
Chapter 124 Prandelli

Chapter 124 Prandelli

A hat-trick could be accomplished in the first performance of the World Cup. Degan himself did not expect that when he returned to the hotel where the team stayed, his mood was still difficult to calm down. Come here, after replying one by one, the phone rang again, this time it was Mendez.

"Hey! Dude! Did you see my game today?"

Mendes on the opposite side laughed loudly: "Of course, Rhodes! Your performance today is unparalleled. I saw it all in the stands, perfect, absolutely perfect! Rhodes! Continue to maintain this state. The rich teams will go completely crazy because of you!"

Degan knew what Mendes meant. After deciding to leave Milan, Degan also hoped that with his outstanding performance in the World Cup, he could win him a good contract.

"Hell How! What's going on now!?"

In fact, after Degan won the European Champions Cup with AC Milan, some teams have expressed a very strong interest in Degan, the most urgent of which is Mendes' fellow and friend Mourinho coaching Chelsea.

After winning two Premier League championship trophies in a row, the Russian oligarch Abramovich obviously has little interest in the domestic league. What he is eagerly looking forward to is that the team can make a breakthrough in the European arena. This breakthrough is of course the European champion League trophy.

It's just that Degan is not very interested in playing in the Premier League now, and Chelsea's current target is Shevchenko. This is something that the whole of Europe knows. There are no outstanding players in Russia. Focus on the scope of the former Soviet Union.

In addition to Chelsea, Arsenal also contacted Mendes. After losing to Degan in the final, Henry was interested in leaving. Wenger now also hopes to find a successor for Henry. Now Degan is undoubtedly the best in world football. The hot striker, and Degan's characteristics, also echo Wenger's tactics very much.

It's a pity that Arsenal's chances are not great. Although the new stadium has been opened, Arsenal's finances have almost dried up in order to build the Emirates Stadium.

Looking at Wenger's series of transfers after Arsenal moved to the Emirates Stadium in his previous life, almost none of the transactions exceeded 20 million, and Degan's liquidated damages were as high as 35 million.

There are also the Spanish duo of Real Madrid and Barcelona. They are rich and famous, and La Liga advocates offense, which can fully satisfy the desire of Digan, an offensive lunatic.

However, Degan will not go to Spain at this time. In Milan, he was exhausted physically and mentally because of the war with the fans. If he went to Spain, the situation would definitely not be very good. Who made Degan so unhappy? To save face, in the World Cup qualifiers, Spain was kicked out.

Bayern Munich also contacted Mendes, hoping to introduce Degan, but Degan didn't even think about it, so Mendes refused. Degan was really not interested in going to the Bundesliga.

When Mendes heard Degan mentioning this matter, he immediately said helplessly: "Rod! The situation is still the same. If you want to leave, I can start negotiations with those teams now. Except for Arsenal, they all I am willing to pay 35 million euros in liquidated damages for you."

Degan also laughed, he knew what Mendes was complaining about: "Don't worry, we have plenty of time, and I will take advantage of this time to get myself a good contract!"

When Degan said these words, he acted like a businessman.

Mendes said: "But! Rhodes! I hope you can give me a clear answer, do you really don't want to leave Italy at this time!"

Digan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Yes! Hell! I'm used to the Italian football style. Besides, I'm still young. If I go out to play football, I'd better wait a few years!"

Mendes knew Degan's decision a long time ago, and he did not object to it: "Rod! There is a chance now, remember Delaware?"

"Of course! Boss Florence!"

Mendes continued: "That's right! It's him!"

"Has he come to Germany?"

Mendes smiled: "Of course not, he has a lot of troubles now."

Of course Degan knew what trouble Mendes was referring to. Just a month ago, Gazzetta dello Sport suddenly published the content of the conversation between Juventus club general manager Moggi and the Serie A referee designator in recent years. The content is mainly the call record between Moggi in 2004 and the Serie A referee designator Paireto who served for 6 seasons.

Subsequently, the Italian Football Association President Carraro resigned, and the vice-chairman Mazzini subsequently resigned. The four major prosecutors' offices including Naples, Rome and Turin began to intervene in the investigation.

Immediately afterwards, Juventus officially issued a statement announcing the collective resignation of the Juventus board of directors.

The referee De Santis who was involved was disqualified from enforcing the World Cup, and the investigation was comprehensive. It was reported that many teams, including AC Milan and Fiorentina, were suspected of false play, and even the Italian goalkeeper Buffon was involved in the gambling scandal.

Just three days ago, the Italian Football Association announced the preliminary findings of the scandal, in which Juventus, Fiorentina, and Lazio will be prosecuted and asked to be relegated. Juventus will be deprived of its league title this season.

After the phone hacking was exposed, it spread rapidly. The fields involved and the various investigations triggered by it were amazing. The investigations were mainly in four aspects:

First, with the Juventus giants Moggi, Giraudo, Roberto Bettega, Italian Football Association Vice President Mazzini as the core, Bergamo, Paireto, DeSantis and other referees The "Moggi System" as an accomplice manipulates the selection of referees and linesmen, and controls the results of matches including ten teams in the first and second divisions. In addition, famous teams such as AC Milan, Fiorentina, and Lazio are also suspected of match-fixing.

Second, GEA, this is an extension of the first event, mainly because Moji and his son relied on the power of the "system" and the help to many teams to manipulate the transfer.

Third, the Juventus club's fake accounts are mainly related to the transfer accounts of Buffon and Bridge in 2002.

Fourth, many Juventus players, including Buffon, gambled.

There are countless people under investigation, more than 40 people were summoned by the Naples court alone, and even the former football association executives Carraro, Mazzini, Bergamo, Paireto, the referee association chairman Ranese, Senior leaders of Juventus, Fiorentina, Lazio, and AC Milan clubs, dozens of referees, agents, players, reporters, and government executives are all on the list.

Degan from his previous life knew that this phone door incident finally went through several months of investigation and evidence collection, and went through the first trial and second trial, and finally made a decision including Juventus' relegation, deduction of league points and deprivation of the 2005/2006 season. League champions, Fiorentina, Lazio, AC Milan and other clubs deducted points and other penalties, the image of Italian football was devastated, and the once "Little World Cup" gradually declined due to the Calciopoli scandal.

After the Calciopoli incident, due to the deduction of the league points obtained by Juventus and AC Milan for match-fixing in the 05/06 season, the Serie A champion of the year was replaced by the third-ranked Inter Milan club, and Inter Milan became the only one in Serie A. A team that has never been relegated.

Juventus, which is at the center of the vortex, was accused of directly violating Article 1 of Unfair Competition and Article 6 of Sports Fraud. Among the managers, they are the most serious crimes, and they are high-level members of the club, which cannot be defined as personal behavior. In the end, it is Juventus who are unlucky.

Lazio's responsibility is a little bigger than imagined. The club president Lotito was accused of violating the crime of directly affecting the result of the game, but this time the Italian football fight was against a tiger. After a kitten like Lazio was finally penalized, he survived. Disaster.

Fiorentina, which has the closest connection with Degan, was once considered to be the second person responsible, but according to the final accusation, the club chairman Andre de la Valle is still innocent, and more responsibility lies with the honorary chairman Diego. Della Valle and manager Mencucci, but since they are not high-ranking club officials, they may be defined as personal actions and will not cause too much involvement in the club.

AC Milan, where Digan is now playing, is not easy. The executive chairman Galliani was accused of violating unfair competition, but he was lucky to escape the more serious sports fraud charge. Galliani was exonerated It can put the club in a position with a lighter sentence.

Judging from the accused charges, no matter what kind of punishment Juventus receives, it will be the heaviest among the four teams. The problem for Lazio is whether Lotito can get rid of the accusation of sports fraud. If the charges are convicted, the punishment suffered will be significantly lighter than that of Juventus.

In the final judgment, Juventus fell to the last place in the 2005/06 season and deprived it of the 2005/2006 season league title. The new season starts with Serie B and deducts 9 points, with a fine of 80,000 euros. Former club general manager Moggi and former chairman Giraudo were banned from participating in football-related affairs within five years and were fined 50,000 and 20,000 euros respectively.

Fiorentina will be relegated to Serie B in the new season, and will deduct 12 points in the new season. Club chairman Andre Delavare will not be allowed to participate in football-related affairs within 3 and a half years, and will be fined 20,000 euros. The honorary chairman and owner of the club, Diego de la Valle, will not be allowed to participate in football-related affairs within 4 years and will be fined 30,000 euros.

Lazio will be relegated to Serie B in the new season and deduct 7 points to start. The club chairman Lotito will not be involved in football-related affairs within three years and will be fined 10,000 euros.

AC Milan retains its qualification to participate in Serie A next season, but will deduct 15 points in the new season and 44 points in the previous season. Therefore, judging from the new points ranking, it will not be able to participate in the UEFA Champions League next season. Club vice-chairman Galliani will not be allowed to participate in football-related activities for one year. affairs.

Such a result is obviously not something AC Milan chairman Silvio Berlusconi can bear. Being unable to participate in the Champions League means that the team will suffer a financial loss of tens of millions of euros in the new season. Juventus obviously has no way to get it out, so Lao Bei joined the chairmen of Lazio and Fiorentina and filed an appeal.

In the end, after Berlusconi threatened not to broadcast the Serie A games in the new season, Juventus was judged in the second instance and still deprived of its league title in the 05/06 season. The new season started with Serie B and deducted 17 points, fined 120,000 euros, and deprived of three home qualifications. Former club general manager Moggi and former chairman Giraudo will not be allowed to participate in football-related affairs for 5 years.

Lazio will continue to play in Serie A in the new season, but will deduct 7 points in the new season and 30 points in the previous season. They will lose their European qualifications, two home qualifications, and a fine of 100,000 euros. Club president Lotito banned from football-related affairs for two and a half years

Fiorentina will continue to compete in Serie A in the new season, but will deduct 15 points in the new season and 30 points in the previous season. Club president Andre Delavare is banned from football-related affairs for three years. The honorary chairman and owner of the club, Diego de la Valle, shall not be involved in football-related affairs within 3 years and 9 months.

AC Milan retains the qualification to participate in Serie A next season, but deducts 8 points in the new season. 30 points were deducted last season, so it ranks third in terms of the new points ranking, so it will participate in the UEFA Champions League qualifying round next season. Deprivation of a home qualification and a fine of 100,000 euros. The club's vice-president Galliani will not be involved in football-related affairs for 9 months.

The "telephone gate" incident that broke out in the Apennines football field caused Italian football to encounter the biggest integrity crisis in history.

In the previous life, when the incident broke out coincided with the 2006 World Cup in Germany, although the Italian national team, mainly composed of Juventus players in the center of the whirlpool, won the Hercules Cup bravely after knowing their shame, but In any case, the impact of the "Phonegate" incident is extremely negative.

On the one hand, in recent years, Juventus, a veteran giant that has repeatedly contributed European points to Serie A, was forced to be relegated to Serie B. Fiorentina, Lazio, AC Milan and other clubs suffered penalties such as point deduction. The poor strength of several veteran teams made Inter Milan Won five consecutive league titles, and won five league titles, cups, Super Cups, Champions Leagues and Club World Cups in the 2010 season.

From the outbreak of Calciopoli to the 2010/2011 season when AC Milan broke the monopoly of Inter Milan's league, during this period, except for Rome and Lazio who occasionally won cups or Super Cups, the rest of the championships were all embraced by Inter Milan.

In addition to allowing Inter Milan to dominate Serie A, "Telephone Gate" also caused a devastating blow to the image of Italian football. The market appeal of most clubs dropped to freezing point, and a large number of outstanding players fled Serie A. The level is declining rapidly, and the European competition points of Serie A are logically surpassed by the Bundesliga. In the next few years, the chances of Italian teams participating in the European competition will be greatly reduced, which will lead to a vicious circle in which more outstanding players are unwilling to join Serie A. .

The fermentation of "Telephone Gate" made Italian football, once known as the "Little World Cup", almost fall to the bottom. First, a large number of stars "fleeed" from Serie A, and then the European points were surpassed by the Bundesliga. Four, reduced to the top three. In the end, it caught up with the economic situation in Europe, which caused many Serie A teams to tighten their money, making the recovery of Serie A protracted.

Although there is no final result yet, whether it is AC Milan, where Degan is currently playing, or Fiorentina, where Degan has an affair, it is obviously not easy.

"Hell! What do you think of this now? Fiorentina will definitely lose their qualification for the European competition. Do you think it's a good idea for me to transfer to Fiorentina now?"

Before the incident broke out, Fiorentina was indeed a good choice. The owner of the club, Delaware, was willing to spend money, and the team was in a rising period. If Degan could transfer to Fiorentina, he could become the team team leader.

But the situation is obviously different now. With Degan's strength, it is easy to join a team that is qualified for the European war. There is really no need to go to Florence to go to the muddy water. Fiorentina is no better than staying in AC Milan.

Mendes said: "Yes! I think so too, but I think you'd better meet someone. He came to Germany specially to find you! Rhodes! I think it's out of politeness~~~~~"

"Who is it!?" Degan interrupted Mendez.

"Fiorentina coach Prandelli!"


Degan is no stranger to this name. When Degan was reborn, Prandelli was the head coach of the Italian national team and was preparing to lead the team to the World Cup in Brazil.

And in recent years, Prandelli's reputation in Italian football is not small, especially the Parma youth army led by him, which has ignited a new round of youth storms in European football.

Fiorentina, who is currently coaching, also made great progress last season and finally ranked fourth in the standings. Although their European qualifications will definitely be canceled due to the impact of the call time, it is undeniable that Prand Lee's coaching ability.

After hesitating for a while, Digan said, "Okay! Let's meet at the hotel!"

Digan hung up the phone and turned to look at Gul who shared the room with him: "Bart! Didn't you just say that you have something to go to the coach!?"

Upon hearing this, Gul stood up with a smirk: "Okay! Rhodes! I'm leaving now! Don't worry, I will probably sleep in Proto's room tonight, you can do whatever you want!"

After Gul finished speaking, he walked away without giving Digan a chance to explain. Obviously, this guy who was full of little movies had misunderstood him. He thought it was Avril Lavigne who was coming.

Not long after Gull left, someone knocked on the door, and it was Mendes and Prandelli who came. Last season, Degan once played against Fiorentina coached by Prandelli. Not unfamiliar.

"Hello, Mr. Prandelli!"

"Hello! Rhodes! Don't mind me calling you that!"

Digan nodded: "Of course! Please sit down!"

As soon as the three of them sat down, Prandelli got straight to the point: "Rod! I think Mr. Mendes has already told you the purpose of my coming to see you this time!"

Digan nodded: "Yes! He said it."

Prandelli then asked: "Rod! I don't know what you think about moving to Florence."

Digan said: "I remember when I was in Brussels, I had an agreement with Mr. Delavai. If Fiorentina can enter the UEFA Champions League next season, I can consider transferring, but now, you You know, Italian football is not peaceful!"

The phone call time has now spread to the whole world, and everyone knows how the teams involved will be punished.

Prandelli knows that this matter is probably the biggest obstacle to the introduction of Degan. With Degan's current reputation, if it is not the World Cup year, it is not a big problem to win the World Footballer and the European Ballon d'Or. What he needs It is a bigger stage to participate in the European competition, but it is very difficult for Florence now.

Thinking of this matter, Prandelli also secretly hated it. The team worked hard for a season and finally got fourth in the league, but now they will be deprived of the qualification for the European competition, and the whole year's hard work will be paid for. East flow.

But if you give up like this, how can Prandelli be reconciled: "Rod! I think if you can come to Florence, the European war or something, everything will be no problem! If you come to Florence, I can completely take you as my first choice." core, rebuild a more competitive team."

Digan didn't speak, and Mendes asked, "Coach Prandelli, but now the core player on Fiorentina's front line is Luca Toni."

The player that Fiorentina relied on most on the striker line last season was indeed Luca Toni, and Luca Toni performed very well last season, scoring a total of 32 goals. Face to face, the best shooter of last season must be this late blooming super forward.

Prandelli didn't hesitate at all: "Luka Toni is no longer a Fiorentina player. Although it hasn't been announced yet, he has now moved to Bayern Munich!"

Degan frowned when he heard the words. If he remembered correctly, Luca Toni's transfer to Bayern Munich would have to wait until next season, and he would transfer now. Obviously, Fiorentina put all their hopes on him. body.

If Luca Toni leaves Fiorentina and Degan transfers, Fiorentina will reproduce the original Atlanta offensive combination next season, with Albertini and Montolivo in the midfield and Degan and Pacini in the striker.

Thinking of this, Digan's heart moved!

He didn't have a happy day in AC Milan. Although he had his brother Kaka here, he still didn't like the atmosphere in the team. If he could reunite with his old friend in Florence, it would be a big deal for Degan of**.
