
Chapter 127 Dignity is for trampling

Chapter 127 Dignity is for trampling

Just half a minute into the opening, Fiorentina scored a goal, and it was still at Inter Milan's home court. This is really unbelievable.

You know, no matter how bad Inter Milan is, no matter how poor their record this season is, they are still the champion team of last season!

Moratti is thinking about re-establishing the big Inter Milan era, will it collapse in just one season?

The Fiorentina players are celebrating crazily. They are leading. As long as they can maintain this score until the end of the game, they will be on the league championship.

The Fiorentina fans in the stands of the Meazza stadium cheered, in contrast to the dead silence of the Inter Milan fans.

Suddenly, the Mea viewing platform erupted, and the Inter Milan fans booed amazingly. They were not booing the visiting team Fiorentina, and their angry spearheads were directed at Inter Milan.


The fans were angry. They had just tasted the joy of the championship last season, and they were full of joy looking forward to the team's success this season, on the stage of the team's centennial celebration. However, the team's performance let They were disappointed and angry.

The Coppa Italia was eliminated early, and they can still accept it. After all, the domestic cup should not be the goal pursued by the current powerful Inter Milan, but what about the Champions League? What about Serie A?

The poor performance of the team has stimulated their nerves again and again, until now, they can no longer bear it anymore.

What they couldn't accept the most was that it was Mutu who scored the goal. The small Eastern European player who was dealt with by them at a reduced price, now turned around and killed the master.

"Mancini! Get out!"

"You are not worthy of the blue and black jersey!"

Not only Mancini, but even the players who were called the heroes of Inter Milan before have become the targets of insults from the fans. Looking at the team's performance after conceding the ball just now, they are not even a bit depressed. Everyone's expressions were numb, as if they lost the ball, and the loss had nothing to do with them.

Mancini couldn't help turning pale when he heard the curses coming from all around. He didn't expect it to be like this at all. He originally thought that after yesterday's conversation, the team would at least be able to compete in the next few games. Among them, it showed the strength that Inter Milan should have, and let the fans and the media see that Mancini is not a dry meal anymore.

But what is this now?

Raise your hands and surrender when the gunshots are fired?

On the court, there were also people who were angry. He was the captain of Inter Milan, Zanetti. The performance of his teammates made this captain, who has always been good-tempered, angry.

"What are you all doing!? Are you planning to watch Florence step on our heads to win the championship?"

Zanetti also knows that talking about a counterattack is bullshit. Unless God sends down a curse, no one can stop Florence from winning the championship, but at least he does not want Florence to win the championship trophy in this game. This is his last attempt. Keep your dignity.

But now this dignity has been trampled by Florence, and even more so by themselves.

Zanetti could see that his teammates didn't want to play at all, the league championship was hopeless, and the places to participate in the Champions League next season were already tightly held in their hands. It seemed that they really didn't need to waste their energy.

"If you're going to deal with errands like this, you all get out now!"

Zanetti roared loudly, even some Inter Milan fans who were close to the stadium could hear clearly. They had never seen Zanetti so angry.

It's a pity that Zanetti's roar didn't awaken the fighting spirit of his teammates. Maybe they also wanted to resist, but their bodies didn't obey orders. Just like Zanetti said, it's time to deal with the errands. , why bother to be true.

Leading by one goal, Fiorentina did not intend to just stop. For Fiorentina, this is not only a league game, but also a symbol of dynasty change.

Inter Milan built their dynasty on the ruins of Italian football destroyed by the Calciopoli incident. It can be said that they can be regarded as old-fashioned tyrants who took advantage of the situation to seize hegemony. Then Florence is a revolutionist. What they have to do is to destroy this and Unstable dynasties, then take their place.

Florence has no intention of treating the former overlord well. What they want is to completely destroy the exaggerated dynasty of Inter Milan.

"Fiorentina's players looked very excited, they entered the state very quickly, Inter Milan seemed to have no choice but to watch Fiorentina keep compressing their formation, it is really hard to imagine, this is what they almost swept last season. The Inter Milan team in Italian football."

It is really unimaginable. In terms of lineup, Inter Milan can be regarded as a star-studded team. There are several top players in each position. Even a former international player like Toldo can only give Cesar play substitute.

Compared with Inter Milan, the Fiorentina team is more like a large collection of grassroots and affordable men. It is somewhat famous, but it has not passed the test of the competition. It is such a team, but now it is going to sweep the entire European continent.

"Degan takes the ball and takes a long shot~~~~~~~~ Cesar's reaction is very fast. He is one of the few Inter Milan players who played normally on the field today! Degan's foot is bound to go in His shot was caught by him on the goal line!"

"Inter Milan was intercepted again, what a piece of shit. I can't see what Inter Milan is going to do today. They seem to have given up their dignity and are going to play a supporting role honestly."

"Now it seems that no one can shake Fiorentina's dominance in Serie A. Juventus has not yet completed the reconstruction, Milan has cut income year after year, and the overall strength of Roma and Lazio is insufficient. Inter Milan, which was originally the most hopeful to compete with Fiorentina, Now there is no shadow of the defending champion at all, looking at their performance, I can only describe it as lazy."

The football is basically stuck under the feet of the Fiorentina players. This kind of downwind ball makes the Fiorentina players perform better and better. Almost everyone has to become Pele, Maradona, and even Kompany. , dribbling the ball into Inter Milan's defense.

Mancini sat on the coach's bench with a livid face. He didn't want to say anything anymore. The performance of the team is here. Ways to fight against the imposing Florence.

"Robert! Don't you want to give some instructions? The team's current situation is very bad!" Mikhailovich reminded.

With a dark face, Mancini gritted his teeth and said, "What else do you think I can do? If possible, I just want to replace everyone on the field. They don't deserve to wear the Inter Milan uniform at all. These bastards don't have the dignity of defending champions at all, they are going to surrender, shamefully surrender!"

Anger and disappointment made Mancini's mind confused at the moment. The last thing he will do now is to leave decently. If he wants to persist until the end of this season, it is conceivable what will be waiting for him.

Mancini is well aware that there are plenty of people on this team who want to take this opportunity to embarrass him, discredit him and deplete some of the capital he has built up over four seasons.

球場上國際米蘭的拙劣表現還在繼續,一些球迷在比賽還沒有進行到十分鍾的時候,就已經離開了,他們實在是不忍心眼看著自己摯愛的球隊被佛羅倫薩像這樣按住狂揍, An embarrassing look with no power to fight back.

The rest of the fans were also disappointed. They stayed here just to curse those damned players and coaches. They wanted to show their attitude and let the leaders of the Inter Milan club know their dissatisfaction and anger.

Moratti is sitting in the VIP seat at the moment, and his expression is not enough to describe it as ugly. If possible, he really wants to hold a submachine gun and kill those who have shamed the honor of Inter Milan. Everyone was slaughtered.

"Blanca! How are the negotiations with Mourinho going?"

The reason why Moratti agreed to Mancini's request to leave the team until the end of the season is to give Mancini a chance. If Mancini performs well in the remaining games, he doesn't mind. Reverse the decision to dismiss.

After all, Mourinho's asking price is too high!

Blanca knew Moratti's dissatisfaction, and hurriedly said: "He still insists on those conditions. He will bring his own coaching staff, demand high transfer fees, and clear some players!"

Mourinho obviously intends to fully control all the rights of Inter Milan. At the beginning of the negotiation, Moratti was of course unwilling to hand over the team to others. He obviously prefers to control it by himself.

But now, Moratti doesn't care so much anymore. Mancini's poor performance made him completely lose his patience. Of course, he knows that Mancini is not responsible for the team's current virtues, but as a team A head coach has no way of controlling the team and doesn't know how to adapt to the situation during the game. Such a coach will bring Inter Milan the long-awaited league championship and be useless.

Moratti can no longer watch his beloved team continue to be in such a state of distress. Seeing Inter Milan being completely suppressed by Fiorentina, resisting in vain and embarrassment, Moratti feels his heart is bleeding. Mourinho made even more excessive demands, and he would agree to them all.

"Tell Mourinho's agent that I have agreed to all his conditions, but I also have a request!"
