

After a rough day at school the R4 decide to meet at the studio before they depart

"ohh my god am very tired" Ryan clearly said after falling over a couch when they enter the studio

"why are we here in the first place"Richmond confusedly said

"I heard the manager want to see us" Raymond said falling beside Ryan

"Ericka Julia is coming over to California next week, maybe that's why he called us" Ryan clearly said

"WHAT!!"The twin said at the same time, Ericka Julia is there step mother and a top 1 musical who they hate so much, cause she takes their father away from them, she doesn't allow him to have their time including their mother, he doesn't care about their mother or them, he only care about his second wife and their step sister who is a spoilt brat

"I thought you would have known this"Ryan confusedly said looking at them

" why did you think they will know about that when they don't even like her"Richard who have been quite all along said

Ryan want to say something but was interrupted when the manager walked in gracefully, they all stand up to greet him except for Raymond, yes you should expect that cause he is the leader of them

"since all of you are here, I will like to announce to you that, you are performing at the music award day, which is two month from now" Mr Kyle informed them while they jubilant

"Yes I know it I can't wait"Ryan happily said they have been waiting for a day like this all their lives although they have win a lot of award but his particular award will make them popular around the world

Mr Kyle takes a deep breath before gathering courage to say something cause he knew the outcome will be bad

"and our guest of honour is Ericka Julia, she is the own who will award the winner on that day" Mr Kyle said and pause trying to catch Ray reaction

everyone was looking at the twins face, trying to get their reaction then suddenly he get up

"count me out of this"Ray said was about to walk pass them, then Richard grab his hand "but Ray we have been waiting for this day " he convincingly said to him

"I don't care!! and I will never allow that woman to touch any award that we are winning now and never" Ray angrily said and walk out of the studio, when he walk out they direct their attention to Richmond he his their last hope

"what!!..... count me out as well" He said knowing what the look on their face mean before walking out as well

Kyle sigh before facing Richard who was just standing like a statue "can you do it?"he asked knowing fully well what the answer will be

"You know fully well that nothing can change his mind when he make a decision, and this is about his stepmother, so I have nothing to say to him" he said and walk toward the instrument room that's were he likes a lot

Ryan was just looking like a fool, he is the youngest among them, so he has nothing to say in this situation he just sigh

Raymond went home straight away not waiting for his brother, he is someone who doesn't waste time, drive inside their three storey building pack his car in the garage, there house is well furnished in the compound was different types of flower, at the middle was a water fall, he his a person who doesn't spend a lot but in this building you will smell money, we are still talking about outside what if we go inside

he walked in two maid passing by greet him which he ignore, they are not surprised cause that's how he behave, walking into the building at the right side is the living room, at the left side is the kitchen and dining room while the front is the stairs that leads to everyone's room, he stand in the middle trying to figure out where to go cause right now by this time his mother will be in the kitchen, so he went to the kitchen

on getting into the kitchen the smell of freshly cooked rice welcome him making his mouth watering

"hmmm this food is going to be delicious " he said getting his mother's attention

"son you are back, were is your brother called him dinner will be served soon" his mother said continue what she doing

"mom stop giving me that attitude" he complained

she stop what she was doing and face him " when will you grant my request?"she asked her hand crossed under her breast

"mom stop all this now,you know I ...." "waiting for that dead girl right" she cut him off "I don't believe she's dead" he said calmly

"it's been Five years now since she is gone, you are here waiting for a dead girl" she said getting pissed off

" mom stop saying that, you know I can't allow someone else in my life" he said trying to touch her but she backed away

"don't touch me until that day you stop thinking about that girl, so get out you will be called when dinner is ready" she yelled at him

he hesitated at first but later abide by it, he left the kitchen and angrily went straight to his room, he hate it when is mother his angry at him, getting to the door he type in his password every room as it's own password just like his own room, getting into his room the first thing his hand touch was broken which was the flower vase that was beside the door, he was angry like mad if someone appears in front of him right now he will vent his anger on that so person

she regret what she said to him, cause he can't hold it when she is angry at him, but he can't forever use his life and wait for a so called girl who we don't know if she exist or not, she understand how he feels to lose your best friend and your first love at same time, she understand clearly how he feels

In his room he was sitting down on the bed with a picture of a girl in his hand, he was rubbing it trying his best not to cry "where are you, am missing you please come back" he mumbled as he hug the picture