
Chapter 131 Mr. Vampire

Chapter 131 Mr. Vampire

A phone call from Mendes made Parkinwa sleepless all night. The club and the agent are the fields. This sentence is not an exaggeration at all. When it was in Wa's ears, it also became Satan's magic voice.

If possible, Pakinwa really wanted to bottle every player in Fiorentina and never let those greedy vampires touch them, but this was simply impossible.

Just like a team needs several agents who are close to each other, current football stars cannot do without agents, especially after the "Bosman Act" came into effect at the end of 1995, their value doubled and they had more Say hello to bargaining with the club.

Because they have received little cultural education and know little about economics and contract law, they need brokers to help them develop their own maximum value, and brokers are mainly produced in response to this need.

In fact, although the club and the head coach hate agents, they also need them. The old England coach Red Knapp called agents a "necessary evil".

He said: "They are now an integral part of football transfers. For example, if I call the coach of another club directly and say I want to sell a player, the price of the player will definitely drop. An agent went out and said that I have a player who wants to move, but we don't want to let him go, so he can sell for the price we want."

For example, the Football Association of England only allowed clubs to use agents in player transfers in 1995, but the club was obedient and obedient, and had secretly contacted agents long before that.

For example, in 1993, Aston Villa was found to have hired an agent when they introduced Bosnich, and was fined 20,000 pounds by the Football Association. Ironically, Aston Villa chairman Ellis was at the time serving on the FA's Finance Committee which oversees broker-related business. After the incident, the old man said shyly, "I just violated the rules slightly."

The usual method of many agents is to make trouble out of nothing and drive up "prices". They always want to encourage the players in their hands to transfer, so that they can play their role. No matter whether the player transfer is successful or not, the agent will come forward to negotiate with the club. This is where commissions are charged.

Take the French player Anelka who made a super idiotic mistake in the game against Fiorentina and was banned by UEFA for six months. When he played for Arsenal in 1999, he signed with the club for four years. contract, but his brother Claude, who is also his agent, hopes to make money by doing extra.

So he claimed that Real Madrid took a fancy to Anelka, who also wanted to play for Real Madrid. At that time, Anelka was in good form and was the hottest player in world football.

Real Madrid moved upon hearing the news and immediately proposed to Arsenal to buy Anelka. At this time, the "Gunners" had no choice but to let Anelka, who was "in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han", go to Spain. The transfer fee was 23.5 million pounds, of which at least 1 million Pounds fell into Claude's pocket.

To engage in the football agent industry, in addition to some necessary economic and legal knowledge, it is more important to establish a network of relationships including a large number of players and coaches.

For example, a listed brokerage company in the UK called Proactive has great powers, and even recruited Souness, Keegan, Robson and other famous coaches to become their shareholders.

Some people questioned the company's use of this "nepotism" for profit, but they explained to the public: "Nepotism is not a crime. Although there are potential conflicts of interest, we will try to avoid them during the operation."

Red Knapp, Manchester United coach Ferguson, Arsenal vice-chairman Dane, Bolton coach Allardyce and others all have sons in the football brokerage business. These agents "get the moon first when they are close to the water", relying on their father's influence in the football circle, they are able to do business with both sides and handy.

And other agents who are inherently deficient need to think of ways to get through the relationship. For example, in order to buy Manchester United coach Ferguson, a Russian agent gave him a large envelope containing 40,000 pounds. After the latter went home and opened the envelope, he found that it was full of banknotes. He immediately handed it to the club, sealed it in the club safe, and returned the money to the agent when he came to the club.

But not every head coach is as clean-spirited as Ferguson. When Graham coached Arsenal in the early 1990s, he accepted bribes from the Swedish agent Haug twice and introduced two "parallel imports" players from the other side. .

A Danish reporter has always suspected that Hauge's hands and feet were not clean during the process of arranging player transfers. He carefully checked the accounts of the clubs related to the transfer of players and found loopholes, so he followed the clues and exposed the scandal of Graham's bribery. After the Dongchuang incident, Graham not only turned over the stolen money plus interest to the club, was fined 50,000 pounds, and was also fired by Arsenal.

The Football Association of England then conducted a three-year-long investigation into other subordinate coaches and agents, and released a report in 1997, saying that the FA's 1995 prohibition of clubs from contacting agents had not played any role. As a result, almost all clubs secretly contacted the brokers in the black market, and also paid the commissions to the brokers by making false accounts.

At that time, there were many vaguely worded invoices in the club, for example, some of which indicated the use of funds as "marketing fees", "consulting fees", etc. Most of them were fake invoices made to pay broker commissions.

However, no other "Graham" was found in that investigation, so the Football Association came to a conclusion: only Graham had accepted bribes from his agent, and the other head coaches were clean.

Many people doubt the findings of the FA. Some even said that the FA is not as good as a Danish reporter.

Kelly, then chief executive of the FA, has admitted their investigation had failed. He said that when he was working in the FA, he discovered that brokers were a lucrative business, and these mysterious guys seemed to be running money printing factories themselves.

He believes: "Agents are the biggest abscess and the most terrible cancer in football."

Football transactions involve astronomical amounts of money, but its internal operating structure is like a family workshop, where needles can't get in, water can't get in, and most of the people in the circle are vested interests, unwilling to stand up and provide evidence, so even if someone A country's football association conducts an investigation, but in the end it can only be anticlimactic and end without a problem.

It can be seen from this that the influence of the agent in the football world, although the club and the head coach hate these moths very much, but sometimes they have to cooperate with them. One of the wonders here.

What Mendes wants to express is very obvious. His players are not satisfied with the current treatment. They can either leave or raise their salary. There are only two options, but Pakinwa doesn't want to choose either.

Previously, Parkinwa had also discussed with Delaware about raising Degan's salary. If it was last season, Delaware would definitely not mind opening his pockets to meet Degan's request.

But it is very difficult now. Delaware has to consider the chain reaction once Degan's salary is raised.

The team's record this season is very good. If all goes well, Fiorentina is very likely to become the first team in the history of Italian football to win the Triple Crown.

With the improvement of performance, it must bring about the increase in the value of the players. This increase in value is originally good news, but the problem is that if the value is high, there must be a salary to match it.

After the end of last season, the team has revised the contract once, and there will definitely be a new wave of salary increases this season. Delaware is not a stingy person, but he must carefully consider the huge financial expenditure. .

But now, a phone call from Mendes pierced the window paper, and the team suddenly became passive. It would be impossible to let Degan leave. Everyone knows that Degan is the core of Fiorentina. Once Degan leaves, The newly established Florentine Dynasty is likely to fall apart immediately, which is a situation that no one wants to see.

So how much should Deagan be given?

Ten million!

Maybe if Degan was given this contract last season, he would gladly accept it, but it's no longer possible. Real Madrid offered Kaka a sky-high annual salary of 18 million euros. Can Degan, who is better than Kaka, still be able to Is it less than this?

After a sleepless night, Pakinwa kicked the ball to Delaware the next day. After all, it was Delaware who paid for it.

After hesitating for a while, Delaware said, "Promise him! As long as it's not too much, then promise him!"

In the end, it was his passion for football that allowed Delaware to make a choice. He didn't want Degan to leave, and he hoped that the Florentine dynasty could last longer.

Not only Digan, but also the other players in the team, Delaware will do everything in his power to keep them all. Money support is inevitable, and Delaware is not in vain like Moratti If the team can really win the double championship this season, it will not only bring honor, but also bring a lot of bonuses. At the same time, other sponsorships will also increase. As long as it can operate well, maybe the ball The team can still make a profit.

Although Pakinwa is dissatisfied with Delaware's decision, he is not willing to satisfy the players' greed endlessly, but the boss has spoken, and he can only follow through. This is the fate of wage earners, and he can have opinions , but only obey.

After organizing his wording, Pakinwa dialed Mendez's phone number: "Hi! Mr. Vampire, we can now talk about Digan's new contract!"
