

"This fucking whore! Is that how you talk to your husband!!".

With a demanding and aggressive tone, he slapped her on the face, bringing out a heavy bang that vibrated through the walls.


I lazily forced my eyes open only for me to wake up to the sound of wails and a heavy tone permeating the air.

Already aware of what was happening, I stood up from my mattress and made my way toward the direction the sound was coming from.

I ended up stopping when I saw my cousin, Anita standing in front of the closed door leading to the bedroom.

For only a brief moment, our eyes met and I could tell as I gazed into her pupils, what was happening.

Her father was at it again, the constant need for him to prove a point through physical assault, asserting his dominance on my aunt by doing to her as he saw fit.

I was bittered deep inside.

What could have gone wrong again for him to start beating her?

No. What sort of question was that? He never had a good reason to beat her. He would do it either way without a justifiable reason to.

That is what he is, that is the kind of person someone like him is.

They do not need a valid reason, just a slight misunderstanding was enough to have him unleash his anger on her.

How repulsing and so barbaric!!

"Are you trying to grow wings now! Uhh? You are trying to rebel against me, is that it?!".

He smacked her, bashed her head to the wall and kicked her in the stomach.

Anita could only hear the sound of her father's voice, but I heard it all.

My ears were extra sensitive, allowing me to get the full scope of what was happening without having to see it happen up close.

I heard how the husband kicked her, and the groaning pain let out by my aunt. How hurt and in pain she was when her head was bashed to the wall.

How scared and helpless she felt as she panted heavily, fearful of what was to become of her.

It was sickening, and I was tired of it all!

I could not bear to stay idle and continue listening to her going through those painful moments.

My blood boiling and my heart beating furiously, I kicked down the door to the entrance.

Not open, literally kicked. With my right leg forward, I pressed it down on the door and detached the closed door from the wall.

The door fell abruptly to the ground with a loud sound that called forth the attention of all who were in the room.

I had no time to question with what strength I used to pull down the door as my aunt's husband stormed his way toward me.

He stepped on the fallen door and stood before me at a towering height as he looked down at me and sought to intimidate me with a fierce gaze.

"Are you mad! Have you gone insane! How dare you barge into my room, intruding on my time with my wife".

"How sickening". I said, with a demeanour that ignored his presence.

I moved past him, walking past his right and made my way toward my aunt.

She crouched on the floor with a battered body and a bleeding lip.

My insides were turned upside down. I was no doubt furious about the situation, yet I had to calm down.

"Are you okay".

What a ridiculous question I had asked. She is badly beaten so how could she be okay?

Still, I had to ask as I stretched out my hand toward her, to help her get off the floor.

My aunt cowered her eyes away from me. Not only was she afraid, but she was also ashamed. She did not want me to see her this way, so helpless and pathetic!!

'Why?!'. I questioned in my thoughts.

'If you felt so pathetic, then why don't you stand up for yourself?!!'.

Do something, anything to show that you won't tolerate a situation like this happening ever again.

I could not understand, what was going through her mind. No, rather I did not want to understand her.

I am but a child with personal problems of my own to deal with. Who am I to say I want to meddle with the affair of an adult?

Who am I as a child to say I want to understand the way an adult thinks?...

I have only one goal in life; it is to live a fulfilled life, one that my mother would be proud of when I meet her in the afterlife.

Living a life like that meant staying away from anything that might tarnish my goal. Of course, that meant I had to be as far away from any violent act as possible.

Naturally, I did. Throughout my years of living alone, I can confidently say that not once have I ever been involved in any violent actions.

I also have found myself in surprising situations these past few days. Getting involved with those beasts from that world and not flinching in their presence.

Those were surprising moments, but they also were a necessity to stay alive.

I will not voluntarily put myself into a dangerous situation that would require me to take violent actions.

However, my resolve should not be misled into taking me for a fool, because I am not.

In no way will I attempt to draw the first blood, but under no circumstances will I stay and watch as someone aims for my life.

My life is far too precious to hand it over to anyone. It is a life I got by having my mother sacrifice her's so that I can live.

Hence, I cannot watch and let someone meddle with my life. No, I won't stand for it.

My circumstances with the beasts of Erenoa are the same as my resolve.
