
The Malicious Hunter Part Ten

About thirty minutes before the Grava Acadamy Stadium was invaded by Death's zombies, Blaze was sitting down in the corner of the battlefield, hugging his guitar.

As he was sitting with a bored expression on his face, words from many different people started running through Blaze's head.

"A rockstar? Caleb, you have so much potential with your talent in OGI. Stop being silly and stay focused!" a male voice says in a deep tone.

"What in the world is a rockstar? Wipe that paint off your face; you look like a damn hoodlum! An old woman remarks with a stern tone.

"Haha, why would anyone want to be a rockstar? Isn't the genre dying or something? Go chase after a dream someone cares about," a young man exclaims with an egotistical tone.

As these thoughts go through Blaze's mind, he notices Mr.Brown standing in front of him.

"I thought you would have gone with the others to fight Hunter," Mr.Brown says with a concerned tone.

"And I thought you would have gone to stop them from fighting a losing battle."

"Oh well, to be honest, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them even if I tried," Mr.Brown says while chuckling nervously.

"What do you need, Mr.Brown?" Blaze says with an annoyed tone.

"Well, that's strange; usually you are always filled with excitement or electricity, according to you."

"I'm cooped up in this damn stadium while a blood bath happens outside. How do you expect me to be? After all, I have a rock-star career to pursue. I can't die in here with these losers."

"So, that's why you didn't go with them? Because you want to be a rockstar in the future."

After hearing Mr.Brown's question, Blaze looked down with a disappointed expression.

"You know, I never realized back then, but as a kid, I was what you would call sheltered. My family believed in the whole work so you can grow up and be just like them bit. What a load of bullshit!"

As Blaze spoke, he looked at his necklace of broken guitar picks.

"So as a kid, I just had to figure out ways to, you know, find my personality, which is where I found my first rock music video."

An image of a younger Blaze with sparkles in his eyes staring at a computer screen in a dark room pops into Blaze's head.

"Rock music made me feel like an actual person for the first time in my life."

"I see, so that explains the clothes and the face paint," Mr.Brown says with a relieved expression.

"But real life isn't like a rock music video far from it. The people outside this thing that gives me life—to them it will always be a child going through a phase or a man-child who's scared to finally grow up," Blaze shouts with an angry tone.

Blaze grips his necklace and stares at it with an agitated expression.

"Blaze?" Mr.Brown speaks with a concerned expression.

As he grips his necklace, Blaze starts to remember the words Kai said to him before they left.

"I thought you were an honorable person, but I guess I was wrong."

"This necklace is not only for me to remember my road to becoming a rock star; it's also for me to stick it to the sons of bitches who looked down on my dream!" Blaze yells with an infuriated tone.

Blaze jumps to his feet after screaming, and the entire stadium looks at him.

"Wait Blaze, where are you going?" Mr.Brown inquires with a shocked expression.

As Blaze throws his guitar onto his back, he starts to think to himself.

"When the hell did me wanting to become a rockstar mean I have to become pussy? I ain't pussy; that's not the way of a rockstar!"

Blaze turns his head toward Mr.Brown in order to answer his question.

"I've got someone to stick it to!"

In the present time, Blaze has arrived on the battlefield just in the nick of time. After increasing the sound of his footsteps to cause a shockwave that bounces him into the sky, Blaze lands on the battlefield.

"Hey, Kai!"

"Blaze?" Kai questions with a confused tone.

"I just want to ask who's the dishonorable one now!" Blaze says in an arrogant tone.

As Blaze stands in front of Marfumi and Kai, Hunter looks at all three of them and starts laughing hysterically.

"Haha, is this really your backup? A boy who dresses up like a fucking flamboyant stripper!"

Hunter continues laughing hysterically while covering his eyes and holding his stomach.

"Yeah, go ahead! Keep laughing; that makes me want to beat your ass even more. It's time to rock and motherfuking roll," Blaze shouts as he strums his guitar with his guitar pick.

"Be careful Blaze Hunter isn't someone you'll be able to defeat by killing him!"

After hearing Kai's statement, Blaze smiles widely.

"Well, look at that well-disciplined motherfucker breaking character! How about you go ahead and stay on your knees like a well-disciplined bitch..."

Blaze stomps on the ground, and with his sound manipulation, he creates a shockwave that bounces him into the sky.

"And peep the show, motherfucksr!" Blaze screams as he puts his guitar behind his head.

"Whatever, I'll just kill you!" Hunter says with a menacing tone.

As Blaze starts to fall toward Hunter on the sidelines, Marfumi looks at Kai.

"Yeah, I think it's time for me to rest so I can have a full OGI tank when shit goes left," Marfumi thinks to himself as he turns into light particles.

With Kai the only one left on the sidelines, Blaze slams his guitar onto Hunter's arm.

"Haha, don't tell me that's your weapon!" Hunter shouts with a smile.

Suddenly, the sound of the guitar smacking Hunter's arm transformed into a shockwave, blowing Hunter away.

"What's wrong, dumbass? Has your mom never taught you not to judge a book by its cover?"

Hunter does a flip in the air and lands on his feet after tanking Blaze's shockwave with the flex technique.

"Wait my left foot?"

Hunter looks back at his left foot and sees blood squirting out of the veins.

"Ha, those shockwaves are more than just bouncy, huh!" Hunter yells.

Hunter sharpens his nails to the point where his hands turn into claws, and then his teeth begin to grow and sharpen.

Hunter sends lightning through his body, then rushes towards Blaze.

"Woo! This concert gonna send us home with broken bones tonight!" Blaze screams as he increases the volume of his voice.

Blaze's voice grows so loud that it begins to send out shockwaves that smack into Hunter.

"Damn it! His power must be sound manipulation, but this increasing sound is tearing me apart from the damn inside!" Hunter screams while struggling.

Hunter starts to feel the blood burst from his blood vessels, and his bones get reorganized by the powerful shockwaves coming from Blaze.

"Stupid, loud kid! I can't even get near him!" Hunter screams as he tears off his left arm.

Hunter tosses his left arm above Blaze and then regenerates from that arm.

"Haha, that's better!"

Hunter flies down and kicks Blaze in the side, sending him flying to the right.

"Damn old bastards always choose the most soulless options in life and then hate on the young because they decided to murder their own dreams! It's disgusting!" Blaze remarks as he uses a shockwave to break his fall.

While he's still in the sky, Hunter starts to chase down Blaze with a smile.

"My dream is to fight the strongest! Devour the strongest! Become the strongest! There's nothing more thrilling than fighting to the death and coming out on top!"

Hunter lands in front of Blaze and punches him in the face.

"That's what I'm talking about—a soulless dream!" Blaze responds with a smirk.

After getting pushed back by Hunter's punch, Blaze swings his guitar into Hunter's rib and then smacks him in the forehead.

"Haha, get that guitar out of my face!" Hunter shouts with a crazed expression in his eyes.

Hunter grabs onto Blaze's guitar, but then a shockwave blows up his hand.

"Is he using his sound manipulation to increase the sound of small sounds? They seem way more deadly than his regular shockwaves," Hunter thinks to himself in that second.

Hunter jumps back and spits gaseous acid. When Blaze gets engulfed in the gassy acid, he instantly starts to feel his skin burn.

"Shit, this isn't electrifying at all. I need to move!"

Before Blaze can even move, Hunter blows a wave of fire from his mouth, igniting the acid and causing it to explode.

"Ahhh!" Blaze screams in pain.

"Haha, don't like fire, kid!"

When the dust clears, Hunter sees Blaze surrounded by a sound barrier.

"Damn it, not even my sound barrier could completely block that!"

Blaze notices burns on his left leg, right shoulder, and a portion of his forehead.

"Still kicking, huh! Let me fix that," Hunter screams with an excited tone.

Hunter transforms his arms into multiple snakes and begins blasting flames at Blaze.

Blaze reinforces his sound barrier to fend off the flame attacks as much as possible.

"All this bullshit just to stick it to someone—well, I can't go back now!" Blaze screams, increasing the volume of his voice.

The shockwave from Blaze's voice blasts straight through Hunter's stomach, leaving a hole.

"Yeah, motherfucker, feel the electricity!"

"Yeah, I think you should feel it too!" Hunter exclaims as he lands on his back.

Suddenly a lightning bolt comes down from the sky, breaks through Blaze's sound barrier, and blasts a hole in his right shoulder.

As the lightning bolt traveled through his shoulder, Blaze felt half of his body shut down, leaving a devastated expression on his face.

"Haha! I'm guessing you've never been hit by a thunderbolt before," Hunter says in a mocking tone.

Blaze grabs his wound tightly to stop the bleeding.

"For fucks sake, you messed up my clothes!" Blaze screams as he gets up.

"Are you really worried about those dumbass clothes?"

"Hey, asshole; not everyone can make a new pair of clothes like you!"

Blaze stomps on the ground, creating a shockwave of sound. The shockwave hits Hunter directly, and while Hunter tanks the attack, Blaze starts running away.

Blaze uses shockwaves to jump a far distance away from Hunter.

"Why the hell was I fighting him up close again? That crazy geezer needs to be beaten another way!" Blaze thinks to himself as he nears closer to a tall building that hasn't been destroyed yet.

"I'm sensing no one is in the building; that's perfect!"

Blaze uses a shockwave to bounce himself into a window on the building's second floor.

"Ok now to wait for the boom!" Blaze shouts with a focused expression.

Blaze looks behind him and sees Hunter chasing him into the building.

"Haha! Are we running now, flamboyant stripper?" Hunter screams as he speeds toward the second floor of the building.

"You're dumber than I thought! Feared legend, my ass!"

Blaze rushes across the floor, breaking the window with both feet, and swings out of the building, using the walls to build momentum.

Then he increases the sound of the "whoosh" sound his body makes as he flies through the sky to force himself further away from the building with a shockwave.

Blaze turns around in mid-air, whereas Hunter is in the middle of the building.

"Here comes the boom!" Blaze shouts with an ecstatic expression and tone.

Blaze uses his sound manipulation to force the building to vibrate aggressively, and then the entire structure cracks. After cracking, the building explodes and collapses, burying Hunter underneath.

With his guitar on his back, Blaze lands on the ground and quickly looks at the rubble.

"Please just stay down there for at least an hour," Blaze remarks with a worn expression on his face.

Suddenly roots grow out of the ground and wrap around Blaze's feet.

"How many powers does this motherfucker have?" Blaze asks with an agitated expression.

As he says those words, Hunter jumps out of the rubble with lightning emanating from him. Hunter rushes toward Blaze at full speed.

"Haha, neat trick, but you're going to need more than that to beat me!" Hunter screams as his right arm transforms into a tentacle attached to a slimy green sledgehammer.

"Damn it, these roots are holding me in place," Blaze screams to himself in a panic.

Hunter pulls his tentacle arm as far back as he can, then swings the sledgehammer into Blaze's head, cracking his skull.

"Fuck!" Blaze screams in pain.

Blaze falls to the ground, blood gushing from his head. Hunter lands on the ground with a smile, turning his arm back to normal.

"Haha, you still want to rock and roll, kid! How about you pick your brain off the floor first, haha!" Hunter screams with a psychotic look in his eyes.

Hunter turns around and notices that Blaze is gone.

"Wait! He can move after a head injury like that!" He must've used the flex technique to tank the attack."

With the sense technique, Hunter hears a sound to his left.

"There you are!" Hunter says as he turns to his left.

When Hunter turns to his left, he sees nothing there.

"What! But I know I heard some—"

"To your right, geezer!" Blaze says with a deep, agitated tone.

"Of course that's it! He used his sound manipulation to make me hear things, as well as to silence his movements. Damn, this kid is tricky!" Hunter thinks to himself.

With blood filling up his face from his head wound, Blaze tosses a rock at Hunter.

Blaze's sound manipulation allows him to manipulate sound in any way he chooses, which also allows him to store sound in objects slowly for later use.

"Sound bomb!"

The rock erupts with a massive shockwave, completely blowing off the entire right side of Hunter's body.

The rest of Hunter's body went flying and slammed into a boulder.

"Haha, I almost died again, damn it! Who would think a flamboyant stripper would be this strong?" Hunter shouts while his body regenerates.

"Hey, crazy geezer. I'm going to need you to put some respect on my name!"

Blaze throws up his guitar and spins it around on his neck. Blaze then catches the guitar and strums with the guitar pick.

"The name's King Blaze, the rockstar sensation, and you better not forget it!"

Chapter 167 end
