeth cosmetically altered so that each one ends in a sharp point like a fang and has gold inlays. She has no shortage of admirers in the Capitol.

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