
Final Mission (8).

Pale and his team finally reached the city gates of Sweden city, the long towering gate was enough to keep them staring for a few more seconds, as just ahead of them were the city guards of the Sweden city, standing watch.

“Pale, with the way I’m seeing it, I believe we are the first team that was even able to reach the Sweden city, what do you think? Do you feel we are going to be in the first position?” questioned Luna Zero.

“We can’t tell for sure, but with Alec deciding to go solo, it’s clear we have a higher chance of being in the top 2, If you ask me, we either come in as the winners of the missions exercise with a small point lead over Beatrice’s team, or we come in second,” Pale replied.

“I still don’t understand why Alec would do such a thing, I heard he was a very calculative person and a great master of schemes, but It seems that all those tales about him are just bull as he is just another brute, trying to show off,”
