
Chapter 31 Boos from the home court

Chapter 31 Boos from the home court

The San Siro stadium in Milan City was full of people as soon as night fell.

What will be held here is the second round of the 2005/2006 Italian Serie A season. AC Milan, which is at home, will face the underdog Siena.

During the warm-up, as soon as Degan came on stage, there was a burst of ear-piercing boos from the stands. It is impossible for such a big boo to be sent out by the few fans of the visiting team, so these boos are actually gifts from the fans of the home team to Digan.

Although booing one's own team, scolding one's own players, and expressing one's dissatisfaction are very common in Italy, but like Degan, who also staged a hat-trick in the last game and helped the team reverse the victory, should have been a hero. In the end, he was treated like this by his own fans, which is also unique.

Although the fans had some resistance to Degan because of Degan's destruction of the team's internal unity, this is not the case. All this stems from what Degan said to reporters during an interview after the last game Those words.

Although violent protests have been banned, this did not reduce the hatred of AC Milan fans. They even accumulated more anger and dissatisfaction because they could not use violence. In today's game, they will All his anger turned into hisses and curses, as well as his middle finger, which came out.

The boos began to sound from the players entering the field to warm up. Whenever Deegan touches the ball, even if it is just a one-kick pass, there will be a sudden explosion of uniform boos from the stands.

When Degan passed the ball, the boos stopped quickly, as if someone had stepped on the brakes, retracting and releasing freely, and would never accidentally injure any of the home team players he loved.

This kind of experience is not new to Degan. When he played for Atlanta before, the fans welcomed him with such boos, but after the first game, this The booing became less and less, less and less, until finally, the boos became cheers.

Although Digan looked calm and didn't care, only he knew how aggrieved he was. The reason why he was silent was because he had to wait. After scoring a goal, he could use Slap in the face of these fans, although in that case, he will completely push himself to the opposite side of the fans, and he will have no place in the entire ac milan, after all, ac milan fans don't want atalanta fans They are used to being so hard, and finally they meet a player who can bring goals and victories, even if they are drawn as pigs, they don't care.

The fans of AC Milan are noble, at least they think so. If Degan dares to take any offensive actions during the game, they will definitely let Degan be buried four or five times, but Degan just doesn't care.

Even if that would make the fans hate him even more, no matter how many goals he scored, it would not be able to restore the fans' love for him. After all, if he took the initiative to confront the fans, it would be a real declaration of war.

If Kaka or Mendes knows about his idea, he must be stopped, because if he wants to continue playing in this team, of course, if he is about to transfer and leave, then Before leaving, it's not impossible to smoke the fans who dislike him anyway.

However, Kaka and Mendes have no chance to stop Degan. The behavior of these fans has already angered Degan. An angry Degan does not need to use his brain to think about the problem.

Although Degan can use continuous goals to save the hearts of fans, perhaps using victories, goals and championships can really make fans temporarily forget his shortcomings.

Then keep expressing his love for Milan, so that he may be able to get rid of the current predicament.

But why did Digan do that? Everyone else was happy, but he was the only one who was unhappy. Why?

I swear against all those who look down on him, either you die or I live!

Looking at the huge banner hanging on the south stand at this moment, it reads: Get out of Milan! You are not worthy of the noble blood of Milan!

It is unprecedented for the self-respecting Milan fans to deal with a player of their own team in such a way, and this kind of banner is everywhere in the stadium, as if these fans did not come to San Siro to watch the game, but for themselves Supporting teams cheered and shouted, just to fight against Degan.

Digan seemed to be really affected. During the subsequent shooting practice, he took a shot and kicked the ball directly to the stands. The fans were happier now, and the boos increased by dozens of decibels for a while. .

Mendes in the stands couldn't help shaking his head again and again. He wasn't shaking his head because Degan shot a plane. They were feeling headache and helpless about the current relationship between fans and players. A player offended almost all the fans when he first came to the team, so how can he have an easy life in this team?

It is said that a gaming company has already offered 1 to 4 odds on when Degan will transfer to AC Milan, accepting everyone to bet.

There have also been rumors about Degan's possible transfer and departure in the media. It stands to reason that it is impossible for players who have just joined the team to be rumored to be rumored. After all, it was hard to beg grandpa and sue grandma. The players who were just introduced have not even passed the honeymoon period. It's itchy, it's always a bit outrageous. But all of this, here in Degan, happened so without accident. Many people think that for Digan today, maybe leaving is the only relief, otherwise he will die completely in Milan City.

Rejected by teammates, ignored by the head coach, disgusted by fans, is it necessary for Digan to stay?

Some media have outlined for him what his career will look like if he stays in AC Milan. First of all, he will not be able to perform at his due level on the field because of the confrontation with the fans. The fans Harassment and attacks can't make him feel at ease to train and compete.

Then he will be unable to help the team because of his delay in integrating into the team, making the originally unstable position even more dispensable.

At that time, I am afraid that Berlusconi and Galliani will definitely stand with coach Ancelotti, so it is inevitable that Degan will completely lose his living space in the team.

Then even if he loses his position in the team, the confrontation between him and the fans will not end. Those fans who were denounced by Degan as football hooligans and exploded their lungs will continue to pester him in every corner inside and outside the stadium, making him Tired of coping, overwhelmed with self-care.

In the end, Degan will completely lose his form under such torture, and he will never return to the heroic state of last season. The single-season scoring record in Serie A, the double crown, and these auras will all go away from him.

And he will also be rotten in the stands of AC Milan because of his refusal to transfer. At first, he was rotten on the bench. Later, he couldn't even make the roster, so he could only go to the stands to watch the game.

And I have to go to the box, to the ordinary stands, I am afraid that I will be beaten by the exposed fans. This picture of the future prospect outlined by the Italian media for Degan, now it seems that everything is being performed according to the script. At least so far, there is no any deviations.

Those reporters will not feel sorry for Degan. They wish Degan would be as unlucky as possible. It would be better if his football career is not going well, he is depressed, he has depression or something, and he will destroy himself humanely, so as not to live and be dirty. Earth's face.

Of course, many fans are worried about Degan. Degan's outstanding performance last season, coupled with his rebellious and never-bow-compromising character, made him the idol of many fans.

They are all urging Digan to leave AC Milan. After all, a man can bend and stretch. For a better future, it is normal to transfer and leave. No one will say that Degan is a loser.

Even Atlanta fans are still looking forward to returning to the meeting with a low score. After losing Degan, although Riodo has invited a new coach and introduced a lot of players this season, Atlanta, the defending champion last season, is still on its own. Lazio beat Lazio 4-0 at the door.

Marcarone, who was placed high hopes by Riodo and said he would replace Degan, played 90 minutes and only had two shots, as hard as his bald head.

However, there are also many people who are looking forward to Digan's bad luck. There is no doubt that these people are fans of Basten, and they are mainly Dutch. What Digan said is not good, insisting that Basten is a thing of the past. Should be forgotten, in this case, isn't this courting death?

Those fans of Basten feel that Degan's current situation is completely self-inflicted, and they deserve it. They don't sympathize with Degan at all, and they just wait to see Degan's embarrassment in AC Milan.

After the warm-up training, Degan returned to the bench. He didn't want to participate in the preparation meeting before the battle. Anyway, he was not the main force. He was thrown in the morgue and listened to Ancelotti's exchange of theory with that set of arguments. It is meaningless to deceive all living beings.

But the fans in the stands didn't just let him go because Degan returned to the bench. There are so many swearing words, they are really full of tricks and emerge in endlessly.

Degan is not lonely, and there is someone to accompany him. It is his good friend Gattuso, an Italian butcher, who seems to have lost his sense of smell. man.

"Rod! I guess, if you go to the edge of the stands now, those people will kill you directly!" Gattuso laughed so cheaply.

Digan rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I will go, but not now, but wait until~~~~~~~"
