
Something More

I stared at Luke, too stunned for even my tail to twitch. His grip on my hands was soft and warm, sending shivers down my spine, but it was his eyes that held me captive. They were dark and intense, filled with a conviction I had never seen before. I could see myself reflected in the shadows dancing within his irises, a glimpse of how he saw me: a small, fragile girl with large, fearful eyes, yearning for safety and peace. Someone to be protected.

"Why?" I whispered, my voice barely audible, still unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Luke's grip tightened on my hands, his calloused thumbs slowly caressing my palms. It was close and intimate, but I was feeling too lost to be embarrassed. Everything I'd thought I'd known had been turned on its head. Luke was just like Soltair. He should have been even worse, even, focused solely on how he could use and manipulate everyone to achieve. So why? Why had he jeopardized everything for me? 
