
58. Happy Family

They were literally injuring her with their questions and raising her anxiety. But she was quick to gain her composure back and gained their attention quickly. The reporters calmed down to hear what she had to say.

"First I would like to thank you all for coming here. Secondly I know you all are really curious about me and my life till now but I can not do anything at this moment to quench the thirst. But I promise to call you all for a press meet in three days where I will answer all your questions as much as I can. Till then I could give you a spicy headline for tomorrow's news, 'The fashion queen is back to claim her throne and kingdom!' " She said with a wink and managed to bid them goodbye with the help of Sareena and guards.

"I am tired." She exclaimed with a huff to Sareena and they turned around to go back when they found Monica standing exactly in front of them with different expressions on their faces.

She sighed.
