
Yugi Vs Marik? (Odion?) Part 2

Yugi was feeling pressured, With the Winged Dragon Of Ra In the temple, he wasn´t sure if he could defeat him, Especially when his other monster on the field is strong as it is.

''Yugi, You can do it man! stay calm!''

Everyone was looking at Yugi with worry, the monster that is on Odion´s side of the field was oozing with dark energy which they felt too.

''Ryze, is Yugi gonna be okay?'' asked Tea with worry.

''I don´t know Tea, With an Eqyptian God card in that temple and a powerful monster on his side on the field, it´s gonna be tough, even if he has no hand, he has 2 card facedown and with the temple on the field too, the uses of magic card are limited for both of them.''

Tristan looked at Ryze with a serious face, ''So what are you saying Ryze?''

''What im saying is that he might wanna step up his game if he wants to win this.''

Everyone looked at the arena with worry, and at Ryze room, Ishizu felt the darkness that came from Odion.

''Odion, What happend to you? and how did this darkness come to posses you?.''

Ishizu walked towards the door and was on her way to the arena.

''Now, Now Pharaoh, don´t be down yet, you havn´t felt all the pain im about to inflict you yet!.''

Yugi [3600LP] [Hand: 5]

Odion [4000LP] [Hand: 0]

Yugi felt extremly dizzy, but he shakes it away, ''I´m not done yet, i draw!, i activate my *Silent Doom* magic card, this card allows me to resurrect one normal monster from my graveyard in defence mode and i choose my Beta The Magnet Warrior, but he will not be out for long, becase i sacrifice My Beta and my Alpha to summon my *Dark Magician* in attack mode!''

A circle appears from the ground and from it Dark Magician slowly appears with his staff.

[Dark Magician]

[Normal Monster]

[Attack: 2500]

[Defence: 2100]

The Possessed Odion lookes at the Dark Magician with contempt, ''The Dark Magician, it certanly been awhile... I can´t wait to crush you too.''

Ryze noticed the contempt that the possesed Odion was having, ''(Looks like he has som history with Dark Magician, if i remember correctly, Mahad was the Dark Magician in the past, so it is someone both of them know or what he maybe did? there are to many unanswered question with this...)

''*Dark Magician*, Attack *Pharanoic Advent* now, Dark Magic ATTACK!!!''

The Possessed Odion Smiled, ''I activate my facedown card, *Spirit Barrier* what this card does is when one of your monster are attacking me and does dmg, it reduse it to Zero as long as i cantrol a monster on the field.''

He then did an evil smirk, ''and since a continues trap card is on play, my monster gains another 300 attack points.''

Pharanoic Advent [2300 + 300 = 2600 Attack Points]

Yugi relised that his Dark Magician is weaker then his Pharanoic Advent.

''Counter attack my monster! Cursed Flash!!!''

''Hold it! I activate my facedown, *Waboku* this turn i take no damage also my monster cannot be destroyed in battle!''

Both the monster clashed with their attacks which shakes the aircraft for abit.

''Phew that was close, Yugi´s Dark Magician almost got destroyed.'' said Joey with shaked voice.

Tea looks at Yugi, ''Thank god my trap card that i gave Yugi helped him.''

Yugi looked at his Dark Magician and was happy he saved him, ''I set 2 card facedown and i end my turn.''

The Possessed Odion was smiling, ''Your Dark Magician escaped this time but this is not over yet, I draw, i activate my facedown card, *Embodiment Of Apophis* this allows me to summon a trap monster to the field and i choose attack mode.''

[Embodiment Of Apophis]

[Trap Normal Monster]

[Attack: 1600]

[Defence: 1800]

''Don´t forget for every Continiues trap card i have on the field and on the graveyard he gets another 300 attack points.''

Pharanoic Advent [2600 + 300 = 2900 Attack Points]

''Pharanoic Advent! Attack his Dark Magician, Cursed Flash!!!''

As the attack beams through at Dark Magician, ''Hold it, i activate my facedown, *Thousand Knives* this allows me to destroy one monster on the field as long as i control a DArk Magician on the field, and last time i looked i have a Dark Magician!''

Many knives surrounded the Dark Magician and fly straight through Pharanoic Advent and destroyed him.

''Argh, you pay for that! i activate my Monster Reborn from my hand, come forth once again my monster!''

A Big Sarcophagus appeared on the field and from it the Pharanoic Advent appears from it.

''Im not done yet! i activate Pharanoic Advent second ability, by tributing a reptile monster on my side of the field, im allowed to get ANY ccontinues trap card from my deck!''

''Any Continues trap card!?''

''Yes, so i tribute my Embodiment Of Apophis who is a reptile monster to add.''

The Possessed Odion added his card to the hand and showed it to Yugi.

''(Another Embodiment Of Apophis card! but what will that do?)''

''Then i place 2 card facedown, I end my turn!''

Yugi [3600LP] [Hand: 2]

Odion [4000LP] [Hand: 0]

Kaiba was looking at this charade for to long, he just want Marik to summon his Egytian god card, The Winged Dragon Of Ra.

''I don´t know what you are planing but i won´t let you get away with it, I draw! first i summon my *Kuriboh* In Defence Mode.''


[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 300]

[Defence: 200]

''Then i place 1 card facedown and switch my Dark Magician to defence mode, i end my turn.''

The Possessed Odion laughed with all his might, ''Hahaha, Is that all Pharaoh, im disappointed, have you given up? or are you too afraid to attack me?''

Yugi looked at Odion, ''You forget that every card has a meaning, so attack me if you dare!''

The Possessed Odion Smiled, ''Very well, let me show you what power is, I draw! first i activate my facedown *Embodiment Of Apophis* as you know it allows me to summon my trap monster to the field, and since he is a continues trap, *Pharanoic Advent* gains another 300 attack points!''

Pharanoic Advent [2900 + 300 = 3200 Attack Points]

''But it´s time, i have waited for this moment! I will Use Temple Of The King, final ability! it allows me to tribute my Pharanoic Advent and my Embodiment Of Apophis Along with half of my life points to summon my all mighty god card!''

Odion [4000 - 2000 = 2000LP]

Everyone was feeling the tremor coming from the temple, everyone was worried except for Kaiba who was excited.

''Oh no, He is going to summon his god card!? is there nothing Yugi can do to stop it!!!''

The Possessed Odion was clouded by darkness and shiny red eyes appeard from it.

''Oh Ancient one, Hear my call, as i speak the ancient chant!''

(¤Put the Ancient Chant music here¤)

''Oh Great Beast of the sky! Please Hear my Cry! Transform Thy Self From Orb Of Light and Bring me Victory In This Fight!

The Temple structure crumble and was about to break down.

Joey looks at the temple, ''Hey, Check it out guys!!!''

Ryze looked at the temple and could feel the power from it surge, ''His chant is awakening the Egytian god monster!!!''

''Envelop The Desert With Your Glow!''

''And Cast Your Rage Upon My Foe!''

''Unlock Your Power From Deep Within! So Together We May Win!''

''Appear in This Shadow Game As I call out Your Name!''

''The Winged Dragon Of RA!!!''

The Temple broke down and in it´s place was an orb of light, but not for long, it then took a shape of an Phoenix bird that had a shiny golden body, The roar from the Egyptian god card shakes the Aircraft and stares at Yugi with its might.

[The Winged Dragon Of Ra]

[Divine Monster]

[Attack: ????]

[Defence: ????]

''Look at the face of defeat Pharaoh, becase at the end of this duel, You will Lose Your Soul and the world shall be shrouded by darkness! Hahahaha, HAHAHAHA!!!''

Cliffhanger kun: Hey every-

Everyone bring out their pitchforks.

Cliffhanger runs from his life.


Hello Author here, Hope you like the chapter, i try to make the chapter detailed as possible, but as you know, my grammar sucks but atleast i try, Seya in the next chapter guys.

Also for every 50 Powerstone i will bring an extra chapter.
