
Chapter 1: Revolving Doors

► [Year 2032]

Every single day kicks off with a totally basic move, you know, as simple as waking up in the friggin' morning.

So there's Sean, a 22-year-old dude, and he's got this height thing going on - he stands at 6'0", like, he could grab stuff from the shelf without even jumping. And he's got this mop of blond hair that's basically a spotlight for the early morning rays.

And then, just as the universe had planned it, the alarm goes off at the ever-so-joyful hour of 7:00 am.

Sean's reaction? He slaps that annoying noise-maker like it's a mosquito, wanting to get some extra sleep.

He plops back onto his pillow, clearly declaring victory over the alarm's morning takeover.


► [A few moments later]

He jolted awake, expecting it to be just a moment after he'd hit snooze, but lo and behold, it was a whopping three hours later.

Panic set in as he thought he was running late. He even began to change into his police uniform (especially designed for the drug department) before the realization hit him like a ton of bricks—it was Sunday!

With a dramatic sigh of relief, he let go of his police uniform like it was a toxic waste, and jumped out of bed in a way that would've made Olympic gymnasts envious.

In his haste, he abandoned his neon green blanket, giving his bed a makeover that could only be described as "rough mess chic."

Peeking outside the window of his tiny studio apartment, Sean saw the world carrying on as if it didn't care about his chaotic morning.

People were commuting, dogs were chasing tails, and birds were serenading the start of Spring. In a classic case of "the universe isn't on your side," Sean reluctantly trudged over to his fridge.

He opened the door with the hopeful eyes of someone expecting a feast, only to find a collection of items that should have been fossilized by now.

"Expired," he muttered to himself, realizing he'd need to embark on a grocery adventure on his only day off for the week.

Frustrated and feeling the weight of the grocery gods conspiring against him, he slammed the fridge shut. "Of course, on my day off," he grumbled, casting a sorrowful glance at his comfy couch that was now cruelly out of reach.

With a determined grimace, Sean began a mission that rivaled any top-secret assignment: cleaning out the fridge.

He gave expired items to the boot, tossing them into the trash like fugitives being thrown behind bars.

As he chucked a particularly ancient-looking yogurt container, he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"I mean, really," he grumbled, glaring at the offending items, "I deal with criminals day in and day out, and now I've got to deal with expired mayo too? Just not fair."

His frustration didn't end with the discarded groceries. While scrubbing the fridge's shelves, he continued to vent his thoughts aloud.

"I work as a police officer assigned to the drug operations team," he muttered, as if explaining his life story to the lettuce that had seen better days. "The pay could be better, considering the significant role I play in these raids. While I might not be part of the spec ops, I'm more akin to an assistant operator. Nevertheless, I make substantial contributions to these operations and should be better compensated in the future!"

The cleaning process turned into a cathartic therapy session.

After some time, as he stood back, admiring his sparkling achievement, he couldn't help but feel a smidge better about the day.

However, his stomach rumbled like a distant thunderstorm, protesting the lack of attention it was getting.

He glanced down at his midsection and muttered, "Well, well, aren't we vocal today? Sorry, pal, your meal is coming up next, okay?"

Changing into something more presentable and washing his hands and legs (because, you know, even they deserve a spa day), Sean embarked on his mission to conquer the growling beast.

As he walked along the concrete slabs, he contemplated the situation. "One minute, I'm cleaning up this 'biohazard zone' they call a fridge, and the next, my stomach's treating me like I've forgotten its existence."

He continued his journey to the local deli, feeling like he was on a quest to silence the mighty roar of the "hangry" beast within.

And wouldn't you know it, Chicago decided to unleash a heatwave on him just to make things more interesting.

Sean wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and muttered, "Oh, sure, just add a touch of heatstroke to my already eventful day. Thanks, weather gods."

Finally reaching the slightly rusted convenience store, he checked his wallet and found it had less than $20. "Ah, the empty wallet symphony, where 'zero' is the magic number."

The cashier's friendly greeting broke through his internal monologue. "How's your day going?" she asked.

He responded with a cheeky grin, "Oh, you know, the usual rollercoaster ride of life."

Handing over his meager $20, Sean couldn't help but think, "Goodbye, money. It was nice knowing you. We had some great times."

The cashier's "Well, thanks, and have a good day" was met with Sean's enthusiastic nod and a slightly over-the-top thumbs up. "You too, fellow warrior of the cash register! May your day be as exciting as counting coins!"

From the corner of his eye, he noticed the time—it was already 1 pm. He couldn't help but groan inwardly; he had spent his entire day off oversleeping and buying groceries.

"Well, there goes my grand plan for a productive day," he muttered with a roll of his eyes, his disappointment evident in the way he slouched a little.

As Sean stepped out of the convenience store, the sunlight hit him like a surprise party. He blinked rapidly, his eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness, and muttered, "Didn't see that coming." Adjusting his bag of meager groceries, he began the walk back to his apartment complex.

With each step, Sean's mind wandered. He briefly thought that Arthur must be having a much better day, given his strict schedule and strong time-oriented approach.

Sean shook his head ruefully as he entered the apartment complex, thinking, "Guy's probably conquered half the world by now, while I'm here just conquering the art of oversleeping." He couldn't suppress a chuckle, even though it was laced with a tinge of envy.


► [A few moments later]

Entering the apartment complex, Sean had a momentary battle with the door that seemed unusually determined to thwart his entry. He gave it a triumphant push and entered.

Deciding to make the best of the remaining hours, Sean plopped onto his couch, remote in hand, and queued up the new anime he had heard about.

The anticipation of epic demon battles and swashbuckling swordsmen brought a glint of excitement to his eyes, his fingers practically dancing on the remote.

While the opening credits played, Sean entered the kitchen and started making instant noodles. Soon his stomach grumbled its approval of the scent.

As he started simmering his noodles and artfully sprinkled fancy seasonings into the pot, he couldn't help but smirk. "One thing I can do like a boss," he thought triumphantly, giving a little air punch as he savored the aroma wafting up.

With each turn of the spoon, he marveled at how simple ingredients transformed into something mouthwateringly magical. "Who needs a gourmet chef when you've got the Sean touch?" he quipped to himself, his self-satisfaction evident in the satisfied grin on his face.

Just as he settled onto the couch and was about to eat those noodles, a sudden, loud knock at the door startled him.

"Talk about timing," he muttered, clicking his tongue and letting out a sigh.

Instantly, stress began to bubble up. Was it the landlord? He had paid the rent on time this month, hadn't he? Slowly, he walked over to the door, the loud banging continuing.

Upon opening the door, he was met with the sight of a short, angry 4'9" girl standing there, screaming.

His eyebrows shot up, his surprise almost comical, and he stumbled over his words before finally blurting out, "What are you doing here, Emma? It's my day off! Can't I get a break from your torture for just one day?!" Frustration laced his voice, his tone carrying a mix of amusement and annoyance.

Without caring about grumbling Sean, Emma walked into the apartment while carrying a bag of food and DVDs, her arms crossed and her face wearing a stern expression that seemed to challenge even the air molecules to misbehave.

She shot a disapproving glance around the room, her thoughts echoing about how unkempt it looked.

Meanwhile, Sean's puzzled expression made him look like a lost puppy in a storm.

She wasted no time in giving him a sharp reprimand to clean up his mess, her voice dripping with frustration and a hint of concern. "You seriously need to clean up, Sean. No one's going to want to set foot in this chaos."

Sean mumbled a half-hearted reply, promising to tackle the mess when he had a moment to spare.

Sean glanced at the short girl with dark pink hair, who regarded him with disapproval. He remembered the first time he had asked, she had sworn it was her natural color, but like everyone else, he had barely believed her.

If it were anyone else, Sean wouldn't bother listening to some rude kid. However, Emma was different.

She had faced bullying early in life due to her height and hair color. This naturally made her a very aggressive person, always ready to confront anyone at a moment's notice.

Finally, Sean responded, asking why she had come over.

Emma's response was swift, "Well, I heard we have a pretty big mission tomorrow, and I knew you wouldn't have any suitable food. So, I picked up dinner for both of us! We can then watch that new Demon show that's been all the rage!" She spoke with a confident smile, anticipating his applause for her fantastic planning.

However, Sean's response was a simple, "No thanks, I've already started on some ramen noodles and the show a while ago."

Emma's confidence wavered slightly, and she briefly entertained the idea of smacking Sean on the head with the food bag for his rudeness. Nonetheless, she managed to restrain herself.

She scolded him angrily, "It's okay. You're going to eat the food I brought and rewatch the episodes! You're supposed to wait for others before watching shows!" Her words were accompanied by a huff and a cross of her arms.

Sean complied, though his agreement sounded somewhat eerie.

Inside, he felt a pang of disappointment knowing he wouldn't get to savor the ramen he had prepared. At least, that's what Emma presumed, judging by his sulking expression.


As episode 6 concluded, Sean glanced at the clock, which showed roughly 8 pm.

A yawn slipped from Emma's lips. "Well, it's time for me to go. I'll see you at work tomorrow, you loser. Try to get some sleep."

Sean waved in acknowledgment. "Finally, I can have my space back," he quipped.

Emma punctuated her farewell with one last, playful slap on his head. She huffed a sigh and concluded, "I'll see you at work."

Despite Sean's penchant for being annoying, he had been a great mentor and a good friend since joining last summer. Otherwise, Emma wouldn't have interacted with him.

My first chapter to this story. Currently on Chapter 3 of this story. Huge shift after this event and the next chapter as they will be starting over.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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HambinoRanxcreators' thoughts