
marriage contract part-1

Alex looked around the house to find Fluer, she is still red from the teasing of others, Alex came forward and felt guilty for not telling her about other girls, he said an apology and told her about them, Fluer replied in a firm tone," no need to apologise Alex, as long as you don't ignore me by only caring them I'll be okay with it, but I'm reminding you that your first fiance is still me and nobody can rob the position from me".

Alex smiled and hugged Fluer making her blush again, but they stayed in that position for sometime, then both of them discussed about their school life and adventures laughing and chatting, Apolline called Fluer and told her it's time to go, Fluer is reluctant to leave.

Apolline is speechless and asked," seriously, you've not even met a few hours ago and your both that attached to each other, sigh, we'll comeback tomorrow we need your father for the contract, now come on you can talk to him for a week after the contract without any disturbance".

Alex waved to her and Fluer smiled with a reluctant face, after they're gone Alex turned towards Nicolas and perenelle both of them has a wide teasing grin and asked Alex about his life in Hogwarts and also about the girls, Alex though embarrassed at first explained everything to them.

in the end they teased him continuously throughout the conversation and and told Alex his family will be here tomorrow like delacours for the marriage contract.

Alex after this goes to his room in flamel mansion and wrote many potion recipes involving beauty products along with magic increase and also age reduction ones, he decided he'll release the potion to successfully awaken a squib into wizard later.

Alex then contacted Drusilla and asked about nagini then he apparated there using Nile and removed the maledictus, which brought tears of joy to nagini, Alex told Drusilla to take good care of her.

the vampires threw a celebration on night but forgot Alex is a human and brought blood, Drusilla panicked when she saw that but Alex just laughed out loud, vampires then realised what race he is and become embarrassed.

Alex took out some dragon meat and cook it , he gave it to nagini and they both ate together, nagini is shocked to know Alex is a 12 year old kid from Drusilla, she asked about credence, Alex though reluctant at first after seeing her nervous expression told her what happened to credence which brought tears from nagini's eyes.

Alex tried to comfort her but he knew she needed some time alone and instructed Drusilla to take care of nagini, Alex then apparated back to flamel mansion and slept.

he slept like a log as he spent time with the vampires till 2 am and barely got sleep, the next day he woke up to see Lily smiling at him with a murdurous gaze and asked what is it, but Lily first dropped a knuckle charge and said," who in their right mind will be late when signing a marriage contract, even the delacours are arrived, get your body up and be ready in 15 minutes".

Alex when he look at the clock realised it's 10 in the morning, he immediately got ready and go downstairs to find Nicolas and perenelle chatting with delacours and his family while Fluer is asking Lily about something in a corner. Lily is showing Fluer an album Alex knew what the album contain and rushed to stop Lily but Nicolas grabbed him and introduced him to Monsieur delacour , he is Fluer's father.

unlike Hermoine's father who is glaring at Alex this person is quite normal and interactable but Alex tell them hi and said he needs to stop his mother from doing something but Nicolas and perenelle didn't let him go and they said," why? let your fiance see your childhood pictures including the ones when your mother dressed you as a girl, I must say Alex , you look adorable when you dress like that".

Alex screamed and dropped to ground in a comical manner bringing a wave of laughter from the delacours, a little girl who is 6 years old, she looked at Alex and giggled. watching his behaviour, then come forward and said," so your the one who is going to marry my sister, I won't let my sister be abducted from me", all the people in the room look at little girl , Alex said," okay, then I'll abduct you and also your sister, whose going to stop me then".

Gabrielle who heard this is shivered and hide behind her mother, Alex laughed at the little girls cute behaviour, but remembered Lily then rushed towards them, he is too late Lily told Fluer everything and also show the pictures of him, Fluer and Lily are looking at Alex with a teasing gaze, Alex tried to snatch the album and lock it with him but Lily didn't let him take it away saying," the more girls you gather the more girls who get to know this album Alex".

in the end he couldn't win against his mother while couldn't look at Fluer who has a teasing gaze, Gabrielle is looking at Alex with angry eyes like he stole something from her, Fluer who observed this smirked at her behaviour and even kissed him on cheek making Gabrielle mad Alex.

she charged at him saying," you manipulated my sister and trick her to fall for you, I'm going to fight you and get my sister back", Apolline and Lily smiled at Gabrielle's behaviour while Harry is looking at Alex enviously, James just smiled watching Alex.

there is even Sirius and Remus who are present and asked Lily for the album making Alex even more embarrassed at this situation, Gabrielle all this is glarig at him and hugged Fluer like she is gaurding a treasure in front of a theif.
