
Chapter 9

Haruka sat at the lunch table. Her energy was drained since they started searching for this new demon. She kept hearing stories of people getting injured or strange encounters occuring around town.

"What did you get on that last math test?" Yuki asked her friends. Yuki was sat across from Haruka and Aya was next to her. Takahisa was off studying that day in the library, but Haruka did invite him to come to lunch with them that morning before school.

"I got a B-," Aya replied.

Haruka looked up as she felt eyes on her. "Oh I can't remember, I think I almost got an A… A- maybe," she said before losing herself in her own thoughts again.

It was clear to everyone at the lunch table that she was distracted, as they were talking about the manga they were all reading together. Haruka was poking her yakisoba with glazed eyes.

Yuki was the first one to notice something was up. She made a face at Aya who took notice and looked over at Haruka as well.

"Are you okay?" Aya asked.

Haruka jumped up from her reverie.

"I'm good, I'm just thinking," Haruka explained.

"Thinkin' about what?" Yuki then asked.

It was clear to Haruka that her two friends cared for her deeply and they wanted to know what was on her mind.

"I keep hearing stories about people getting injured." Haruka said.

"Oh that's so weird," Aya gasped.

"Yeah, I heard a rumour that there was this woman left bleeding but she never even saw her attacker. Just a few shadows and then he was gone," Haruka explained.

"Is she okay?"

"I think she is. That's how I heard the story anyway." Haruka sighed. She was just so tired and her friends had no idea that she was the one who had to get to the bottom of this.

"I'm sure everything will be okay. Just make sure you are home before it's dark," Yuki was quick to assure her. Aya nodded along. Haruka was glad her friends were there for her no matter what.


School was tiring but Haruka finally made her way through it. She sat outside at the bus stop reading the manga she borrowed from Yuki. It had been a while since she was able to relax. She didn't want to go home just yet though because it felt good to be outside. And besides, this way she could watch out for any strange behaviour on the streets.


Haruka's phone buzzed. It came from one of her school messaging app.


Hi Haruka, it's Ms Tanaka here. I think you forgot some things on your desk. 

Haruka was sure she had everything on her but she figured she should go check the class out anyway. She put away her manga and walked over to her classroom.

In class Haruka started looking around. There was no one there but the teacher's laptop was open at her desk. When she went to her assigned seat she noticed there was nothing there. She opened up her desk to check inside and there she found a sticky note taped to the top of her table.

She ripped the note off and started reading. It was in scratchy weird handwriting.

If you would like to see your friend Aya again, come to the old Kobayashi warehouse.

Haruka's heart beat hard in her chest. She knew she had to get there as quick as possible. She pocketed the note and then she was on her feet walking to the warehouse. She wasn't sure where it was but on her way out of the school she looked it up on the phone. Luckily she was familiar with the area.

At the front of the abandoned warehouse Haruka held her breath. She looked up at the graffitied doors wondering what she would find inside. She knew deep down. She pushed the doors open and ran inside. There was a big open space where the machines used to be, around the top perimeter of the room was a balcony, and random chains hanging down from the roof. She looked around to find Aya and the demon standing in the middle of the room. Her shadowy figure was holding her from behind. Haruka felt as if she couldn't breathe.

The demon had disguised herself as a sleek looking businesswoman. She wore a pencil skirt and a tight white blouse.

"I'm here, you can let my friend go," Haruka shouted.

The demon looked at her with its dark eyes and sly smile.

"So, you came for your friend after all."

"Of course I did."

"Haruka," Aya yelled out.

"I'm here," Haruka assured her. "Let her go."

"Haruka, what is going on?" Aya yelled out. Poor Aya, she had no idea about any of this stuff.

"Okay, I will, on one condition. You come here, come close, I want to chat, and I can't have you running away," the demon said.

Haruka nodded. "Fine, but let go of her."

As Haruka approached the demon let go of Aya as promised. Aya and Haruka hugged before Haruka told her to run. Aya ran out the front doors as Haruka was left there with the demon. As soon as Aya was out of their sight the woman transformed. First her clothing popped off her body then her skin started to ooze out and turn into slime. She grew a foot taller looming over Haruka who took a few steps back.

"Now that you have me, what do you want to do with me?" Haruka asked the demon.

"Come out everyone," the demon announced.

Haruka jumped. She should have seen this coming. Why did she think for even a moment she could trust a low life like this. She sprung to action, remembering what she had learnt from the demon scroll. She ran toward one demon minion but she didn't have her usual weapons so she was stuck using her hands. She lunged fist first at the minion connecting with its head. Her hand almost got stuck in the green slime of its body. The demon whipped back and she continued forward to finish the job.

But there were too many of them, as she went to turn around to get the other slime demon, two more demons came out. Haruka looked around thinking of where to run but they surrounded her. They contorted their bodies so they were a closed circle around her.

"Finally, we have you," the main demon said.

"I'll escape," Haruka shrieked. As she went to try and run right through their bodies they closed in on her and grabbed her by the limbs. One demon had her left side and another one had her right side.

"Unlikely." The main slime demon smirked before grabbing Haruka from the minions. The absorbed Haruka into her body with only her head sticking up. She began to walk her up the stairs to one of the old offices of the warehouse.

There she had what looked like hand cuffs and ankle cuffs bolted to the wall. Haruka soon realised this was a sexual torture chamber.

The slime demon pushed Haruka into the wall and closed the cuffs over her wrists and ankles whilst leaving slime soaked against her skin. Then she stood in front of her.

"I'm going to drain you. Every little bit of energy you have left inside you, it's going to be mine," the slime demon said to her. "And once I finish draining you, you'll start to die, slowly but surely until I get every last bit of power out of you," the slime continued to speak.

Haruka sneered at the demon but she had nothing to say.

"Cat got your tongue?" The slime demon said before walking up toward Haruka. She pulled Haruka's skirt up and hooked it into her waistband, revealing her funtari cock beneath her underwear. Then the demon pulled Haruka's underwear down revealing it completely. Her cock stood large and at attention upon being exposed. Haruka couldn't help it. It was still new and quite sensitive.

The slime woman pulled out two long blobs of slime from her body like makeshift arms then placed them over Haruka's cock. The slime started moving on its own accord sucking up against Haruka's cock. Haruka braced herself as she felt the energy beginning to drain out of her body. Slowly but surely she was being sucked dry.

Her body wanted to double over as the pain and pleasure swirled inside her. She hated the feeling that the demon woman was inflicting upon her. She was trapped and helpless. The slim demon's smaller minions were all lurking on the outskirts of the office watching it go down.

The slime demon was growing larger as she was sucking the energy out of Haruka's body. It was happening faster than Haruka could have ever thought. Her energy was depleting and she was sure she would pass out sooner rather than later.

The energy transfer continued and now Haruka completely stopped wriggling. She had nothing else left inside her, instead she was close to passing out.

The distinct sound of doors slamming open registered in Haruka's mind. At this point herbenergy was at an all time low so she was struggling to even react to it.


Takahisa heard word that his cousin was in trouble. His classmates Aya came to him in a daze, yelling about some woman kidnapping whilst one of her friends pretended to be a taxi driver.

His mind was in disarray but he knew in an instant that the demon's were closing in on Haruka. Ever since she gained these new abilities she would have a target on her back.

He assured Aya the woman was just playing an elaborate prank on Haruka. In her distressed state she didn't seem to know what to believe and Takahisa was calming her down. She agreed to go home and stay there for the night at least.

Takahisa called Setsuna and relayed the news. His cousin was quick to jump at her sister's aid.

They ended up arriving at the warehouse at the exact same time. If Setsuna beat him he would never hear the end of it.

Together they broke into the warehouse. It was eerily quiet but Takahisa had his wits about him.

Three slime popped out of the corners of the warehouse, ambushing them.

"I've got it, go find your sister," Takahisa called out. Setsuna nodded before running off.


Setsuna had no idea where they would be keeping her sister.

Haruka's screams were nowhere to be heard. She would be quite weak at this point for that to be the case. Surely she heard them coming in, but perhaps she didn't.

She snuck through the maze like structure of the abandoned warehouse before finding a set of stairs. On a whim Setsuna descended. She knew those slime minions would have a better view of her but there was nowhere else that Haruka could be.

Setsuna found herself on a platform that made way to several rooms. Each of which had windows big enough that she could see inside.

She saw Haruka from a short distance, long enough that she could really plan her attack.


Haruka with the little strength she had left pushed her eyes open. She had been trying to conserve energy ever since she heard the doors of the warehouse open. This way she would have enough fight in her when the time came.

She saw her sister peering in from the office window. But she made no reaction because Setsuna still had surprise on her side.

Finally, Setsuna slammed through the doors of the room. She had her daggers in hand as she lunged at the slime demon.

The demon shrieked and let go of Haruka's body. Just enough time for her to lunge at the demon.

The sisters attacked the demon both at once. The demon's body expanded as she attempted to absorb them at the same time. She had the ability to turn her slime to acid and absorb the bodies of those she wanted dead.

They had to be careful not to come into her grips.

Long weapons were favourable in this kind of fight but they were both without so they had to make do.

Haruka eyed the room when she noticed a long skinny lamp. She reached for it as Setsuna was distracting the slime demon. Haruka slammed the lamp into the demon's slime body again and again, whilst Setsuna had used her futa scroll abilities to summon her katana.

The weapon was long and had a glowing script written up the length of the blade.

At that moment more slime minions came through the walls. They were everywhere. Haruka's strength was coming back by the second. She summoned every last bit she had and lunged for the main slime demon.

The demon shrieked as Haruka pulled two blades out from the sides of her legs. She imbued them with extra power from the scroll so they could cut through demons such as the slime.

The slime backed away but there was no where to go. Setsuna was taking care of the slime demons surrounding the perimeter of the room. The main slime demon was backed into a corner. Haruka slashed at her. She tried to fight back but Haruka dodged each and every blow.

Haruka slashed at her again and again, chasing her around the room as she shrieked in agony. She threw back acidic slime that missed Haruka by a hair length. It melted through the floor.

Setsuna joined Haruka again. The slime demon hadn't noticed her presence, or her katana. Setsuna swung it wide and decapitated the slime.


her head rolled on the floor she was shrieking and looking up at Haruka and Setsuna with disdain. Before she grew quiet and her body melted in a puddle on the ground.

"Ugh, my shoes!" Haruka complained before jumping on a chair. Setsuna just laughed.

Back again been awhile decided to bring another writer to help out with getting things out quicker

Here's their stuff if want to check them out great working with them


Ryser_Blankcreators' thoughts