
Chapter 206 What is Art Football?

Chapter 206 What is Art Football?

The current European Cup is coming to an end, and the fanatical fans are still immersed in the festival-like carnival. Their belts are getting wider and they will not regret it.

In the end, people are more obsessed with this sport. Usually, sports means collision and confrontation, and football is full of fighting spirit, which arouses the fanaticism of fans. However, in the face of high-level football matches However, what people see is not just what Rufu can achieve with a little strength and courage.

Some skillful and easy-to-use football skills are not only convincing, but also give people artistic enjoyment. The seamless cooperation between the teams can't help but make people sigh. How can a small football be tight and slow at the feet of an expert? , one after another, shuttled precisely among the players, so full of rhythm and rhythm, coupled with Linmen's beautiful and smooth lines, like flowing clouds and flowing water, just as Michelangelo said, people do not paint with their hands but with their brains. Similarly, other people's high-level football is not only played with their feet, but with their brains, not only with fighting spirit, but also with wisdom. In this way, what football will give people is not only a physical touch, but also a beautiful touch.

It is often said that people who engage in music need to have feelings, pioneering thinking and bold imagination. A good player is like this, and he has quick thinking, clear mind and good psychological quality in an instant. From these perspectives , is exactly the same feeling as a symphony orchestra member on stage.

Football, in the eyes of many people, is an art. The football field is a big stage. A wonderful football game is a kind of performance, a combination of power and beauty. , is a feeling similar to music.

The qualities that an excellent star must possess, such as grasping the rhythm of the game, a player with an artistic sense may really help him better grasp the rhythm of the game. Usually, such a star is the soul of a team. The games with them on the court were ups and downs, relaxed and exciting, exciting and charming.

The sense of art is the accumulation of culture, which is natural and cannot be forced. Due to differences in geography and humanities, players in different regions have different arts on the court.

The passionate South Americans who are good at singing and dancing are very talented in this aspect; European players are relatively rigorous, but under the influence of European literature and art, there is no shortage of artistic masters on the court.

If the former is from Lower Liba, the latter is from Yangchun Baixue. The two are not good or bad, each has its own beauty and splendor.

People say that the Spaniards are playing artistic football and sexy football. Even the officials of the World Football Association and UEFA respect the style of Spanish football, thinking that their football is football. The general trend of art development.

The opposite is naturally dross. The Italians say that their defense is also an art, and the Germans say that their iron-blooded spirit is also an art, but they are not recognized by the world. What people see is only their defense, their desperate spirit, and their destruction. They attack again and again, so naturally in the eyes of ordinary people, their football is inferior.

Belgian football learned from Germany, imitated Italy, and now has the blood of Latin football. The unrestrained and unrestrained African football looks different, and naturally it is not taken seriously by people.

This is also why, before this decisive battle came, people seemed to have agreed in advance, and they supported Spain one after another, saying that Belgium was useless.

Degan doesn't care about this. In his opinion, what is the art of football, winning is the kingly way. Only when you stand in the position of the winner, can you be qualified to look down on all living beings, comment on the heroes of the world, and be eligible to accept people's worship .

Degan is now the number one player in world football. As early as a few years ago, some people commented on the heroes of today's football in the world, looking for the next champion, and Degan's name was repeatedly mentioned.

There are many people who like him, but there are also many people who hate him. Most of the media swear against him. They burn incense and pray every day, hoping for his bad luck, hoping that he will fall off the altar, so that they can step on him ten thousand feet. .

But people have to admit that Deegan's football skills have indeed reached the point where he is unrivaled in the world, but Deegan is unwilling to take the crown of the champion because he still lacks a trophy that can prove his status, such as the World Cup, Another example is the current European Cup.

Departing from the hotel and heading to the football field, Belgium is fully prepared. After the match with Turkey, Belgium has spent the past few days adjusting.

I have to say that the Belgians are really lucky. At this time of the European Cup, any team has been injured and suspended, such as the semi-final opponent Turkey, such as the final opponent Spain.

But Belgium has no such worries. Before the decisive battle, they still have a neat lineup, and 23 players can be ordered to appear on the field at any time.

Digan and Antiiennis were the last to appear on the stage. They seemed to be full of confidence. Last night, they were in the room with assistant coach François and analyzed today's game in detail. Although Spain looks strong, but Belgium has figured out how to defeat the enemy.

There is even more good news from Antiiennis. The Belgian Football Association has finally made up its mind to renew the contract with Antiiennis. Regardless of the outcome of this final, Antiiennis' contract will be extended for two years , until the end of the 2010 World Cup, and took over the coaching seal in 2004, Antiiennis has become the second longest-lived head coach in the history of the Belgian national team.

In the position of coach of the Belgian national team, Antiiennis is very happy. He will not simply announce that he will leave after the European Cup just because the Spanish Football Association has neglected like Calagones. people.

However, Spain was able to reach the final of the European Cup again after a lapse of 24 years. Using his unique football wisdom, he finally transformed the Matador Corps.

Calagones dared to go against tradition. His anti-revolutionary concept has always been criticized as conservative in Spain. However, under his transformation, the Spanish team has achieved a balance between German-style blood, Italian-style utilitarianism, and Don Quixote-style adventure. .

In the quarter-finals against Italy, he practiced free kick defense in a targeted manner. Although the scene was boring, he used the final victory to tell the Spaniard that "living is the last word".

From 442 to 4141, what remains unchanged is the offensive power of the team's midfield. In the semi-final against Russia, the use of the five "No. 10" midfielders was simply dazzling.

The Spanish team has never lacked world-class stars, what is lacking is only a head coach who can knead them together. From the arrogant Clement, the stubborn Camacho, to the inexperienced Seth, they failed to turn the team into a whole.

This is more or less due to the bipolar forces of Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​while Calagones, who was born in Atletico Madrid, dared to give up Raul in the locker room and recruited Senna, Silva, Guiza, Torres and others in Spanish football. The third-level players not only diversify the team's offensive methods, but also set up the employment standard of "everyone is equal before Grandpa", making the team more united.

Calagones can make the Spanish national team more like a national symbol, rather than a team of players, which is the biggest change in Spain in recent years.

Spain was once embarrassingly called the "King of the Qualifiers", but this time, in every major competition in the past, the Spanish team always performed well in the group stage, and they were bound to be eliminated in the knockout stage. In the final analysis, the Matador still lacks an iron-fisted backbone. Aragones learned from the pain and bravely assumed the role of an iron-fisted coach. He used his football wisdom to break the curse and helped the Spaniard reach the goal again after 24 years. won the European Cup final and recreated Spain's glory.

Against all odds, the first cut was made towards Raul, who had a soft style of play, and Zhisou reused killers with excellent speed and skills like Villa and Torres. All the way to defeat the Italian team and the Russian team and other powerful teams, Calagones reused a group of freshmen to show the unprecedented fighting spirit, technology, strength and speed of Spanish football.

In the formation of troops, Zhisou is also very skilled. Because of Villa, he changed the usual 4141 formation back to the traditional 442 formation, and the Spanish team was invincible all the way.

In the semi-final against the Russian team, due to the injury of Villa, the Spanish team returned to the 4141 formation and completely suppressed the Russians with the advantages of the number of midfielders and technology.

However, the more important reason why Russia was eliminated by Spain is that they deserve it. After eliminating the Netherlands, Hiddink probably got a little hot-headed. He really thought that he was invincible with the jade plate of fortune in his hand, but he went crazy. They played against Spain, and Russia did play hard on the court, but the final result proved that playing against Spain is a dead end.

If Russia, like Italy, puts down its posture and defends honestly, with their strength, maybe they can really get Spain down.

Of course, if that was the case, Digan would be much more relaxed now.

However, if it can only be if, the final opponent Belgium will face now is Spain led by the old man Calagones. The matadors have raised their capes and sharpened their swords. It depends on Belgium Can this red mad cow push them to the ground?
