

Agusto's face looked grave."Give me all the information about that man, Ronald! Arrange an emergency conference with the generals and police chief! How can they easily assault the city?! Where is Viel? Did he already made an action?"

"Sir, most hyperbeings in that city are deployed to help clear the broken worlds, and Viel is not in the headquarters. Vice President Owen is preparing and will lead the suppression of rebellion himself," said Riv.

Agusto was frowning when he heard Riv."They knew that the city is lacking hyperbeings. They have an insider."

"Is this another attack of the families? If my suspicion is right, then the situation is grave. Is my country going to be tattered with wars as well?" thought Agusto as he gritted his teeth and gripped his fists.

Riing! Riing! The phone held by Secretary Riv was ringing.

"Sir, Swordsman is calling," said Riv.

"Yeah, how could I forget that man?!" thought Agusto as he quickly answered the phone.
