

As I sat there, trying to regain my breath, I realized that I need to get to Roxy soon so that she can heal my severed arm. If things are just left as is, I could bleed out.

Thankfully, it didn't take long for the rest of my party to make their way around the stone wall I had conjured.

Once they caught sight of me, everyone quickened their pace.

The area around me looked like a warzone. It was covered in splattered blood, broken tree limbs and rubble, as well as a large crater in the ground.

Roxy ran to my side and began to chant a healing incantation before I pointed out my severed arm lying on the ground. She worriedly picked it up and cast the advanced rank 'Shine Healing' spell to reattach it.

I felt much better after Roxy healed me, but unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about my left arm. My left arm was reduced to a twisted, mangled lump of flesh, no amount of Roxy's healing had any effect. I decided to sever the unusable arm at the shoulder.

Roxy was in tears over my losing an arm. I tried to console her the best I could.

"It's nothing that can't be fixed. We just need to find someone who can use King class healing magic. We were already planning to pass through Milishion, I'm sure we can find someone there who can help us."

Eris, meanwhile, was completely silent. Her eyes went wide the moment she saw me kneeling down in the clearing. After I was healed, she slowly looked around at the destruction caused by my battle, but still didn't speak a word.

Ruijerd, on the other hand, had a lot to say. The moment Roxy had me stabilized, he laid into me.

"Rudeus, what were you thinking, taking on someone like that on your own!? You almost got yourself killed!"

"I'm sorry, Ruijerd. I could sense how powerful my opponent was and I didn't want any of you to get hurt."

"How do you think the rest of us feel? Do you think we want to see you get hurt? I thought we made our decisions together! Aren't we equals as party members!?"

I could only look down at the ground. He's right. I've become so used to doing everything by myself, I never stopped to consider how they would feel. I've forgotten that I have people I can rely on now.

"...I'm sorry", is all I could say.

The fury on Ruijerd's face seemed to fade a little.

"Alright. As long as you understand. However, do not do this ever again. Why have I come all this way with you if you won't even accept my help when the time comes that you need it."

"Still though... who was this guy?", Tallhand asked as he nudged Aleksander with his foot.

"He introduced himself as the North God, Aleksander Ryback."

Tallhand nervously took a couple steps back. "The.. the North God? Are you sure?"

"Yes, he nearly killed me."

They were all dumbfounded. Everyone here knew what it meant to have earned the 'God' title in one of the forms of swordsmanship.

"You defeated the North God? How is that possible...", said Ruijerd.

"Then this must be his sword?", Elinalise said, picking it up. Even with both hands you could tell she struggled with its size and weight.

"Yes. It seems to be a magic item. With it, he was able to freely manipulate gravity."

"How would you even combat such a foe?", Elinalise questioned.

"With magic, you can do pretty much anything."

"When it's you saying that, I can't help but agree", Roxy conceded.

"We could sell this thing for a fortune", Tallhand suggested.

"I wouldn't think of it", I answered. "Eris is a swordswoman. I think we should give it to her."

"Well, it is your prize, after all. Do with it whatever you want", Elinalise added.

I grabbed the sword from Elinalise and offered it to Eris. She still seemed to be in a bit of a daze, but answered once I finally managed to get her attention.

"I... I couldn't possibly accept this", she refused. "Something like this is way too valuable. It's too big for me to use anyway."

That's a good point, actually. Eris was always a very agile fighter. Then again, once mastered, the mobility this sword offered was unmatched.

"Alright, I'll just hold onto it for now."

I said that, but after picking up the sword, I realized it would be a pain to lug it around everywhere.

I tried to swing it, but with only one hand it was too heavy. Instead of swinging, instead I focused on a rock about 10 meters away with the intention to lift it up via gravity manipulation. Sure enough, the rock lifted into the air.

I moved the rock back and forth using the sword before finally dropping it back down where it once sat. Using this sword was very similar to my own gravity magic, but far more mana efficient.

It would seem my little practice session had garnered everyone's attention. They were all watching in awe as I controlled gravity with ease.

"Wow, that sword is amazing!", Elinalise yelled.

"Indeed. I've never seen such a useful magic item", Tallhand added.

"So that really was the North God. How in the world did you defeat him while he was using that sword? Even I would have stood no chance against him", Ruijerd commented.

"Wait! What about the two Beastmen we found and all the children? Where are they? Are they safe!?", I asked, genuinely concerned.

"They are safe", Ruijerd assured. "After I took care of that smuggler I immediately made my way around your wall to assist you."

It seems everyone other than Ruijerd had also temporarily forgotten about them, considering everything going on right now.

We made our way back to the Beastmen. By now, Gyes and Gustav were both fully awake and talking with the children.

As soon as they spotted us, Gyes and Gustav both bowed in thanks to us.

"Thank you so much for saving our children", Gyes said emotionally.

Ruijerd rested his hand on Minitona's head.

"No need for thanks. It is a warrior's duty to protect the children."

"Where are you headed?", Gustav asked.

"We are on our way back to our homeland", I cut in. "But for now, we are headed to Milishion, as the next stepping point on our journey."

"What happened to your arm nya!?", Minitona ran up to me, shocked to see the stump where my left arm used to be.

"I am fine. You don't have to worry."

"This is all our fault nya! You lost your arm protecting us!" Minitona hugged my other arm and began crying.

Gyes got up and approached me, bowing directly towards me in thanks.

"I can't thank you enough for saving my daughter. Please, come visit us in Dedoldia Village. The rainy season is almost upon us. There is not enough time to make it through the forest to Milishion, and Dedoldia village is on the way there."

"Thank you. I would like that."

I looked over to the rest of our group, "Is that ok with you all?"

"Of course", Roxy answered.

"It would be an honor", Tallhand said as he bowed his head slightly.

"I would love to!", Eris exclaimed as she ran up and hugged Minitona.

So it was decided. We all followed Gyes and Gustav through the forest as they led us to Dedoldia Village to pass the rainy season.

Meanwhile, back in the forest clearing, Aleksander still lay in the middle of the battleground as rain began to trickle down on him. The wound on his chest has closed up to about half its original size.

The intensity of the rainstorm grew as large drops began pouring over the landscape. Aleksander's hand began to twitch and then suddenly, he opened his eyes.
