
Infinity War Saga III; Children of Thanos.

"You don't understand Tony." If Thanos gets his hands on all Infinity Stones, the universe could be in great danger.

"I'm not sure I really understand all this. Who is this Thanos again?" Tony Stark was sitting on a couch within Karmar Taj, while he soaked up all the information from Banner.

"He's a bad man Tony. He goes to planets, takes what he wants and wipes out half of the planet." Bruce spoke in exasperation.

"So uhhh lemme get this straight. An intergalactic warlord, is looking for the infinity stones to engage in a universe wide genocide. If this wasn't coming from you Bruce, it would never believe it." Tony sighed and stood up.

"And how strong is this Thanos?" He asked again. "Physically, he's stronger than the Hulk, faster, more durable, and he already had the power stone. He's coming for the rest." Bruce replied.

"I see. I have the Space Stone currently, Vision has the mind stone...." Stark stood up and began to walk a round while speaking.

"And I have the time stone." Dr. Strange made a hand seal, while the jewel on his neck opened up to reveal a shining green gem, to which Tony nodded.

"Call the Avengers Tony. We need all the help we can get." Bruce said. "I can't call the Avengers okay! We broke up." He finally spilled the beans while Banner gaped in shock.

"Thanos is coming. We can settle our grievances later..." Bruce added while Stark rubbed his temples. "If Thanos arrives on earth and claims all the stones, it will lead to destruction wither to unheard of." Strange chipped in.

"Did you just say wither to unheard of?" Stark raised his eyebrow and looked at Strange.


Suddenly a shrill scream resounded, and the next moment, Tony and the others could see the citizens of New York running for their lives, as they rushed out quickly.

"Friday, give me eyes over there." Stark looked ahead and saw a massive cyclone blowing away cars and buildings.

"I'm working on it Sir. " " The AI replied. "Uhhh Sir, the big gun is on his way." The AI immediately alerted Stark which caused him to smile.

"Good! Good! Release project GS-04." He smiled and walked forward.

"What are you laughing about Tony?" Bruce asked, seeing the smile on Tony's face. "Reinforcements are own their way. " He replied shortly and looked ahead.

Dr. Strange performed a hand seal and immediately a large magic circle materialized above him which caused the raging winds to cease.

The next moment, the saw what looked like a huge black spinning wheel suspended in the air. "Is that a ship?" Banner asked, while Tony squinted his eyes.

"Rejoice oh earthlings. For you are about to be killed by the children of Thanos..."

Suddenly they heard a voice and looked ahead only to see two figures standing beneath the huge wheel. The first figure was a slim humanoid alien in dark robes who seemed to be levitating, while the other was a tall and huge monster holding unto a large blade.

"If you know what is good for you. Hand over the infinity stones." The slim alien spoke and stretched his hand, while Tony and the others readied themselves for battle.


Hawaii, Maui...

Duke stood in front of his mansion with a sad smile, as he watched the beautiful figure before him with a sad expression.

"Wait for me." He said and kissed her for the umpteenth time today and took a step back. After a few steps back, lightning began to crackle across his body, as he blasted off, leaving behind a gust of wind and sparks in his wake.

His body zoomed past multiple cities like a bolt of lightning, as he blasted forward at hypersonic speed.

In about a minute, he zoomed off the the Avengers tower, where Tony had directed him to go first. The moment he entered, he reached Tony's lab in a split second.

"Welcome Mr. Holland, Mr. Stark has prepared a gift for you." The AI spoke, and the next moment, a small case opened, which showed a small round device.

"What is it?" He asked with a frown, while fiddling with the device. "It's your suit." The AI replied. "A new suit?" Duke asked in confusion. "Yes. It's nano tech. Made by Mr. Stark himself." The AI spoke.

"So how do I do this?" Duke asked and waited. "You need to fix it on your chest and tap the middle with your index finger. The suit should do the rest." The AI replied swiftly, as he fixed the round device unto his chest and tapped it.

Immediately, a set of reddish particles began to cover his whole body and formed a suit of armor on his body. The armor was reddish like his previous one, and the golden streaks were even more glaring than before. His boots were golden, his entire fingers were covered, and the golden lightning symbol on his chest seemed to come to life, as small amounts of lightning began to streak across it.

"Woah, okay, this has got to be the best suit ever." Duke checked himself out in a mirror nearby as he smiled.

"The suit includes features like a retractable mask, eye goggles,a set of nano particle blades. It can also be retracted and formed on command." The AI spoke as Duke smiled.

He immediately clenched his fists, and instantly, a long blade materialized from nano particles, like a katana blade, in his hand.

He swung it around to get a feel of it and retracted it. He also commanded, and instantly, a reddish gold mask covered his moon and nose, while golden goggles covered his eyes.

"Amazing." Although the goggles were transparent, he could see multiple maps and schematics, that could track whatever location he wanted.

Determining his travel route, he readied himself, while taking deep breaths. Immediately his blue lightning turned pure golden, and began to streak haphazardly about his body. Taking a step forward, the golden streaks on his suit lit up, before his body turned into a literal lightning streak and blasted off at hypersonic speed.


The battle against the children of Thanos was taking its toll on Stark and the others. It wasn't easy fighting two figures; one who was either on par or slightly weaker than the Hulk in strength, or the other who could seemingly use telekinesis.

Wong and Dr. Strange were actively battling Ebony Maw, the slim alien with telekinesis, while using eldritch magic to continually cast multiple spells, while Tony and a talkative youth dressed in a red and blue spider suit handled Cull Obsidian who was extremely strong.

Using nano tech, Tony Stark unleashed multiple energy blasts which sent the big guy flying.

However, the next moment, Dr. Strange who had been almost strangled to death by Ebony Maw was captured and being taken away. "Kid, get the sorcerer." Tony Stark ordered, as the youth in the spider suit stretched forth his palm and spun multiple webs which propelled his body in to the sky, as he chased after Ebony Maw and Strange.

Meanwhile, Stark was smashed by Cull Obsidians huge blade, and while he wasn't damaged in the slightest, he was sent flying. Before he could even react, the big guy appeared before him and smashed his blade down with unparalleled force.

"Oh crap." Just as the blade was about to cleave his iron suit and his body into two, a figure wrapped in golden lightning fazed through Obsidian's body, grabbed Stark and blasted off with him in a split second.

The big guy's blade smashed into the ground, creating a large crater, but Stark was already gone.

Meanwhile, Duke appeared with Stark a few meters away. "You good?" Duke asked with a smile. "You know, I'm starting to think you really plan your entrances." Stark scowled as Duke laughed.

"So what's the plan?" Duke asked as he turned serious. "The squidward looking bastard has the sorcerer. And I handed over custody of the Space Stone to the sorcerer." Stark said. "So you mean, the Space Stone is now with Dr. Strange in addition to the time stone?" Duke asked with a frown.

"Yes. But we need to take care of the big guy first." Stark said. "And then catch up to them." He added. "Leave it to me." Duke smiled and took a step forward while cracking his knuckles.

"Roar!" Obsidian immediately rushed towards Duke, however, he smiled and stretched forth his hand. Immediately a massive bolt of lightning smashed into Obsidian's body and sent him flying a couple of meters. Without giving the big guy time to react, Duke blasted off and appeared before him in a split second, as a long blade materialized in his hand.

He instantly sped up his perception as time slowed down to a crawl. Reaching the big guy who had crashed into the ground, he repeatedly pierced his blade into its eyes and throat, before cleanly separating its head from its body.

The moment time returned to normal, Stark couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I'm happy to have you in the team kid." Stark patted Duke's shoulder and said.

Duke nodded, grabbed Stark by the shoulder and blasted off atop a large building, before catching up to the large wheel like ship.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Check out my new ff; Limit breaker; Mythological universe. I'm sure most of you will love it.
