
Joining civilization.

After getting around my sensory overload problems, which are not all perfect yet, I still get jumps from sudden spikes, but I will iron out those problems soon enough.

For now, it's time to make my way to my new house in New York. I put on my skin suit and packed an extra in a bag Ordis made for me. Actually, this duffel bag with a sun symbol on it is bulletproof, fireproof, and stretch proof, as all their creations are, so that's an extra.

When I packed my skin suit, Ordis gave me a bracelet I will wear so he can locate me anywhere and I can summon one of the transporter ships to my location to pick me up or whatever.

He also gave me a Geo-Liquid interface, which really looks like a rock, so I wouldn't worry about anyone seeing it as alien technology.

furthermore, I was issued with a multi-tool kit, which can do a lot of things, from medical to technological repair.

And finally, I packed my battle armor; it's not much when not worn; it becomes a compact contraption; the usual communication devices; and finally, a Kryptonian rifle; you never know when you will need such a thing. A bonus is that they only work in the hands of Kryptonians.

Kryptonians aren't stupid by any measure to let such small details slip, and from what I know of this world I am in right now, bad actors will pounce on your technology the moment they know they can add it to their arsenal and bolster their power.

And I am by no means here to bolster anyone's power; I am here to seize it.

Who has power, has control, and I want control over my fate.

My brain is working better than it used to, and I won't let some greasy politician or some dumb a-hole have a say in my future.

Letting your fate rest in the hands of other people or even the universe is a fool's gambit that I ain't doing anymore.

Trust is for kids and dogs, and I ain't trusting anyone with the work that has to be done.

It's time to rattle the cage and excite the monkeys.

As heroes in spandex, all they do is run around, creating more problems than they solve, while boring people with their 'arousing' speeches.

The future Avengers, for example, have been more reactive than proactive, waiting for trouble to arise before leaping into action.

It's a dangerous game we play.

always racing to put out fires instead of preventing them in the first place.

Tony, in his foresight, saw the looming threats and took matters into his own hands. He created Ultron, knowing what was coming and understanding the need for a suit of armor around the world.

But instead of supporting him, the Avengers gave him hell. They failed to grasp the urgency of the situation, dismissing Tony's intentions and concerns. It was an epic failure, and yet, in some twisted way, Tony got it right.

Well, now that I look at it, they mostly put out fires they started.

Avengers, in a sense, create their own problems only to swoop in and solve them.

The world follows a similar pattern, where politicians create crises only to use taxpayer money to fix them, and then we applaud them for it. It's a fucked-up dichotomy—a twisted world indeed.

But I refuse to be caught in that cycle.

My goal here isn't to be hailed as a hero or bask in the glory of saving the day.

No, my goal is far simpler yet infinitely more important. I strive to create a place where I don't have to fear death because someone else started a fire that engulfed my life.

I refuse to be mutilated in wars that I don't even understand the purpose of.

In this world of chaos and moral confusion.

I will chart a different course, seeking to solve problems rather than perpetuate them.

In the end, it's not about being a hero, but about reclaiming control over my own life and ensuring a better world for myself and others as a bonus.

I was thinking all this through as I made my way through the corridor. I put my ship into Phantom Cloaking, which pretty much bends space and time around it to become invisible.

I will take a troop transport ship to New York under stealth and get it to drop me somewhere nearby before I make it into the city.

"Hi Ordis, how fast can these bad boys go?"

"Due to the advanced capabilities of the Phantom drives, they possess the ability to surpass the speed of light. However, it is not advisable to engage at such velocities while within the planet's atmosphere. The drive incorporates a speed block regulator to prevent atmospheric scorching, but it can still achieve hypersonic and superluminal velocities."

"Cool, I didn't think they were that good," I said while thinking about the underpowered transport ships from Man of Steel.

Learning what all the Kryptonian tech can do, it's weird their civilization got destroyed, but again, they weren't doing any thinking anymore; they shifted all the cognitive tasks to the mind cores, and free will was taken by population control, which was a recipe for what happened to them eventually.

I got inside the ship; it was sleek and nice-looking from the inside, with not many GLC tubes protruding everywhere or much mess; those were built for both looks and function, so I got into my pilot seat and started checking the controls and systems of the ship to see if they were running.

I made sure to rejuvenate all the GLC swarms inside the ship to operate flawlessly.

After all the check-ups were done, I engaged Phantom Claoking, lifted it from the ice tundra I had it parked on, and made my way to NYC.

It's nice to finally join civilizations. I was starting to get tired of eating fish. I mean, I tried everything: roasted fish, raw fish, smoked fish, and all the configurations in between. I miss some Joe's pizza from the village street.

I soared into the sky at breathtaking speeds, and I made my way to space to save time on the flight. I've spent so much time here that I am tired of looking at nothing but white.

I stealthily made my way to Long Beach and landed on the sand, immersing my feet in it.

As I took a deep breath, "Aaaah, I miss the smell of pollution," I cried jokingly.

I miss civilization; even in my past life, I didn't get out much because of my disability and my not-very-pleasant looks.

I didn't work either; I lived on disability compensation, and I had a couple of online sales, so my haven was my room, which I rarely left.

Now it's not the case anymore; I can walk, I am good-looking, and I am in a world of marvels and wonder.

I will enjoy every second of it.

Once I touched down and got done playing around with sand and water on the beach, I started to make my way to the city. I had my ID and credentials sent to my house through the mail, so all that was solved.

Stepping foot onto the bustling streets of New York after such a long time feels like coming home to a symphony of life.

The air here has a unique flavor, a blend of excitement and opportunity that you can't find anywhere else.

It's a delicious concoction of fragrances, a medley of street food aromas mingling with the crispness of the city breeze and ally dumps of course.

The noise, oh the noise! It's a constant hum, a lively conversation that never ceases. Horns blare and sirens wail, melding together into a chaotic melody.

In this concrete jungle, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the hustle and bustle, the streets become alive with a vibrant nightlife, like a theater where every person plays their part.

As I walk these streets, breathing in the vibrant air, savoring the sounds, and soaking in the city's nighttime glow, I can't help but feel happy and excited about this new opportunity in life.

I've got a second chance, and I won't waste it dwelling in mediocrity.

This is a world of dreams, and I am a big dreamer.




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