

Inside the police station, Erika walked inside, hand in hand with Ethan as he led her in. When she raised her head to glance at him, she noticed a scowl settling on his face.

Tugging his arm to get his attention, Erika mumbled.

"You know you don't have to look like that, right? We are in the police station and nothing is going to happen here."

Ethan only nodded his head and smiled at her before they walked further into the station. The station was different from the one where Adrain had been captured that last time and they didn't trust to put Viper in that same station.

Ethan had suggested to have Viper kept in the prison where Mary and Juliet had been locked up but Edward had objected to the idea saying it wasn't needed. He recommended a police station that his friend owned and assured them that Viper wouldn't be able to escape even if he tried.
