
Chapter 64

"He is fine," Bahamut replied to the concerned Michalis, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and worry.

"He just got a bit too emotional and nearly triggered something he shouldn't have." She gently placed a reassuring hand on Michalis' shoulder before turning her attention to Draco.

With graceful strides, Bahamut walked towards Draco, her gaze filled with a combination of concern and determination. She effortlessly lifted Draco into her arms, his form resting securely against her.

"Now, come," Bahamut said in a firm yet calm tone.

"You will explain what happened in the presence of all the other familia members." With that, she turned around and began to make her way, with Draco still cradled in her arms.


Meanwhile, Dimitra, who had been by Michalis' side throughout the intense battle between the Ganesha familia and the bloodsaurus, had taken it upon herself to ensure the well-being of the other familia members once the battle had concluded. She hurriedly checked on each of them, offering words of comfort and support.

The aftermath of the battle had left a palpable tension in the air, but amidst the chaos, the familia remained united, determined to overcome any challenges.

Vasileios had taken the brunt of the damage during the intense event, his body bearing the scars and bruises as a testament to the struggle. Meanwhile, Vasiliki remained in a state of unconsciousness, due to the overuse of mind in combat.

"So, I assume that Michalis is alright?" Nikolaos inquired, his concern evident in his voice as he turned to Dimitra. Having guided the rest of the familia back to the inner manor, along with the injured Vasileios and Vasiliki during the battle, Nikolaos sought reassurance.

"Yeah, physically he's fine," Dimitra replied, her voice tinged with weariness. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and grief, knowing that Michalis had managed to emerge unscathed from the encounter.

However, the loss of Clair, a cherished member of their familia and childhood friend, cast a somber atmosphere over them all. Each person in the group bore the weight of their emotions, their unspoken grief palpable in the suffocating air.

Soon, amidst the somber atmosphere, they noticed the presence of their goddess Bahamut, carrying Draco, their eldest brother, in her embrace. She arrived alongside Michalis and Ardee, who stood by her side, their eyes heavy with grief and remorse.

"I am sorry for my earlier thoughtless actions today," Michalis said, his voice filled with sorrow, tears streaming down his face.

"I was consumed by rage after Clair's tragic demise, unable to let that monster escape justice," he continued, his words a heartfelt apology to his siblings and fellow members of their familia.

Overwhelmed by emotions, the others followed suit, pouring out their grief, pain, and regrets, except for the three unconscious individuals, lost in their own world of dreams.

In that moment, as tears mingled and hearts embraced anguish, their bonds grew stronger than ever before. United in their collective sorrow and fueled by the determination to eradicate all evilus, they stood together, a testament to resilience and unity.

Bahamut, their goddess and embodiment of solace and strength, reassured them of her eternal support. She pledged to be their guiding light through the darkest of times, an unshakable presence in the face of adversity. With trust in her, they found solace in her words, knowing that together, they could overcome any trials that lay ahead.

The familia embraced in a hug, each one understanding the others' pain and sorrow as if it were their own. As they stood there silently, they found solace in the moment, knowing that although Clair may no longer be with them, her spirit lived on within them all and would never be forgotten.

"It's time for us to return home," Bahamut said with her voice, resonating through the air and captivating her children's attention. As her words sank in, a unanimous agreement rippled through the group, acknowledging the need to depart.

Before they embarked on their journey, Bahamut turned to Ardee and requested, "Please convey our heartfelt gratitude to Ganesha for his invaluable assistance." With a gentle nod, Ardee acknowledged the task at hand.

As Bahamut and her familia started their homeward path, retreating to the sanctuary of their sacred abode, the dragons' den, a sense of both relief and longing filled the air. The familiarity of their haven beckoned, promising solace after their endeavors in the outside world.


Awakening from my slumber, I was greeted by a pounding headache that threatened to shatter my thoughts.

Attempting to recall the series of events that led to my current state proved to be a daunting task, but gradually, the memories resurfaced.

Clair, a cherished friend, familia member and presence in my life was gone forever, leaving behind an immense void that echoed with loss.

I had always been aware of her affection for me, and my younger brother Michalis harbored similar sentiments towards her. Perhaps it was subconscious self-preservation that compelled me to keep any further connection with her at bay, or maybe it was something else entirely.

The complexity of my emotions towards her remained an enigma, now forever lost and beyond comprehension. Did this uncertainty make me a flawed individual?

Struggling to recollect what occurred after Michalis delivered the crushing news of Clair's demise, my mind drew a blank. And here I found myself, confined to the solitude of my room within our familia manor, seeking solace amidst the echoes of memories that now held bittersweet significance.

"Ah," I muttered, a sense of responsibility weighing on me as I stood up from my comfortable bed.

The manor was quiet as I walked through its dimly lit halls, my footsteps echoing against the marble floors. It was then that I noticed the stillness of the night, the moon casting a soft glow through the windows.

As I made my way past closed doors, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for neglecting my duties. The whole familia were fast asleep. Tomorrow, I promised myself, we would gather and discuss our plans.

But something tugged at the back of my mind, a nagging feeling that something was amiss. Bahamut and Lili were not in their usual spots in my room when I woke up. It was unusual, as they always sought refuge by my side during the night.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I ventured into Bahamut's room. And there, nestled beside her, was Lili, peacefully slumbering. A smile crept onto my face as I approached them, carefully draping a warm blanket over their serene forms. They were safe, and that brought me a sense of solace.

Returning to my room, I sank into deep contemplation. The weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders as I pondered our future. Our familia, our unity, needed to grow stronger, and it needed to happen swiftly.

"The remnants of evilus must be eradicated," I whispered, my voice filled with determination, as I clenched my fist in a mix of frustration and resolve.

I remembered that the evilus would soon unleash a formidable juggernaut with the sole intention of eradicating the Astraea familia within the next one to two years. I can't remember if it was accidental or deliberate but I was sure it might still happen.

The thought of it had ignited a burning rage within me, as I saw it as an opportunity to bring an end to their vile reign once and for all.

Faced with this impending threat, I pondered deeply on what steps I could take to level up rapidly and prepare myself for the ultimate confrontation.

After much contemplation, I reached a resolute decision. I would no longer engage in safe battles, but instead, I would embrace greater risks and embark on longer solo expeditions within the treacherous depths of the dungeon.

It was a daring strategy, but I knew that only by pushing my limits and venturing into uncharted territories could I attain the strength necessary to save the Astraea familia and vanquish every last one of those despicable evilus.


"Just you wait," A voice whispered whispered under cover of the night, its words laced with a mix of determination and a hint of something unsettling, it was Draco.

Unbeknownst to him, an eerie glow emanated from within his eyes, a subtle sign of the power stirring within.

While Draco was consumed by his mission, in the manor of the Loki familia, a different scene unfolded. Riveria, a member of the Loki familia, struggled to restrain Ais, who had once again succumbed to the grip of madness after witnessing the majestic form of Bahamut.

The Loki familia, unaware of Ais' troubled past, found themselves perplexed by her unpredictable behavior, unable to comprehend the true reasons behind her turmoil.

A/N: Thanks for reading and see ya all Monday. Have a weekend. Feel free to read ahead and donate on pat3on.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on my Pat3on and donate.

HungryMushroomcreators' thoughts