
1 - The rabbit waltzes into the hungry wolf

"Hah..." a long tired sigh comes from Blake standing at the railing over the lake

he had been rejected from a job offer once again. "This is the third time this month.." he says to himself dropping his head down

he opens his phone to check his bank balance where the numbers on the screen were even lower than his own age

"god.. i'm gonna go broke already and i haven't even graduated for more than a week!" Blake says in a distressed voice

"arghh!" he yells out looking up into the sky when suddenly he heard a notification coming from his phone.

He looks at his phone screen, it was a notification from a job finding app he downloaded a while ago

he taps the notification, it bringing him into the app

"Alden mansion looking for helpers"

"Alden… that name seems so familiar.." Blake checks out the details and his eyes widen when he saw the starting wage and so without any hesitation or thought, he sent an application as quick as he can

praying that they accept him because he really needs the money.

An hour goes by.. Another one goes by.. and then, on the 4th hour he gets another notification.

"Your application to (Alden Mansion) was approved. Please arrive to the location at exactly 9 a.m. sharp tomorrow, you will be validated for your capabilities."

Blake was now bursting with joy he couldn't believe it! He finally landed a job!

"How hard can housekeeping be?" he thinks to himself while snorting

but he couldn't be anymore wrong, this wasn't any regular housekeeping.

the rabbit had just danced itself into the jaws of the wolf.

thank you for reading chapter 1~~

wwww please continue on to chapter 2 if you're willing to~
