

Adrain's eyes widened in shock after hearing what Viper had to say. "But they wouldn't do that, right? They wouldn't take my son to the orphanage right?" He asked Viper as if the man was aware of the Walters brother's plan.

Viper shrugged and he released another puff of smoke from his mouth before he replied, "I have no idea about what they are planning to do but I guess that they might go with that plan. No one there is related to your son and since it's your son, they definitely wouldn't want to be associated with bad blood so I guess that they would send him to the orphanage."

Adrain's mouth only opened widely as he found it hard to believe that his very own son would be taken to an orphanage while he was still alive.

"They can't do that!" He yelled out his frustration. "They have to give my son back if they can't take care of him. I'm still alive and I will not let my son be taken away from me like that."
