
I don't want to converse with you

Lee Xianwu and Yu Chen ate till their stomachs were full. "The Crown Princess objected to your position. That means she will not like your presence in the ministry and may try to kick you out," Yu Chen stated.

"How did you find out?" Xianwu inquired.

"My uncle is in the court. Did you forget?" Yu Chen chuckled and leaned back on the chair while holding the wine cup.

"What did your uncle say?" Xianwu asked.

"He said the Crown Princess is digging her own grave. She doesn't understand whom she is infuriating," Yu Chen affirmed and sipped the wine.

"My father you mean," Xianwu stated.

"Yes. General Lee desperately wanted a good position for you and the Crown Princess tried to come in his way of ambition," Yu Chen pronounced. "So, the Crown Princess will be the target of your father. However, the military cannot involve themselves in politics, but he can find the other ways," he asserted.
