
Chapter 23

Kana reaction come as a surprise.

Sure Danuja excepted her to be embarrassed, happy or even to tell to to stop. Danuja though of all those situation before stepping forward in her plan. But she didn't except Kana to become a complete pile of goo beside her, sitting with a soft smile and dazed look. Danuja didn't even realize how long it passes since they stood there but when she saw the first wave of students getting out of school she stopped her petting slowly before helping Kana get up slowly.

Danuja knows that petting makes others understand that they are loved, appreciated and that they are a good person.

Rewards and petting were good, so even though Kana reaction was a little more than she though of it wasn't less pleasant.


'' You look a little too happy over there.'' Mr. Touma commented after the first hour, grinning himself

'' Look who is talking.'' Danuja said satisfaction sinking deep into her bones  '' So you gonna tell me why are you so happy or you want to leave me clueless here?''  she asked not even bothered if he didn't tell her, too pleasant with herself

'' Before I tell let's do a review for you. Right now, after three weeks of lessons you almost perfected your drowning style which is an accomplish that even seasoned boxers don't have. Your leg kicks are strong enough to disfigured my only punching bag-''

'' It was like this when I arrived you know?'' Danuja said amused

''- not everything was broken before you come here kid. Your reflexes are even sharper and your wounds will heal completely till then and let's not forget the quick thinking that comes at avoiding hits.''  Mr. Touma said grinning at her

'' Thank you for boasting my ego.''  Danuja said nodding at him before looking a little confused when he just laughed

'' And so the next step of your training is fighting.''  he begin his face changing taking a serious note  '' Danuja, two weeks from now, you will have your first fight in a real ring. ''

This, took a much heavier path than I though

'' Huh?''  Danuja said her good mood evaporating

'' That's right kid. It's time for you to face the real world of boxing, make your own enemies and allies while getting the fights of your life. What do you say?'' 

'' Why are you asking if you already arranged the fight?'' Danuja asked for the lack of saying anything, trying to wrap her mind around the statement

'' Because I didn't. I just talked with a guy I know that could be willing to get a fight with his student and mine's.'' 

'' Well doesn't that sound shady.'' Danuja said frowning, gritting her teeth making Mr. Touma wince before chuckling to himself

'' Don't worry about scamming, the place I will get you to it's the cleanest of all when it comes to fair fighting.'' Mr. Touma said assuring her 'worriers'

But those weren't her worriers. Her worriers where about the man himself discovering that she is a girl, a girl that lied to him about her gender for lessons. Her worries were of being recognized, of seeing people she know in the crowd, of injuring her chest. 

Little things, big things, that circled in her mind.

'' Let's say there is no scamming.'' she said making him frown almost amused  '' What about protection? '' she asked making him snort laughing

'' Don't worry about the family jewels kid. You get a crouch protector and there are some boys that are much heavier or with old chest injuries, so in those cases you get a small shield too. Of course it's much more breakable than than the crouch protector but it's there. I know that you bandage your chest daily so you must have some old injury or ugly scarring.''

So binding her chest and that protector should be enough  Danuja though deciding to not mind the last comment

'' You don't get gloves, but everyone is obligated to wrap their hands and feet. So overall protection shouldn't be a problem for your first fight.'' 

There were some moments of silence, Danuja mind already set but she liked too much to see the old man panicking.

'' If it's too soon, we can always fight later kid.''

'' Stop being a pussy old man.'' she said making the man sputter indignated  '' Where I'm fighting anyway?''  At her question Mr. Touma face took a sly turn before he grinned 

'' I tell you there.''  he said grinning down at her before throwing the tapped rope at her face making her huff

With the good mood returned and the previous satisfaction still in her bones, Danuja begin jumping.  Somehow she couldn't wait for that fight to happen.


The days passed much faster than she though. Days filled with Dad, Kana and Mr. Touma.

Walk Dad then train for two hours at the gym, go to school to focus on Kana, slowly coaxing her into more petting and giving her treats all the while listening to her talking, go home to feed Dad one more time and bind her chest then to the gym to train. She always ended her days with a nightly walk with Dad and cuddling him to sleep.

That was Danuja routine those days.

'' You have two days till your fight.''  Mr. Touma said after they finished their night training, inspecting her hands for any injuries.  It was a new thing in her routine here. Apparently this friend of a friend has old history with Mr. Touma, so on short he wanted her in top condition at the fight.  '' I didn't think of this at the beginning but I think you should call sick for two days at school.''

'' You think I would die there of something? ''  Danuja asked narrowing her eyes when he didn't joke

'' Not there but your body will need healing, rest without much anything. That's why you will get a week of pause after this fight. You mind and body will need additional rest.''  he said tapping his own head before letting her fingers go

'' Sure then.'' Danuja said putting her jacket on  '' I don't do much at school anyway.'' she smirked before taking her leave

It took her till dinner to realize that she needed to explain to Kana why would she leave and come back beaten. She already know that those amethysts will sway her.

Listening to ' Crazy but she is mine' while writing this.

I eat grilled meat today, a whole damn steak that I hope I won't regret later. Also my dog though it was a good idea to make a hole under his wooden cage and now he sleeps...under his cage?

He is so weird but I love him you know, but god is he weird.

Also, I'm thinking of changing the title of the story. What do you guys think?

Have a nice meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts