

Erika watched Beatrice gently close the door behind her, leaving her to ponder on the answer that she'd just uttered.

"His wife?" She repeated, mumbling under his breath. "That was also what Edward said," she added.

Months ago, after the meeting with Viper at the restaurant, he immediately contacted both Erika and Ethan and informed them about the information he got about the lady who looked exactly like her. But since Viper didn't confirm anything and simply walked away, Edward wasn't sure if she was indeed his wife but he didn't waste a moment and still informed them.

Now hearing it from Beatrice whom she suspected was close to Viper, she was sure that she was indeed his wife.

"But what did she mean when she said 'was'?" Erika asked out loud. She stared back at the door, resisting the urge to get up from the bed and follow Beatrice to ask more questions that needed answers but she had her sons in her hands that she was breastfeeding.
