
Progenitor Versus Progenitor [Part 4]

Ethan’s five senses slowly faded as he fell towards the ground.

He could no longer see, hear, and feel anything around him. However, he was certain that Erass was just moments away from devouring him completely.

But, just before his consciousness fell into complete darkness, an amused voice reached his ears.

“Good job, it was very entertaining,” a familiar voice said from within the deepest part of his mind. “I’ll take it over from here. This Rat and I have a few scores to settle as well.”

The Familiar Voice was soothing, making Ethan believe that everything was going to be fine, so he allowed the darkness to embrace him, and fell into a deep sleep.

“Your powers are minessss!” Erass roared as he was about to devour the young man whole.

Suddenly, Erass heard the teenage boy chuckle.

The Giant Rat thought that the boy had given in to desperation, and was simply ridiculing himself for challenging someone as powerful as him.
