
280: Hunting the hunter with a strategy spanning hours

Oliver suddenly paused and looked around, glancing cautiously to his left and then to his right. A visible sigh of relief escaped from his lips as he saw no sign of the devils hunting him.

Seeing this, the devil became certain that the target was clueless about his presence.

"This is my chance," thought the devil as he immediately made a move, sneaking up behind Oliver without making a noise. As no noises were made as it moved, Oliver seemed to have failed to notice it sneaking up on him.

The devil declared, "Caught you," as in a single swift motion his hand, equipped with three sharp, metallic digits that resembled the hooves of a horse but were infinitely sharper, penetrated Oliver's body from the center of his upper back and came out of his chest, effectively skewering him to his arm.

"They say revenge is the sweetest when served cold, but I am having the time of my life here."

The devil beamed with triumph, relishing the sweet taste of revenge.
