
Chapter 4 Ronaldo is Tragedy

Chapter 4 Ronaldo is Tragedy

In China, there are families who fear marriage and those who force marriage. When Degan reached the age of marriage in his previous life, his parents were no longer there, so he never experienced these things, and he was happy and carefree.

But now~~~~~~

There is never a lack of women around the stars. Degan has also experienced Beren and Avril Lavigne before. When he had a rich emotional life, he was a celebrity in those gossip magazines. Now that there are no women around him, those magazines have not let him go.

Especially after going through a year-long emotional blank period, some people even suspected that his sexual orientation had changed, and there were similar news in many magazines and newspapers.

Now, Kaka and Caroline, the golden couple, have come together. Their children are about to be born, but Digan is still alone. Even Bosque and Simone can't help feeling a little anxious.

Of course, Caroline, the sister-in-law, couldn't turn a blind eye. When she saw Irina just now, she had a whim, hoping to bring the two together.

Degan is a big star, and although Irina is not well-known, she is a super beautiful woman. If the two of them can get together, they can definitely be called a perfect match, and the most important thing is that Degan saved the Irina's life.

But if Caroline knew that Degan had offended this Russian beauty, maybe she wouldn't have to think so much.

"Ricardo! What do you think?" Seeing that Degan and Irina seemed to be chatting happily, Caroline's interest in being a matchmaker skyrocketed.

Kaka frowned a little, he is Digan's elder brother, if anyone in the family knows Digan best, it is probably him: "Honey! Irina is indeed a beauty, but~~~~~~Maybe not The type Rhodes likes!"

"Why?" Caroline was a little surprised when she heard the words, "How is this possible, Irina is a rare beauty!"

The beauty is true, but according to Kaka's understanding, after experiencing Beren and Avril, Digan seems to have a feeling for this kind of woman with the title of famous model.

Didn't the reason why Digan and Avril broke up before was because they got together less and separated more, and the relationship was not harmonious?

Although Kaka doesn't know Irina well, it can be seen that she is also a woman with a strong career and a strong personality. Will such a woman go along with Digan's wishes?

"Okay! Of course I also hope that Rhodes can make a new girlfriend. If they can really be together, Mom and Dad will be relieved!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, the Bosques and the Kakas appeared at the same time. Although Digan didn't know what they were planning, he could still guess something by looking at Kaka's eyes.

Why are foreigners also becoming popular with blind dates?

Irina is a very talkative woman and knows fashion very well. During the meal, she almost became the protagonist of the Wright family. It can be seen that the Bosques are also very satisfied with her.

Digan watched from the side, and found it funny no matter what, he took a chance and pulled Kaka aside: "Ricardo! What exactly is Caroline thinking!?"

Kaka also knows that this kind of thing can't be hidden from Digan: "Rod! Don't worry, Caroline is for your own good, and we all think that after Avril, you should start a new relationship. If you have a girlfriend, Those people will not seize this matter to slander you!"


Digan felt a little helpless: "Can't you find something more interesting? Besides, who do you think I am? A prince chooses a concubine?"

Kaka smiled: "It's not that exaggerated, we are just creating opportunities for you!"

They are indeed creating opportunities for Digan. After dinner, Irina is going back. She has work tomorrow. This time, she came to Bali to shoot a group of photos for a fashion magazine. Like today, they went to sea for Taking pictures, Irina was so focused that she photographed herself in the sea and almost drowned.

"Rods! Irina is leaving, you go see her off!"

deliver! ?

Seeing Caroline's playful smile, Digan really wanted to punch her up, but~~~~~

"Okay! Miss Shayk! Please, please! I hope you will be satisfied with our reception today!"

Irina took her handbag and smiled at the Bosques: "Thank you very much for your hospitality today, this evening is really great, Ricardo! Nice to meet you!"

Walking out of the gate of the villa, Digan walked in front, and Irina followed behind with her shoulders lifted. The two always kept a distance of three meters.

"How to go, please tell me in advance!"

"Ho ho!" Irina smiled, "Of course, I will tell you, and besides, Mr. Wright, do you think it is polite to send a lady home like this? Or are you saying that I am a monster and you are afraid of me!? "


Degan has never known what fear is in his life. As a player, he dared to challenge the authority of FIFA. Who would dare such a crazy move?

Digan turned around, looked at Irina under the moonlight, and had to admit that she was really a top-notch beauty. Although she was not as petite and cute as Caroline, her appearance was more charming and her figure was hotter. A normal man can't help but be moved when facing such a beautiful woman.

Deegan is of course the same, but after breaking up with Avril Lavigne, he is really not ready to start a new relationship. Since he is not ready, Deegan naturally chooses to ignore Irina's beauty.

Before Digan could speak, Irina walked past Digan on her own: "If you don't mind, can you walk with me to the beach!"

Digan was taken aback, but did not refuse: "Okay! I'm happy to accompany you!"

Golden Beach, although the night is getting dark, there are still many tourists here. There are barbecue grills everywhere on the beach, and there are local people's singing and dancing performances, which is very lively.

Digan and Irina walked side by side. From time to time, local people came over and sprinkled flower petals on them. This is probably a festival celebration method of the local natives. It is said that in Bali, there are more than 200 festivals throughout the year. There were so many that probably even the locals didn't know what to celebrate.

"Rods! Can I call you that?" Irina broke the silence first.

Digan's head was emptying, and he was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and his expression was a little nervous: "Of course!"

Seeing this, Irina couldn't help laughing: "You are much cuter now than you were during the day!"

cute! ?

Digan hates others, especially women, when using this adjective to describe himself, cute? Lao Tzu is a **** okay!

"Rod! Are you worried about something?"

Digan avoided Irina's gaze and looked aside: "I have nothing to worry about!"

Irina walked around in front of Digan, folded her hands behind her back, looked up at Digan, showed a charming smile, and said, "You are worried that you will be fascinated by me!"

Hearing this, Digan almost blurted out: You are too confident! Miss!

But meeting Irina's charming eyes, Digan couldn't say a word. I have to admit that Irina is indeed a woman who can't help but be moved by just a glance. If there is one word to describe her, Degan thinks it can only be charming.

What is charming? What is a charming woman like?

Charming should first come from the inside out.

Of course, beauty is indispensable. If a person is like Mo Wu, no matter how talented she is, and no matter how hard she tries to display various expressions, she is insulated from charm. But beauty is not the main thing. If a beautiful woman does not have the temperament that a woman should have in her manner and demeanor, she cannot be called charming.

A charming woman must have a unique temperament, whether it is noble, or virtuous, or aura, if she has no personality, if she is not unique enough, how will she be favored by others?

A charming woman must have a pair of slender eyes, but it must not be the traditional round almond eyes, which may be beautiful or coquettish, but it is really not charming.

Charm is style, it is a kind of attraction, and round eyes are not attractive to men no matter what.

In addition, a charming woman must be confident. When a person is confident, she will show her most beautiful side. Only when a person is most confident can she show a difference from others. Self-confidence is a kind of strength, a kind of attraction. Strength, both men and women, are drawn to the confidence of others, if not self-confidence, if it attracts others?

A charming woman must be decent, whether it is clothing or manners, no matter how beautiful and sexy a woman is wearing beautiful clothes, if she puts her hands in her nostrils, is she charming?

Would you find her attractive if she stood with her legs dangling, or spread far apart?

From this point of view, the women in those romantic places are basically not charming.

A charming woman must still be clean, and her fingers must be smooth and slender. No man would like a dirty woman. Just imagine, if this woman stretches out her hand, it is not clean or smooth at all, then she is charming. ?

A charming woman must also be gentle and considerate, able to understand a man's heart, and read the friendship in a man's eyes. It is hard to find a confidant, and it is even more rare to find a confidant with a confidante.

Also, charming must be insulated from being tall. A tall and plump person can be beautiful and sexy, but it must not be charming. Has anyone ever seen such a woman described as charming?

The most important point is that a charming woman must not speak much, or bow her head and smile shallowly, or gently push the corner of her mouth, or stare with blurred eyes, these are enough, enough!

Charming is a feeling, and that's what you want. If you express your thoughts and your heart in words, then where is the charm? Where else is there **?

The woman in front of me can be said to have performed her charm to the extreme. She has a tall figure, smooth long hair, light makeup, and a little blurred eyes.

If you really want to find a model for beauties, the woman in front of you is a good footnote.

Combining beauty, beauty, and charm all in one, I have to say that God really loves this woman very much, otherwise, how could it be possible for her to be born so perfect.

Although Irina has long been used to being watched by men like this, but from Degan's eyes, she can't detect the kind of desire that makes her feel disgusted, some, and more of it is appreciation.

The beauty of a woman is for people to appreciate, not just born to satisfy other people's desires. The Digan in front of her is just a man who knows how to appreciate beauty, which makes Irina suddenly feel a little bit Heartbroken.

Turning around and continuing to walk forward, Digan followed step by step. The two of them reached a place where there was no one. Irina landed on a rock with hands and feet. Her figure couldn't stop shaking.

Digan couldn't help but worry for a while: "It's dangerous there, come down quickly!"

"Do you know where this is?"

Digan shook his head.

Irina seemed to be spreading knowledge to Degan, and she said to herself, "The name of this place is Lover's Cliff. According to legend, a long time ago, there was a girl who fell in love with a young man in the village. The relationship between the two people is very good, but because she is the daughter of the patriarch, this relationship cannot be blessed by anyone, and people even want to separate them. Their love cannot be together, so the two meet and die in love. It is said that he jumped from here, and since then, the locals have called this place Lover's Cliff! Isn't this a beautiful story!"

This girl must have read too many novels by Qiong Yao.

"This is really a beautiful legend, but how do you know!"

Irina smiled: "It's in the travel guide, why? Didn't you read it?"

Depend on!

Got tricked by this big ocean horse!

"Okay! I'm not interested in that goddamn guidebook, come down now, it's dangerous!"

Irina didn't even look back: "I've been thinking about how to thank you all day, and now I think of it!"

Digan was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Irina meant.

Irina turned her head and looked at Digan with a smile on her lips. Under the moonlight, she looked so charming.

"I think I should jump down and let God arrange my life and death, so that I can repay you, and we will just pretend that you never saved me!"


Digan was taken aback by Irina's words. If someone else said those words, Digan would definitely take them as farts, but Irina spoke so seriously, he didn't know what to do.

Degan II is a human being, and he has never tried it before. He panicked like this: "Don't be kidding!"

"I'm not kidding, I think this is the best outcome, what do you think?"

Irina didn't wait for Digan's answer at all, turned her head, took a deep breath, and jumped down without hesitation.

Digan looked dumbfounded for a while, and immediately reacted. He didn't even care about taking off his clothes, threw off his slippers, climbed onto the rock, and jumped down as well.

God bless!

That's right!

Degan, who has never taken God seriously, this time is sincerely thanking God that his old man did not go on vacation with him, and Irina was not washed away by the sea. Degan took advantage of the moonlight and quickly caught her. He grabbed Irina's arm, then held her in his arms, and swam towards the shore.

This place is very remote, and the sound of singing and dancing in the distance can be vaguely heard. After tossing in the sea for a long time, Digan finally reached the bottom of the love cliff. Digan groped and stood on a stone, most of his body was still soaked in In the sea, although Bali is very warm at this time, it does not include the night, even Digan can't help shivering because of the cold.

"It looks like I owe you more, Rhodes! You saved me twice!"

After soaking in the sea for a while, Irina was not nervous at all, and could even laugh, but her face was a little pale from the freezing of the sea, and her laughter was trembling, but at this moment she was even more beautiful, with maroon The long hair is covered with water droplets, and the pale face exudes a holy light under the moonlight.

Digan was not in the mood to appreciate this beauty, he was even a little annoyed: "Damn it! If you want to die so much, you crazy woman, you'd better stay where I can't see it. Is your life so worthless? Can you just use it as a joke? You~~~~~~~~"

Digan was speechless, his eyes widened in surprise, and there was a cool tenderness from his lips, damn it! Was kissed by someone.

But this feeling, still~~~~~~~~~~~

Especially when he felt the soft lumps on his chest and the caress of Irina's long legs on his legs, he was actually a little distracted.

A long kiss made both of them short of breath. Degan looked at Irina in disbelief. He really couldn't understand this woman now.

Irina smiled: "This feeling is awesome!"

Digan agreed in his heart, but he wanted to push Irina away with his hands. He felt that, as Irina said before, he was going to be fascinated by this goblin, which was not a good thing. Signal.

Like a medieval witch, Irina saw through Degan's mind at a glance: "Are you still resisting my charm?"

Digan was really speechless, could this woman be able to read minds? Otherwise, I can't escape my thoughts, making this plot like a small white essay on feelings.

"I don't understand, shouldn't you hate me very much?"

Irina hugged Digan's neck tightly, and said with a smile: "That's right! I also think I should hate you very much. I was very proud before, but my pride seems to have no effect on you at all, which makes me very Annoyed."

"Then why do you still want to~~~~~~~~~~" Digan felt that he was just like a young lady right now.

Irina smiled: "Rod! You seem to have underestimated your own charm. A big star like you is very feminine, and you look pretty~~~~~~~~~~~"

As Irina spoke, she actually raised her hand to caress Digan's handsome face: "It's so handsome!"

After finishing speaking, Irina asked again, her legs were wrapped around Digan's waist, and her whole body was hung on Digan's body. This time Digan didn't dodge subconsciously, but accepted it completely. It would be too wicked to push Irina away.

In Bali under the night, in the cool sea water under Lover's Cliff, a handsome man and a beautiful woman soon meet each other naked, and they are so close together that it is enough to drive people crazy. Once a person's brain is occupied by sex At that time, all rationality ceased to exist.

Irina is indeed a woman who is enough to make people crazy and enchanted. With her delicate face and smooth skin, Digan, an emotional idiot, can't help but fall into it.

With a long chant, the water battle came to an end, and the carnival in the distance was coming to an end. People were returning to the hotel in groups, and the golden beach gradually became quieter.

"Damn it! Are we going to go back naked?"

After being nourished by Digan, Irina's face was peachy, her eyes were blurred and she leaned on Digan's back, smiling coquettishly at the distraught Digan.

"You can still laugh at this time!?" Degan became more and more helpless towards Irina, and he was once again convinced that there was a huge difference in the structure of this woman's brain from that of others.

"I just found my prince, don't you think I should cry at this time?"

Digan had no choice but to swim around in the sea with Irina on his back, hoping to find the clothes of the two of them, but Irina was dishonest, blowing in Digan's ear from time to time, making Digan It is also helpless.

Finally, God is kind, Deegan spent a long time, finally found his t-shirt and beach shorts, the two went ashore quietly, Deegan put on the beach shorts, and wrapped the big t-shirt in the Irina's body finally covered all the vital parts.

"Where are we going now? Back to the hotel?"

Digan glared at Irina angrily: "Do you think I look like Spider-Man? If you don't mind, you can go to the villa where our family lives first, and I can climb up from the back and enter my room, but it seems that you have no other choice now!"

Irina didn't speak, like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, but if there is a vision to reappear, let people admire her half an hour ago, maybe the word "beautiful" will not be wasted on her , what should be used to describe it, probably only wild.

The two sneaked into the villa that Degan and the others rented, and the lights were still on in the house. Fortunately, they lived separately. They dragged Irina, who was in a vacuum, to the second floor, and Degan was agile. He turned up, opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, and entered his room.

"You can only wear my clothes now."

While Digan was talking, he was rummaging through the closet for clothes, when suddenly Irina hugged him from behind.

"Are you saying that to drive me away?"


The rest of Digan's words were blocked by Irina's kiss. It was obvious that she didn't plan to leave tonight.

Digan never imagined that a woman would look like this when she went crazy. Avril Lavigne she had dated before was considered a very crazy girl, but compared with Irina, Avril Lavigne was a good student.

As for his relationship with Irina, Degan didn't even know how to label it, but when Degan looked at Irina who was lying beside him with sleepy eyes, especially when he broke through Irina in the sea just now. He immediately labeled this charming woman as "owned by the Wright family" because of the little hindrance in the defense line.

I actually slept with Jin Maoluo's woman, and Digan suddenly felt a burst of pride for no reason.

In the previous life, countless nerds had fantasized about Jin Maoluo's fiancee with an angelic face and a devil's figure, but Digan never imagined that he would become the first successful conscript in the army of prostitutes.

Jin Maoluo is doomed to tragedy. His future woman has now been written by Digan with a personalized signature: this girl is owned by Digan, who dares to mess around and break her eggs!

However, there is no need for Degan to worry about the romantic Portuguese. That kid is destined not to be alone. When people in the future don't know what happened, this fellow suddenly announced to the outside world on Weibo. , the good news that he has become a father.

In fact, the world is more concerned about who the child's mother is, but after Jin Maoluo's hush money of up to 10 million pounds arrived, the woman disappeared.

Immediately, major media all over the world pointed at the Portuguese star and reported the incident overwhelmingly. Famous models, restaurant waitresses, etc. were all guessed by the media about the identity of the mother of the illegitimate child of Jin Maoluo. However, despite the extensive digging by the media, it was still difficult to find the following.

However, the powerful British media proved their omnipotence to the world again not long after. The "Daily Mirror" asserted after obtaining conclusive evidence that the mother of Jin Maoluo's illegitimate child was actually a 20-year-old British girl, and the woman was even a student.

According to the newspaper, Jin Maoluo met the female student in a nightclub in London at the time, and then had a relationship, which eventually led to the woman becoming pregnant with Jin Maoluo's flesh and blood until she gave birth to the child.

Now that the child was born, Jin Maoluo had to face it, and the subsequent dna test also showed that the child was indeed made by himself.

However, in view of the fact that her reputation would be affected, and that Jin Maoluo and Irina were in a passionate relationship at that time, the two parties reached an agreement after negotiation that the mother of the child gave up custody and promised to keep silent about this matter in the future. Of course, what she got The benefits are also quite generous, as high as 10 million pounds in hush money!

However, in the face of the powerful force of motherhood, this British female student who kept her promise for many days was still defeated. The call of her own flesh and blood made her violate the confidentiality agreement with the child's father, Jin Maoluo.

According to a person familiar with the matter, the woman couldn't restrain the violent outburst of maternal love, and she couldn't wait to see the child.

She often calls the beast Jin Maoluo in the dead of night, and cries during the call, and even praises how well he played after some games, and all purposes are to beg for a chance to meet the child, but Things backfired. Although she is now living an extremely prosperous life, after losing her own flesh and blood, she feels that she has betrayed her soul. This unspeakable feeling makes her suffer.

Because Jin Maoluo himself has a heavy task in the competition, although he loves his son deeply, he is not responsible for raising the child, and his mother and sister are responsible for all this task.

According to a close friend of Jin Maoluo, the Catholic values ​​​​of Jin Maoluo's mother are extremely strong, so she believes that the child should belong to her own family, and the mother of the child wants to see each other again, or to return to the "little golden retriever", even if she wants to cry dry tears No way.

However, with the passage of time, when the "little golden retriever" who is still in his infancy grows up, the paper will definitely not be able to contain the fire. I don't know what to do with the king of Portugal at that time.

Now Jin Maoluo definitely doesn't have to worry about these things anymore. Although he is very likely to be a beast again, but at least Digan has solved one trouble for him.

When Jin Maoluo couldn't control his waistband, he didn't need to worry about how to explain it to Irina.

Thinking of this, Digan suddenly felt that his image had suddenly grown taller. In essence, Digan is helping others in this matter.

And because he was the first to arrive, Jin Maoluo may not even know that there is a woman named Irina in the world who is waiting to meet him by fate, and Digan doesn't have to bear any guilt.

"what are you laughing at?"

Irina's words brought Degan back to real life from his mind wandering in an instant: "No! Nothing?"

"Then why are you laughing!?" Probably the sudden love made Irina's magic fail. This time, she didn't guess what Digan was thinking.

Digan hurriedly made up a set of sweet words: "I was lamenting my good luck. Originally, I was dragged by Ricardo and Caroline to vacation, but I didn't expect to meet you, an angel!"

After saying these words, Degan almost threw up in disgust.

But such sweet words are very useful to women whose IQ is severely lowered. Irina smiled coquettishly: "You should really thank God, it is God who made you lucky to meet me!"

Thank God?

When did God start a side job and start a moon-laden job?

never mind!

Just thank you!

At least the two of them didn't come back naked just now, and they didn't meet anyone along the way, which is a miracle in itself.

Of course, Degan didn't know that the whole process of the two of them going ashore was recorded by a video camera exactly, and then detonated the whole world.

The sad Jin Maoluo didn't know that he was in the Maldives at the moment, holding the beautiful woman he had just hooked up with in his arms, and was falling asleep thinking that in his dream, he won the World Footballer, the Golden Globe trophy, and led Portugal won the Hercules Cup.

Jin Maoluo was looking beautiful, suddenly a leg was stretched out in front of him, causing him to fall straight into the dog's shit, and he woke up suddenly, before he was still in shock, he noticed the beauty of the beauty who was fighting with him last night at the station appearance.

I don't know if I don't look at it, just look at it.

Japanese girl!

Like a flower in this world!

At that time, Jinmaoluo had an impulse to go to China immediately and buy a ton of Zhenshiming to wash his eyes. What the hell is this!

Cristiano at this moment that his future woman was lying in Digan's arms, he might even want to die.

The Cristiano in this life is destined to end in tragedy.
