
Chapter 158 The King of the World Part 1

Chapter 158 The King of the World Part 1

One month, sixty-four games, on the burning African continent, the World Cup finally came to an end.

It was a 10-minute fierce battle and 30 minutes of overtime. With Degan's shocking world wave, the European Red Devils Belgium finally won the crown of kings at the end of their 13th World Cup journey.

In the second half of overtime, Degan's lore sent Belgium to heaven. Over the past 90 years, the European Red Devils, who have been defeated repeatedly on the World Cup stage, finally stood at the top of the world.

The 1-0 defeat of the Netherlands allowed Belgium to overwhelm Brazil in 1970 and become the youngest world champion ever on average at the World Cup.

Belgium has overcome itself and many football curses at this World Cup, with one or two of the four teams of Argentina, Brazil, Italy and Germany participating in the previous 18 finals.

The Belgian team became the eighth new champion in the history of the World Cup, overcoming the curse that the World Cup was held in non-Europe and European teams could not win the championship.

As the champion of the European Cup, no European champion has been able to accomplish this great feat since the Federal Republic of Germany won the championship in two consecutive games in 1974, but now the young Belgian team has broken the curse of 36 years. The eternal "one star" was left on the red jersey.

After the game, in the mixed interview area, Antiiennis was still excited: "Winning the world championship is a reward for the hard work of the players in the past few years. This is a championship-hungry team. Showing that strength before the world, victory is a just outcome for us."

Although Antiiennis was as solemn as ever, when he looked closely, there was also an imperceptible blush in his eyes.

Although the honor of leading the team to win the world championship for the first time is so great, before the championship, Antiiennis still couldn't finish giving the credit to his disciples at the first time: "The whole of Belgium is supporting us, we know this joy How huge, and it's all because of such a great group of players."

At the same time, Antiiennis was unwilling to put all the praise on a certain player. He insisted on the principle of "everyone is equal". Facing people's applause for Digan, he said: "Belgium's success Not from one player, but from the whole team, Rod is great, but he's just one of us, and I'm sure he'll agree with me."

"This final allowed a high level of offensive football and defensive play to shine." Antiiennis finally admitted, "The opponent put a lot of pressure on us, but I think football still has to work hard. This victory It is a great reward for us. This is the happiest moment of my sporting career, not only for the players, but also for the satisfaction we can bring to the whole of Belgium!"

When he said this, Antiiennis finally showed an almost happy smile.

Since participating in the World Cup for the first time, Belgium has been playing the "underdog" on the stage of the World Cup, either because of referees, or because of missed lore chances, or sneak attacks by opponents. In short, the European Red Devils' World Cup journey has never been smooth.

So much so that the Belgian domestic media have said that this is a cursed team, and now "the strongest generation in Belgian history" has turned the impossible into possible by virtue of this desire and the desire to overcome fate.

With the support of strong beliefs, all kinds of fates and spells were invalidated. This time, they finally completed their enthronement and became the kings of the world.

As the head coach of the World Cup champion team, Antiiennis does not have the brilliance of those star peers, and some media even criticized him for being able to achieve his current achievements, completely borrowing the light of Degan.

But what if all that was true?

Antiiennis' current achievements can completely make most football coaches look up to him. Perhaps Antiiennis still has a lot of distance from super coaches in terms of on-the-spot command and tactical literacy, but he also has own unique management style.

Compared with other giant teams, there has never been discordant news in the dressing room of the Belgian team, largely due to the wisdom of Antiiennis. He can maintain the balance of the dressing room well and win the support of the players .

A stable and united environment is the greatest wealth that Antiiennis brings to the talented Belgian team, and this is achieved by his broad mind of cherishing, loving and using talents.

After winning the final, Antiiennis also looked very excited: "This is a very difficult game, but we have many very good players, all the players are united, they have a common goal, and they know how to solve all problems. The difficulties we faced, we seized the best opportunity. Although people were not optimistic before the game, what I want to say is that the Belgian team deserves to win the World Cup. We had many opportunities in the game. A few goals, but this score is enough, it was a very good day for me, I am proud of the Belgian team and I am very grateful to the fans for their support, they helped us through the most difficult moments."

The top star Degan scored the winning goal for Belgium. In an interview, he was completely immersed in the joy of winning the championship: "It's unbelievable! It's unbelievable!"

Degan used two "unbelievable" to express his joy in his heart: "The feeling of winning the World Cup is indescribable. We almost exhausted all our strength. We have worked hard for a long time. This is the most difficult job." , but we have accomplished the impossible, and we are enjoying the feeling of exhilaration."

"We've been waiting for such a moment!" Hazard, the teenager who provided an assist for Degan in this game, hadn't even had time to put down the beer bottle in his hand. He took a sip of the wine and smirked to himself. There were bloodshot eyes, "We are the champions!"

After 30 days and nights in the World Cup, the final victory did not come suddenly, but this still caught the young man off guard: "Everything seems too fast! This is very important for the entire team, even The whole of Belgium is a magical moment! It is really not easy for us to get to this day. Since we qualified from the group stage, we have gone through a lot of tests. It turns out that winning the World Cup is so difficult."

When Hazard said this, he showed an undisguised smile: "There is no doubt that this is the most important moment that a player can experience. We don't even know if we will experience it again in this life." A moment of opportunity, so we have to enjoy it!"

While excited, Hazard also admitted that tonight's game has a thrilling side: "We showed a beautiful football style, but at the same time we were really lucky, Courtois saved our lives, he Defused Robben's most threatening attack, the opponents shrunk their defense in the second half and played their own rhythm, we had a difficult time for a while because we didn't adapt to this kind of game, but we expected it The Netherlands won't make it easier for us, we have to find our own solutions, but luckily we have the best player in the world in our team, our captain, and that helps us solve everything in the end."

Winning the championship has written a new history for Belgian football. Standing on this historic threshold, as a young man, Hazard affirmed that the victory belongs to the entire team: "This is an excellent team. Very good friends and companions, everyone is also an excellent player, but the 23 people are a whole, from the eyes of teammates, we can see confidence in each other, it is this that makes us firmly believe that we will Being champions, I would say the quality of the winners on this team, I've never seen it anywhere else."

Hazard took a deep breath, showing his unique shyness at this age, smiled and continued: "We now represent the highest level of world football, maybe it is shameless to say that, after all, people need to be humble , but we're really proud of ourselves at the moment because it's unbelievable and I wish I could live my life thinking about this dream come true."

Although Hazard was caught in a fight with the Dutch players for most of the final, his performance still won everyone's applause, which was enough to satisfy the young people.

"Many people told me before the game that today will be a day for Belgium, and now I can't ask for anything more." Hazard said, unconsciously stroking the gold medal hanging around his neck with one hand , "Someone just described to me the grand occasion of celebrating the championship all over Belgium. People in every city took to the streets. This is definitely the greatest moment in the history of Belgian football! Not only because of football itself, but also because of ourselves. The country is proud to be united, there are no Flemish and Walloons, or immigrants from other countries at this moment, we are all Belgians!"

Then Hazard ended the interview in a hurry: "We are going home, and there is a grand celebration waiting for us in Brussels tomorrow!"

Amidst the congratulations of the reporters, the young man quickened his pace and left people's sight, but, presumably Hazard and his teammates will not calm down on the plane returning tomorrow.

After some frantic celebrations, the awards ceremony began, with Belgium lining up on either side of the podium to applaud their opponents.

The millennium iron tree does not bloom, and the Dutch team is that iron tree.

Zhou Xingxing has a famous saying: There was once an opportunity in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. When I lost it, I regretted it. The Dutch team was even more unlucky than Zhizunbao. They had three opportunities in front of them, but they didn't grasp one of them. Their intestines were green and regretful.

From the 1930 World Cup to the 1970 World Cup, the Dutch were almost unnoticed. They were like backup dancers on the stage, and they also appeared on the big stage, but no one remembered them. Because during the 9 World Cups during this period, the Dutch team only advanced to the finals twice, and they only played two games in total. They lost to Switzerland 2:2 and lost 0:3 to the former Czechoslovakia. They are full supporting roles.

After missing the World Cup in 36 years, the Dutchman came to the former West Germany in 1974 and went all the way, beating Uruguay 2:0, Sweden 0:0, Bulgaria 4:1, Argentina 4:0, East East 2:0 Germany and Brazil beat Brazil 2:0, scoring 14 goals and only conceding 1 goal. Unfortunately, they lost to the former West Germany 1:2 in the final.

Four years later, the Dutch, who was popular all over the world with Total Defense, reached the final again, but lost to Argentina 1:3. The two hosts killed the Dutchman's dreams twice.

Since then, Dutch football has entered a slump. After the 7 World Cups, they failed to enter the finals 3 times, entered the top 16 twice, and entered the top 8 once. The best result was fourth in France.

In the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, opportunities were once again in front of them. However, the Belgians ruined the Dutch's third championship dream.

The uncrowned king has broken his dreams three times, how can he be so emotional?

The Netherlands finished second in the World Cup for the third time, and the uncrowned king gradually became the sad king. They became the first uncrowned team in the history of the World Cup to reach the final three times but lost all of them.

Before the 2010 World Cup, the Dutch team in the era of Total Defense had reached the finals of two consecutive World Cups in 1974 and 1978, but lost to the hosts Germany and Argentina in the end. Especially in the 1974 final, the Netherlands was reversed by Germany in the lead and lost a good game. At that time, the Netherlands had become the fourth team to lose two consecutive finals, becoming one of the "cups". Unexpectedly, the Netherlands would enter the finals again 32 years later, but completely removed "one". He became the well-deserved "uncrowned king" and of course the protagonist of the first tragedy of the World Cup in 80 years.

With a silver medal hanging around his neck, the orange-faced Dutchman lined the road expressionlessly to welcome the Belgian team who walked off the podium surrounded by the World Cup gold cup.

Who made such a cruel award ceremony rules?

The smiling faces of the Belgians were like steel knives that deeply hurt the hearts of everyone in the Dutch team.

This is the third time that the Netherlands has lost the World Cup final. They have to lament that they have completely reduced from the "uncrowned king" to the "tragedy king". Is the World Cup really doomed to be an eternal tragedy for the Dutch?

The Dutch can't blame Robben. Peter Pan, who came back after the start of the knockout round, is the biggest contributor to the team reaching the final. Robben is the only one who can pose a threat to the Belgian team, but the hero in the eyes of the Dutch fans is In the finals, he became the biggest sinner.

In the face of the powerful Belgian team, they were able to hold on for a full 115 minutes. The tactics of the Dutch coach Van Marwijk have achieved great success.

In fact, what is more successful is that the long pass counterattack tactics he formulated brought the team two chances to kill. If they can catch one of them, the Dutch may have solved the battle within 90 minutes, and they can make history. Lifting the World Cup trophy.

But if can only be if forever.

Robben, the most threatening player of the Dutch team, wasted these two chances of single-handed goals. If Kompany really interfered with him the second time, then the first single-handed goal was not scored. For Robben like this It is absolutely unforgivable for a superstar player.

After receiving a long pass in the backcourt, he got rid of all the defensive players and faced the goalkeeper directly, but Robben hesitated, Robben became nervous, he chose a more confident push, but still let Courtois block it with his foot A shot that was enough to change history was made.

From missing the first chance to hold his head in regret, to wasting the second chance to roar at the referee, and finally when Belgium celebrated wildly, all Robben could do was squat on the ground and continue to regret.

Opportunities are only reserved for those who can seize the opportunity. This is the gap between superstars and real superstars.

Sneijder's eyes were also full of tears, and he took off the silver medal and held it in his hands. In his eyes, this silver medal that countless players in the world longed for and out of reach was a great shame. For Sneijder, he went to the podium to receive it The road to the silver medal that he didn't need seemed extraordinarily long. Sneijder kept his head down and kept touching his head while walking, trying not to let the camera capture his mood at the moment.

That night, Johannesburg was extremely cold, and Sneijder, who stepped off the podium, subconsciously wrapped his cotton coat tightly. His heart may be even colder at this moment.

Controversy continues for Sneijder. After all, his value in the Dutch team's tactical system is far less than that of teammate Robben. Many of his five goals are due to luck.

But the key is that Sneijder can bring real goals to the team, which should be more important than anything else. In the decisive battle against Belgium, Sneijder wants to use goals to win the World Cup for the team.

But in front of the Belgian's powerful midfielder, without the effective support of his teammates, he can only express his desire to score goals with a long shot that is farther than the other.

He didn't have a chance to score, so Sneijder was willing to be a green leaf. This green leaf sent an exquisite kick behind the ball, helping Robben to single-handedly hit the goal of the Belgian team. Unfortunately, the opportunity was wasted.

Otherwise, although this assist cannot help him win the "Golden Boot", it may become a key assist for the Dutch team to win the championship, and the "Golden Globe" is well deserved.

Today, Sneijder can only leave South Africa with regret, not with the honor of World Cup champion and "Golden Globe".

Stekelenburg's tears couldn't be controlled. Now that the game is over, he can't do much more. After saving the Belgian team's must-have goal three times in this game, the ten-man Netherlands was finally defeated in the 116th minute. Gan's shot was brought down.

Only three minutes away from the penalty shoot-out, only a short distance from the shame of uncrowned king.

But that step is as unattainable as a light-year. Stekelenburg can leave with his head high, but no matter how high his head is, there is no World Cup on his head. Cool, like the bitter tears he shed after the final whistle.

Hiddink said before the game that Stekelenburg was the best goalkeeper in the World Cup, and he proved in just four minutes that he was not another van der Sar.

In the fourth minute, Stekelenburg saved Degan's free kick and went straight to the goal under the eyes of his stiff teammates. An exciting start!

The Netherlands was as patient as the previous game, but too much tension was incorporated into the patience. Teammates had nervous opportunities, but Stekelenburg did not. As the last line of defense for the team, it meant being scored by the opponent .

Therefore, Stekelenburg, who was almost unable to participate in the final due to injury before the game, made this save extremely important.

He is not the goalkeeper with the fewest goals conceded in this World Cup, nor is he the goalkeeper with the most saves, but this successor of Van der Sar can make the world forget the legendary goalkeeper, which shows his previous excellent performance.

In almost every game, the quiet Dutch goalkeeper made wonderful saves against must-goals. He didn't talk much. No matter what kind of predicament his teammates put him in, he always wiped his forehead and waved his hand after making wonderful saves.

Throughout the overtime, Stekelenburg almost dragged the game into a penalty shootout with a single blow, but Degan's goal killed the Netherlands' World Cup dream.

"If you don't want to win the championship, then just don't come to South Africa."

What Stekelenburg said before the World Cup, but fate made a joke with him. He went to the end, but still did not win the championship. How sad it is, although Stekelenburg is undoubtedly It is tragic!

Even more tragic than the future Robben, Sneijder and Stekelenburg is Van Burkhorst, his World Cup is over, his career is over, and his national team appearances will stay forever On 105 fields.

The veteran of the six dynasties who experienced the era of Hiddink, Rijkaard, Van Gaal, Edvocaat, Van Basten and Van Marwijk did not enjoy the supreme glory of a world championship or European championship in the end.

With the silver medal hanging around his neck, although his face is not full of joy, he still has his demeanor. Even the silver medal is the highest honor he has won for the national team for so many years, and he has no reason to throw it away.

Before the game, Van Bronckhorst announced that he would retire after the World Cup, but in the end he felt the same helplessness as Zidane in 2006. After all his achievements in one battle, he still can only wipe out the Hercules Cup pass by.

But there will never be fans who will deny Van Bronckhorst's outstanding performance in this World Cup because of this runner-up. The Dutch team's relatively conservative but stable style of play, the left back is the most skillful chess piece used by the coach .

He started all seven games. In today's final, he was replaced until he couldn't play anymore. Among the players born before 75 years, only Van Bronckhorst has such an appearance rate.

And his calm and composed commander-level performance on the defensive line made too many teams intend to take advantage of his age, and their attempts to succeed in a sneak attack were not realized.

The burden Van Bronckhorst has to carry today ranks first in the seven games. The European Red Devils use his left flank as the main breakthrough point, and the zone defense between him and the fast-returning Didier Dirk makes Belgium People can always find opportunities in this way, but there is no real effect.

Fans will never forget that just before he was replaced by Braffhead, he successfully blocked Digan, who had already broken through the center back line, at the last moment, and then Hazard's right near goal volley was used by him again. The body blocks out.

Two wonderful rescues made the Belgian's desire to score come to naught again and again before he seemed to succeed. Conceding the ball has nothing to do with him.

When fans are used to appreciating assisting full-backs, Van Bronckhorst's defense-oriented style of play may not be so good-looking, but the Dutch team can be down-to-earth and step by step into the final. Van Bronckhorst's No one can ignore the credit. A left-back who has been stable for more than ten years has played a positive role in the team as a whole in world-class competitions, which is incomparable to an assist-type left-back.

In fact, Van Bronckhorst's stop-and-go assists also left fond memories for the fans in this World Cup. The world wave goal against Uruguay's absolute dead end is comparable to the super long-range shot of his predecessor Alihan.

People can't ask for more from this veteran. In this World Cup, his outstanding performance helped him get the highest team honor during his time in the national team and scored the most wonderful goal in his life. From this point of view It is said that the current Van Bronckhorst is at least a little more satisfied than Zidane, who played with a red card in 2006 and caused too much controversy.

Compared with many offensive players who are full of limelight, Van Bronckhorst, who is either a defensive midfielder or a full-back, has to keep a low profile due to his relatively late position, but he is a team sport in football. An important existence that is always indispensable.

As the runner-up, the Dutch team left immediately after receiving their silver medal. This place belongs to the winners. As losers, it is better for them to leave early.

The Belgian players sang and danced on the podium one by one to receive their share of glory. After receiving the gold medal, Fellaini couldn't wait to touch the Hercules Gold Cup. It can be seen that, Everyone can't wait.

Digan and Antiiennis walked at the end, and the two shouldered their shoulders like old friends. After winning the championship, they could finally relax.

"How do you feel now?" Antiiennis asked with a smile, but the red circles around his eyes made him look a little funny.

Digan also smiled, his face was full of tears, and he finally got it. Although he already has many honors, it is clear that the weight of the World Cup title is unparalleled.

"It's great, it's never been as good as it is now! It's all crazy, I still can't believe it, we are the champions!"

Antiiennis let go of Digan, stepped onto the podium, and turned around: "Enjoy this moment! World champion!"

World champion!

This title is really good!

Although Digan has always said that he doesn't care, who would take this honor lightly! ?

After Antiiennis, there is Degan. Although he hates Platini very much, he has a slightly better feeling for Blatter. At least this round-headed old man is not as good as Platini. So ugly.

Let Blatter put a gold medal on himself.


Seeing Blatter offered his hand, Degan didn't refuse. When he was so happy, even if a pile of shit flew in his face, Degan would not dislike him: "Thank you!"

Blatter took the opportunity to hug Degan and whispered: "I don't like that guy as much as you do. Consider coming to Switzerland to participate in the FIFA awards ceremony at the end of the year!"

Degan showed a mocking smile. He knew that Blatter was trying to find a way for himself. Now that Degan has won the World Cup, he also has the title of top scorer and best player. If this year's World Footballer If it is not given to him, then there is no need for that award to continue.

But Digan is also stubborn, and does not participate in any award ceremony for personal honors. If he does not go, FIFA will naturally not be able to catch up with him.

When Blatter said this, it was clear that he was actively asking for reconciliation!

But will Digan go?

Let's talk about it then!

Then came the most exciting moment. Blatter held the Hercules Gold Cup and handed it to Deegan. For some reason, at this moment, Deegan became a little nervous. He took a deep breath, his head A little dazed, he took it.

"Come here! Rhodes!"

According to Fellaini's request, Degan walked among them, and then raised the Hercules gold cup with both arms. At this moment, countless fireworks were lit on the scene, and everyone cheered. The classic "We Are the Champions" also followed.

champion! we are the champion!

The championship trophy is passed in the hands of every Belgian player, and every time the Hercules Gold Cup is lifted, there will be cheers from Belgian fans at the scene.

On the contrary, Digan, the protagonist, stood aside, smiling and watching his teammates play. At this time, he could really relax.

After completing the celebration ceremony, Degan and coach Antiiennis attended the press conference together. As the coach of the World Cup champion team, Antiiennis is not a small person now, he is also sought after by reporters: " This game, very difficult, the Dutch team is a great team, they cost us a lot, especially Robben's one-handed goal, almost cost us the price, the Dutch team played very well in the second half, but I still think we controlled the game very well, this is the most important thing, we played our level, I think if we can't play our normal level, the opponent will give us a fatal blow at any time, I think Belgium Deserving to win the title, we have been working so hard to bring it to Belgium and now we have succeeded."

Regarding the lineup that won the championship, Antiiennis described: "The World Cup championship is obviously a continuation of the European Cup championship. We have maintained a very good lineup. We have inherited the legacy of the time and respected the history and lineup at that time. We try to introduce New lineups and tactics, and success."

When a reporter asked Antiiennis what he thought of Degan, Antiiennis smiled and glanced at his apprentice, and said: "Digan is an unimaginable player. Today he wants to play well and score goals. The decisive goal, but at the same time I would like to congratulate all the Belgian players and everyone who worked together. Our team deserves this highest honor. They have shown maturity in this big competition. Everyone played a very good role in this World Cup."

Regarding the impression of the final, Antiiennis said: "I think this final is a very high-quality game. This is the first impression in my mind. Maybe some people will continue to say that Belgium and the Netherlands are playing ugly games." Football, but that's how football is going and overall it was a perfect match with the best from both of us!"

Then the biggest hero of the game, Degan also accepted an interview: "I can't even believe that I scored such an important goal. I tried to bring more contributions to the team. This game is very difficult. But Belgium deserves to win, our team deserves to win the title."

When a reporter asked: "Have you ever thought, even for a moment, that you will lose the final?"

Degan's answer was very straightforward: "Absolutely not, since we have reached the finals, we will definitely not leave empty-handed!"

Degan also admitted that although the Belgian team had a wonderful three years, the real test for them was the World Cup. After all, the so-called winning streak and undefeated are meaningless if there is no trophy as a full stop.

If the 2006 World Cup was Degan's first test in the World Cup, Degan's outstanding performance in 2010 symbolized the transformation of the Belgian team's temperament.

Strong, stable, and full of energy!

However, when Degan was speaking, three Belgian players Fellaini, Kompany and Lukaku rushed into the press conference, Fellaini still holding two beer bottles.

After they entered, they shouted together: "Belgian champion, world champion!"

The FIFA press officer, who usually points fingers at reporters, has nothing to do with these players. Antiiennis smiled and said, I hope everyone will not be offended.

In the end, it was Antiiennis who gave them a wink and told them to stop "nonsense". Then Degan at the press conference hurriedly ended the interview and followed Fellaini and the others. Maybe this is why the three of them came here Purpose, how can we celebrate victory without scoring heroes?

"The players cried, Belgium cried, we won!!! We are the best team in the world!!! We are on top of the world!!!"

After the game, the anchor of the Belgian National TV was very emotional, even crying, while the reporter interviewed by the station was so happy that he didn't speak for a long time.

1:0, the European Red Devils defeated the Dutch and won the Hercules Cup for the first time. The Belgian team not only became the eighth World Cup champion team in history, but also became the first European team to win the World Cup outside Europe.

The whole of Belgium was boiling, and all Belgians were crazy. The anchor of the Belgian National TV said excitedly: "The dream is no longer a dream, it has become a reality now, and we have become the king of the world!!!"

When the Belgians held up the championship gold cup, whether in Johannesburg, Brussels or any city in Belgium, all the Belgians kept shouting together: "Champion! Champion!"

The cheers of the Belgians seemed to resound throughout the earth.

The victory in South Africa ignited the endless excitement in Belgium, and the Belgian red also jumped from the Football City Stadium to Belgium, quickly dyeing this country that is eager for the championship.

And these are far from allowing the Belgians to vent their long-suppressed excitement. The champion belongs to Belgium. This is an unprecedented moment. The Belgian team took home the South African World Cup trophy. Carnival in the streets and alleys, celebrating the night that made history.

In Brussels, hundreds of thousands of fans cheered for Digan's goal in front of the City Hall Square, and people sang the victory happily. In every street in every city in Belgium, every Belgian cheered for this historic goal. Victorious and crazy: "We are the champions!"

Fans' love for football is "chiluo" naked, so the love after victory is also straightforward and full of power.

"See? This is the strength of Belgium! We won the game openly! The championship is ours!!!"

"Long live Belgium! I knew Belgium could win! You are the best!"

"The moment the game ended, I cried! My throat was hoarse! I didn't know what to say! Belgium is so great! Long live Digan! Long live Belgium!"

"Belgium were tenacious, they fought till the end, we had a clear conscience, the real champions, Antiiennis is great, he is the best coach ever, better than some people who just talk big and get attention More, he deserves our respect!"

"I can't believe it! The streets are full of people now, and I'm going to celebrate too, drinking him for three days and three nights! Get drunk! Long live Belgium!"

"This game brought tears to my eyes. From our childhood to now, countless generations have grown up. We have been looking forward to this moment. Our style of play is noble! Our players fought until the last minute. I Proud of them. Now we're on top of the world."

The European Red Devils won the championship, and the fans finally couldn't restrain their joy and started a crazy carnival. In Belgium, people endured the high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, blowing the vuvuzela loudly on the street, with the The high-pitched rhythm of "We Are the Champions" is full of singing and dancing.

When the captain Degan raised the gold cup high, the cheers in Belgium were deafening, and the vuvuzela imported from South Africa also sounded along with the blowing. The beautiful fireworks rang deafeningly in the sky, and the fans endured around 40°C In hot weather, form a parade team.

While watching the game just now, the fans went crazy and out of control several times. Some screamed loudly, and some simply jumped on the seats and punched and shouted. The closer the game came to an end, the more the fans couldn't sit still.

However, all the suffering and patience were worth it. The Belgians finally ushered in the ecstasy of victory in the second half of overtime!
