

Hello everyone and thank you so much for reading my story! 

I'm so sorry to let you know that I will not be continuing my story here. I am not making anything off of my stories and need to take my writing elsewhere. I am putting this here so you do not pay for any of the paid chapters, thinking I will continue writing.

As much as I have loved sharing these stories, I need to do what is best for me. As I am not allowed to delete them, they will remain available until I am. I hope you will check out my published work under the pen name, Kirro Burrows, and continue to support me as I continue my journey as an Author.

Hopefully I can bring these stories to you again, either in a different format or print, and let you see my full vision. 

Once again, thank you!


I leaned over the counter, pushing the bartender my empty glass. Even as he refilled it and I swallowed it down, I was kicking myself inside. It had been exactly five years since I had Fallen and gotten my boyfriend killed. I never had been the best angel to date, but Evan hadn't ever cared. I knew it wasn't my fault and yet every year, I found myself here in this bar, drinking away my sorrow and guilt.

Suddenly my phone rang, interrupting my own spiraling thoughts. I ignored it through the first five rings and then, just before my voicemail caught it, I finally answered with a weary voice. "Hello?"

"Lin?" I slammed my glass down for another refill. I recognized the voice; it was my sister, Sarai. "Is this…is this a bad time?"

"One sec."

"Okay." As she accepted my request, I gulped down my last drink, slamming the glass down as I motioned that I was done. I paid my tab and left, my gait unaffected by the alcohol in my bloodstream. It'd filter out in a few hours anyway.

"What, Sarai?" I switched to my earpiece as I started my long walk home. Her voice sounded light and happy as she answered and I could see her in my mind as she spoke, still just as beautiful and perfect as she had been the last time I saw her. Beautiful flaming red hair that matched my own and shining blue eyes that contained a light mine once had.

"Just calling to say hi." I cringed as I heard the pain in her voice. "Don't get to see you anymore now that you've fallen."

"Yeah, well, things happen, Sarai." I came to a sudden stop as a car flew around a dark corner, clearly not playing attention to the road. "I did what I thought was right and well, I fell."

"I know, Lin. And I don't blame you in the least." Sarai sighed, as if unsure of what she wanted to say. I waited a moment to see if she would continue, but started to frown as she remained silent.

"Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"A bit but…I think it should wait. Today isn't the best day for that." Sarai admitted and I silently agreed. Talking about my fall on the anniversary of the day was not the best timing."I'll talk to ya later. 'Bye."

"'Bye." I continued my walk home, my mood now even more sour than before. I missed the talks and laughs me and my twin used to have, but going to visit her held too many risks. As much as I missed her, I loved her too much to risk her suffering the same fate as me.

There are many ways to fall; commit a deadly sin, save the life of a demon, murder another Being excluding demons, and to maim one's self in any way. However, there was only one way to rise again: to be forgiven in person by the Angelic Council, said to speak the will of the Creator. But I didn't have time for such follies; I actually had a life to live. If the Creator was half as wise as everyone played him off to be, he should have understood my actions. The only regret I had was my wings: I was eternally grounded unless by some miracle my wings were healed.

The wings in question flew from behind my body the moment I walked into my home and stretched after being pressed to my body all day. Although I no longer worked for the LPD, I still couldn't walk around in public with them visible. They were a trademark: everyone knew fallen angels for having torn wings.

And being known wasn't good for a fallen angel.

"Lin!" My thoughts were interrupted by Lee 's voice. He flew to me at an unusually fast speed, his child-like body rising to be in my face. His sea green eyes were accusatory, and I quickly turned away from him. "Lin, it's midnight! Don't tell me you've been drinking."

"Then I won't." I brushed past him to get to the kitchen, putting down my bag. Lee landed on the counter, still crossing his arms as his red curls bounced.

"By the Creator, Lin, it's been five years. Evan did what he thought was right by him. " He placed his small hand on mine. "You gotta let go, honey. You need to."

"I know, Lee, I have." I sighed. "Where's Jinx?"

"She's out." He lifted himself from the surface. "Said she'd be back by sunrise. You too are so alike in your denial."

His voice faded as he took off into another room. I sighed as I climbed the stairs up into my room. My computer "awoke" to greet me, the screen lighting up the room. Technology had taken a giant leap forward since the Revealing, when all Supernatural and Fantastical creatures revealed themselves to humans and created the world as it was now.

"You have three new messages, shall I proceed?" Jinx had programmed its voice to sound too much like Evan's and it was a mere miracle I didn't break down and cry every time I heard it. I collapsed on the bed as I answered.


"Angels. Sarai." Suddenly her voice came through the speakers. "Hey Eve. Love ya. Miss ya. A few others and I talked to the Angelic Council today and they said all Fallen could visit for Mother's Day next week. See ya soon."

"Reply." I interrupted before the computer could continue to the next message. "Thanks Sarai for letting me know. I'll be sure to come."

The computer recorded my message and sent it to Sarai's computer. Then it immediately proceeded to the next message. "Demons. Luc. Eve, I'm sorry about Evan. I know today is five years and if not for me, he'd still be here. If I could, I would turn back time to save him. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and tell Jinx and Lee I said hi and I miss them. I miss you. 'Bye."

I frowned as I debated sending a message back, his words and tone causing my heart to pound as they did every year. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to Luc, after all we hadn't spoken since my Fall, but it somehow seemed wrong to respond. Luc had never been secretive in his attraction to me, and in the past, I had always chosen to ignore it. Something in his voice this year made me consider changing my stance, but acknowledging it on the day of my ex's death still felt like poor timing. The computer made my decision for me, playing the next message.

"Witches. Jinx. Hey Lin, I won't be home tonight. I wasn't sure if Lee would get you my message. Don't forget we have a job tomorrow and DO NOT REPLY!"

Her voice was enough for me to say "Delete." I laid down in my bed, glancing at the ceiling. I simply wanted the day to be over and so closed my eyes for sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yasmina_Irocreators' thoughts