
Happy New year in Advance.

" Why the fuck did no one ever tell me that 'code zero' means to run away in the first place?" Pale exclaimed, his breath heavy as he continued running.

"Don't tell me you're that stupid now!, Even if you weren't informed, would you really want to get caught up in a battle between three mid-rank powerhouses?, we're just a bunch of Tier 2 mages who would easily be squashed if we tried to interfere in such a battle, Let them fight over who gets to kill Alec while we make our escape,"

Arthur said as Pale caught up with him.

It was at that moment that Pale realized the rest of the group had taken a different route back to the city gates, while Alec had followed another path.

Pale felt as though his life hung by a thread, and he was almost on the verge of crying for help.

He had heard about the great dangers the Gordons clansmen had to face every time they entered the Abyss, but he had overlooked all of that.
