
Chapter 40: A Feast of Kindness

Narumi's frustration grows palpable as he paces back and forth, his brow furrowed with worry. "Why won't the Cloudwhale Kingdom grant us permission to cross the border?" he mutters, his voice tinged with frustration.

Amelia approaches him, her presence a soothing balm. Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, she speaks in a reassuring tone. "Narumi, we only arrived yesterday. Obtaining permission may take time, perhaps even up to a week. Patience is key."

Narumi takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. He gazes at the scattered information on the table, obtained through his interactions with the refugees. The reports depict the extensive damage inflicted upon the people and towns surrounding the grand fortress city of the Cloudwhale Kingdom. Although not as vast as the devastation caused by the 2nd colossal biomachine monster in Borwinter Kingdom, the aftermath is still significant enough to hinder predictions regarding the movements of the 4th colossal biomachine monster.

Amelia's voice breaks through Narumi's troubled thoughts. "Let us focus on what we can do, Narumi-sama," she says, her voice filled with determination. Narumi nods, his resolve reignited. He decides to dedicate his time to the maintenance of his giant mech and Celestial Armor, ensuring they are in optimal condition for the battles to come.

In the midst of their repairs, a familiar face appears. It is the lost young girl Narumi had spoken to the previous day, accompanied by her grateful mother. The girl approaches Narumi, a radiant smile adorning her face.

"Thank you for finding my mother, Goddess Apostle!" the girl exclaims, her voice filled with joy and gratitude. She extends a small bread and a bundle of flowers towards Narumi, her eyes shimmering with appreciation.

Narumi's eyes soften, deeply moved by the girl's heartfelt words and her offering. With a warm smile, he kneels down to be at eye level with her. "Thank you, cute young lady, and you can call me Narumi normally, okay?" he says gently, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. He accepts the bundle of flowers and then tears the bread in half, handing a portion back to her.

"Thank you, Narumi-sama!!" The young girl's face lights up with pure joy as she takes the bread, a sense of connection and gratitude shared between them. Her mother, standing beside her, expresses her profound gratitude for Narumi's care and compassion towards her lost daughter. Her eyes reflect relief and appreciation for the kindness shown by Narumi and his companion, Amelia.

In that heartfelt moment, Narumi's frustration momentarily fades into the background, replaced by a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose. He realizes that even amidst the challenges and uncertainties they face, there are still moments of genuine connection and hope that can uplift both his own spirit and those around him.

As the day draws to a close, Narumi and Amelia return to the cozy inn. They find a small corner table and settle in, joining the other patrons who are enjoying their evening meals. The atmosphere is warm and comforting, filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of cutlery.

Just as they are about to place their order for a simple meal, a young waitress with a bright smile approaches their table. She gazes at them earnestly, her eyes filled with determination and a hint of mischief.

"Excuse me, Lord Narumi, Lady Amelia," she says, her voice tinged with excitement. "I couldn't help but overhear your intention to order a humble dinner. However, our chef insists on presenting you with the best set menu we have."

Narumi's brows furrowed in surprise, his gaze fixed on the eager waitress. "But we have already received a lot of donations for the refugees from you. I don't want to impose on your resources any further," he replied, his voice tinged with concern.

The waitress shook her head, her smile widening. "Oh, no, it's not a burden at all," she insisted. "Our chef deeply respects and admires the Goddess Apostle, and he believes that it would be an honor to serve you a meal befitting your status."

Amelia's eyes softened, touched by the sincerity of the waitress and the chef. "Narumi-sama, let's accept their sincerity," she gently urged. The waitress's expression turned determined as she implored, "Please, allow us this opportunity. It brings us joy to offer you our finest culinary creations. Consider it a gesture of support and appreciation for all the good you've done."

With a nod, Narumi addressed the waitress. "Very well," he conceded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "We accept your kind offer with gratitude." The waitress beamed with delight, her enthusiasm contagious. "Thank you so much, Lord Narumi, Lady Amelia!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement. "You won't be disappointed, I promise!"

As she turns to convey their order to the kitchen, Narumi and Amelia exchange bemused looks. "I suppose our desire for simplicity has been overruled," Narumi jests, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Amelia chuckles softly, her laughter mingling with the vibrant atmosphere of the inn. "It seems so," she replies, a warm smile gracing her face. "Let's accept this unexpected gesture of kindness and enjoy the culinary delights that await us."

A short while later, the waitress returns with a grand tray, carrying an array of beautifully plated dishes that dazzle the eye and tantalize the senses. Each plate is a masterpiece, showcasing the culinary skills of the inn's chef.

Narumi and Amelia can't help but marvel at the sight before them, their stomachs growling in anticipation. The aromas wafting from the plates are irresistible, filling the air with a symphony of flavors.The waitress carefully places the dishes before them, her hands moving with grace and precision. "Please enjoy, Lord Narumi, Lady Amelia," she says, her voice brimming with excitement.

Narumi and Amelia gaze at the feast set before them, their initial reservations replaced by a sense of awe and gratitude. They share a glance, their eyes conveying a shared understanding of the kindness and generosity that has been bestowed upon them.

With that, Narumi and Amelia begin to enjoy the sumptuous meal, their taste buds dancing with delight as they savor each delectable bite. They engage in light conversation, their hearts buoyed by the unexpected show of support and the flavorsome feast that has been bestowed upon them.

In the midst of the laughter and the shared appreciation for the culinary artistry, one of Amelia's subordinates approaches Narumi and Amelia's table, a sense of urgency in his voice, "Lord Narumi, the princess of Cloudwhale Kingdom has requested to meet with you." Narumi, taken aback by the sudden meeting request, pauses for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment.

Soon after, the doors of the inn swing open, and in walks Valentia Cloudwhale, the formidable princess of the Cloudwhale Kingdom. She commands attention with her vibrant pink hair cascading down in a stylish sidetail, complementing her striking yellow eyes. Dressed in an exquisite orange princess dress armor, she exudes an air of elegance and authority.

Valentia approaches Narumi and Amelia's table with graceful steps, her every movement radiating regality. As she nears them, she kneels down, her left hand resting on her chest in a gesture of respect and humility. With great reverence, she places her magic rapier on the floor, a symbol of her trust and vulnerability in this moment.

Valentia's voice carries a mixture of urgency and hope as she addresses Narumi. "Your eminence, the Goddess Apostle, I beseech your aid. My people and the Cloudwhale Kingdom are in dire need of assistance." Her eyes, filled with determination, meet his gaze, seeking solace and reassurance.

Narumi, moved by Valentia's display of respect and the weight of her request, kneels down in front of her. His voice, filled with genuine concern, carries a comforting tone. "Princess Valentia, please rise. You need not be so formal in this place. We are allies in this endeavor." He extends an invitation with a warm smile. "Join us for dinner, and we shall discuss the situation at hand."

Valentia's expression softens, a hint of relief visible in her eyes as she rises gracefully. She accepts Narumi's invitation, grateful for his understanding and willingness to lend a listening ear. Together, they settle at the table, their shared determination fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and collaboration.

Narumi initiates the conversation, gently inquiring about the current state of the Cloudwhale Kingdom. Valentia, now more at ease, opens up about the devastation caused by the recent events, detailing the hardships her people face and the urgent need for assistance.

With renewed determination and a clear vision, Narumi and Valentia prepare to face the trials that await them, their resolve strengthened by the shared understanding that together, they can bring about the change needed to restore peace and prosperity to the Cloudwhale Kingdom.
