
56 The Future of Argentina

56 The Future of Argentina

February in Europe has passed, and the cold winter is finally over. With the arrival of spring, the major clubs in Europe have also stepped up the pace of scoring points.

In the Premier League, Arsenal's overwhelming momentum has made them almost lock the Premier League championship in advance-in the eyes of the English, as long as Arsenal continues to maintain stability, then no one can beat them, and they are still unbeaten in the league so far.

And Arsenal's opponent Manchester United is now walking on thin ice. Before the Champions League quarter-finals knockout round is about to start, there is a shocking news inside the Red Devils, and that is the famous flying shoe incident.

In an FA Cup match in mid-to-late February, Manchester United lost 2-0 to Arsenal at Old Trafford. A furious Ferguson berated his favorite player David Beckham in the dressing room, and thought that Beckham, who had no responsibility for himself, uttered a dirty word unintentionally. Ferguson, who was already angry, picked up a shoe and threw it at Beckham. The corner of Beckham's eyebrow was broken on the spot—blood The cross-flowing Beckham was about to rush towards Ferguson and beat him up. If Ruud Ruud, Ryan Giggs and others hadn't caught him in time, the incident of flying shoes would have further escalated.

After the flying shoes incident was exposed by the media, Beckham asked Ferguson to apologize for him, but Ferguson refused, which made the relationship between the master and apprentice turn sharply...

It seems that Beckham is not far away from transferring to Real Madrid in the summer. After seeing the news of the flying shoe incident in Munich, Leon couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

February has passed, and March has come to the 21st in a blink of an eye. The Bundesliga has played 26 rounds. Bayern has won 19 of the 26 games and tied 3 games. , lost four games, and ranked first in the league with a 60-point lead over second-place Leverkusen and a seven-point advantage...

On the Bundesliga scorer list, the Brazilian Elber also ranked first with 18 goals, followed by his partner Pizarro, and the Andes Bomber has scored 15 goals. Roque Santa Cruz also scored ten goals in the league, and Bayern scored nearly three goals per game on average, which is the most in Europe.

In the words of the German media, Bayern Munich is conquering the country with a smooth offensive...

And the hero who allowed Bayern to play this kind of mercury-laden attack like an American team is of course Leonwell. In addition to the unknown and terrifying data of Leon disclosed by Italy's "Sky Sports", in traditional goals In terms of statistics and assists, as the core of Bayern Munich's midfielder, Leon's performance is also quite good. Currently in the Bundesliga, Leon has scored six goals for Bayern and has 17 assists.

Counting the goals and assists in the Champions League, Leon has completed a double-double performance of 10 plus 20 plus.

The excellent performance of the new European Footballer and World Footballer also pushed Bayern to the cusp again before the battle with Barcelona.

The Catalans believe that if you limit Leonwell's performance, you can limit the entire Bayern team.

The Munich black also said: Try to see how you can limit Leonwell's performance, eighth in La Liga (after more than a month of hard work, Barcelona has climbed from ninth in the league to eighth in the league).

There are still five days to prepare for the game against Barcelona, ​​so Bayern, which has established a considerable advantage in the league, also let go of the weekend league—they played on the bench in the twenty-seventh round of the Bundesliga. In the league, they lost 2-3 at home to Hannover 96. Although this allowed Leverkusen behind them to catch up with another three points, Bayern can go to Barcelona, ​​​​Spain in the best condition!

There, the Catalan Tomcat Barcelona, ​​now a pile of cosmic scrap, awaits them.


Just before Leon went to Barcelona, ​​he also accidentally received a call from Inter Milan captain Javier Zanetti. Speaking of which, this was the first call Zanetti made to himself after he transferred to Bayern.

"What's the matter, Javier, I'm going to fly soon." Leon smiled. He respects Zanetti very much. You know, without Zanetti's support, Leon It is absolutely impossible to sit on the position of the captain of the Argentine national team.

"Leon, I know you are going to Barcelona, ​​but you must be careful on this trip." Zanetti said to Leon as if asking.

Zanetti's words also made Leon, who was going to Barcelona, ​​couldn't help being suspicious. Why did Zanetti call himself this phone before going to Barcelona?

Leon didn't think much at first, but soon, he received a call from Cambiasso, his good partner in River Plate.

"Leon, you are going to Barcelona soon! You must be careful and pay attention!" The message from Cambiasso's phone was almost the same as that of Zanetti-worry!

"If you have any dispute with someone, you must hold back!"

If only Zanetti reminded himself, then Leon would not think too much, but why even Cambiasso is worried about himself now?

What's so scary about Barcelona? Why should I remind myself like this?

Leon was puzzled, and simply stopped thinking about it. Speaking of which, this time he went to Barcelona, ​​he could also meet his national team teammate-Sorin, and his sworn enemy in Argentina-Riquelme.

Just as Leon was flying to Barcelona, ​​Zanetti was on the phone with Cambiasso!


"How about it, Javier, have you told Leon about the seriousness of the matter?" Cambiasso asked worriedly.

"Did you say that? Camby?" Zanetti asked.

"I didn't say it, because it's just a few of us's guesses after all, but Veron also thinks that Leon should be reminded, so I'm very worried about Leon." Cambiasso said.

Zanetti sighed while holding the phone in one hand, "Camby, you know, there are some things we can't stop, many people are jealous of Leon's position, but those people don't know, only Leon can put The whole of Argentina is united."

In Madrid, Spain, Cambiasso, who is in his residence, also opened the window and walked onto the balcony: "But, Javier, there is always someone who wants to be that hero."

"That's right... I just didn't expect that he would tell us this this time..." Zanetti shook his head and said.

"Believe me, Javier, although Roman is naturally proud, maybe he will suffer because of this pride, but for Roman, if he wants to beat Leon, he will only choose to be upright on the court..." Cambiasso said .

"Well, I hope that guy is just talking nonsense after drinking... If he really dares to do something to Leon, I believe, he will be the enemy of the whole of Argentina, he shouldn't be so stupid, right? If he really does Where is Leon, I guess he won't even be able to go back to the country." Zanetti also sighed, the comrades who used to fight together are now going to turn against each other.

"Profits go to a man's head, Javier, and if he was really smart, do you think he would tell Roman these things after drinking?" Cambiasso said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Camby, we can only wish Leon a smooth trip, by the way, Camby, come to Inter Milan, Real Madrid is not suitable for you..." Zanetti laughed before hanging up the phone.

If possible, Cambiasso really wants to give Zanetti a hard look: "I know I can't be the main force at the Bernabeu for the time being, but Javier, I want to work harder, and with a great midfielder like Claude Besides, I can learn a lot."

"Well, indeed, Makelele is a great player, but Camby, if you think you can't stay at the Bernabeu in the future, you must first consider Inter Milan!" Zanetti smiled and hung up the phone .

"Alas..." Cambiasso couldn't help but sighed looking at the dark night sky of the Bernabéu. Why can't some people see clearly the situation in front of them? Don't you know that Leon's position as captain of the national team is already unshakable? Juan Sorin.

"The weather is about to change again." Cambiasso walked into the house. For Cambiasso and the others, they were shocked when they heard the news.

The only people who know the news are Veron, Cambiasso, Zanetti and Batty. The news was told to them by Roman Riquelme three days ago.

"Remind Leon to be more careful! Don't forget to remind him, because I suspect that Sorin may abolish Leon on the field. This is the arrangement I overheard for Sorin by the head coach Antic! Antiche Tell Sorin that he will start the game against Bayern, and he will replace Frank de Boer, who has been the main force this season. And his task is to defend Leon. In Antić's arrangement, Antić even told Sorin that he can do whatever it takes! Even if it is a bad foul that can make Leon retire!" When Riquelme told the news to Zanetti and the others, Zanetti They were also startled and dubious.

However, after Zanetti communicated with Veron and Batty, Veron, who has always had no lower limit, firmly believed that Sorin would definitely do this. "Hmph, Javier, so I just said that I don't like your womanly character! If I were Sorin, I would definitely do this! Have you forgotten that although Leon is still the captain of the Argentine national team, but In the friendly match in Argentina last year, the Argentine Football Association didn't recruit us because of our exhaustion, but who was the captain of Argentina at that time? Isn't it Sorin!"

"However, Veron, this doesn't mean that Sorin will disregard the friendship of his teammates in the national team and really abolish Leon?" Zanetti still firmly believes that Sorin will not do such a thing. Also a River Plate player.

"That's why I said you don't know Sorin. Don't you know that Leon's reputation in Argentina is just like that of Maradona back then. He is the national idol of Argentina. If he returns to For the national team, he must be the best candidate for the captain. This has nothing to do with his age. For Sorin, who has reached the golden age, the chance of him wanting to become a captain before retiring is very slim... …Let me first analyze the current situation in Barcelona with you. Is there still play in the league? Now the Barcelona executives must have given Antić a request to win Bayern, and I even doubt that the Barcelona executives promised Antić if If he can lead the team to win the Champions League, then the club will give him a long-term contract and give him all the rights. Therefore, it is not surprising that Antiche gave Sorin such a task, because Sorin's small moves in defense and It's notorious for its insidious tricks."

"Javier, people's hearts will always change with the changes of interests. Last year's World Cup, why did we all trust Leon so much? Because Argentina may win the World Cup at that time! I have been with Sorin, and he Definitely not a big-hearted player! It can even be said that he is a villain who is following his power!"

If Leon heard Veron's evaluation of Sorin, he would definitely feel that this uncle with no lower limit is too accurate in seeing people!

Do you know why Zanetti and others missed the Argentine national team in 2006? You must know that after the Argentine national team was finally eliminated, their defense was the most criticized!

In the 2006 World Cup in Germany in Leon's previous life, it was precisely because of the conflict between Zanetti and Sorin, the captain of Argentina at the time, that the legendary captain of Inter Milan missed the World Cup.

In Leon's previous life, the Argentine national team had two famous ball masters, one was Sorin, and the other was Heinze who took over from Sorin!

Even though Higuain was very popular at the club, it was precisely because of his bad relationship with Heinze when he was in Real Madrid that he did not enter the national team until the Maradona era.

Gago, who performed mediocrely at the club, has always been a frequent visitor to the Argentine national team because of his good personal relationship with Heinze!

Why did Argentina perform poorly as soon as it arrived in the big competition? In addition to the problem of their defense, infighting has always been a problem for the Argentines... Little Messi can't hold down the teammates of the national team. The contradictions in the Argentine national team are much more complicated than people seem.

River Plate Gang, Boca Gang, and all kinds of gangs...

There are also various monetary benefits!

In Veron's view, there is only one reason why Sorin, who has tasted the sweetness of the captain of the national team, can accept the task assigned to him by Antiche so calmly-that is, he still wants to continue to be the captain.

"But Sorin is also an idiot! If he really dares to do something, hehe, I won't be the first to agree. Although I don't think Leon is uncomfortable, only Leon can lead us to win the championship!" In the eyes of the wizard Veron, Sorin is simply an idiot, yes, an idiot!

You idiot, don't you know that Leon is the national idol of Argentina now? If you really abolish the national idol, do you think you can still play in the national team?

Antiche is also an idiot! In Veron's eyes, this idiot didn't know what Leon was really good at.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots... Leon, if you can't even handle this difficulty, I will definitely not assist you in the next World Cup!" Veron also looked at the bright night sky in Manchester, England, and it seemed that he had to leave Old Trafford is gone, this place is still not suitable for me!

For Veron, he needs to maintain his state, because he still wants to assist that kid once in three years and help him win another World Cup! Help him, but also help yourself!


The contradiction of Samsung Argentina was unknown to Leon, who was flying to Barcelona.

Because of his cheap father Grondona, the captain of Argentina, the Argentine Football Association will generally not bother this noble man-try to give him a comfortable career! This is the privilege that Leon's cheap father gave him, but Leon didn't know that it was because of this privilege that some people began to spy on him as the captain of the national team!

Who wouldn't want to be the captain of a World Cup winning team?

Moreover, how many people know Leon's background?

How could Sorin, the famous ball bully in Argentina's previous life, not want to be a captain?


