
06. Derek is a psycho.

That does not sound so good coming from his mouth slapped with a huge grin. This prick he's caught me!

I'm too scared to ask but what does he mean by FUN?

I was struggling on his back as I squirmed from side to side and started slapping his hard back.

"HELP!!!" I yelled out in the empty green park.

I heard Derek laughing away like he'd grabbed his prize for the taking.

"Shout, all you want Jeany no one is coming for you." He said like a bold villain.

He laughed evilly once more making me want to slap his pretty face.

My moving around on his huge shoulder was doing me no good, wow seriously how much does he work out?!

He tightened my grip on my legs tighter making me yelp in pain.

"Quit it please! It hurts!" I begged as I stopped slapping his back.

He loosened up a little and I relaxed.

I was ready to start kicking my feet but he suddenly spoke.

"Oh, well Jeany, you should have just answered me when I told you too. That little incident with me just cost you big time, you feisty brat."

When I kicked you in your happy place. I wanted to laugh out loud but looking at my current situation I held it in.

However I couldn't resist and started to chuckle as I replayed the scene again.

It may have been a cheep shot, but it was worth it!

"Oh..you think it's funny do you.." he said angrily not joking one bit making me stop laughing immediately.

I had to get off of him now!

I started squirming again..i began my kicking but this time he held on tighter squeezing my thighs, making me yell out of pain.

"D..Derek..Ok..i get it!!..Please..put me down!"

He chuckled and shook his head .

"No Jeany..you must be taught your lesson, never to go against us like that ever again!"

Oh no..whats he going to do to me?..we had made it out of the park and I couldn't believe he carried me all the way back on his shoulders..his not even breaking a sweat..just what kind of machine am I dealing with here.

He shoved me in the passenger seat and I immediately locked the doors to prevent him coming inside from the driver's side.

Wow these are some nice seats, and he has a t.v too. What the hell has he been doing in college?! Are those a pack of condoms.

So, he's been busy...

Nasty thoughts filled my head as I saw him grin straight at me.

I cringed.

Eewwww perverted guy. No way. He can't I'm so not his type and even though we are not blood related this is so wrong in many so many levels!!.

I don't care how goodlooking he maybe but I swear I'll scream rape if I have too!

I looked back at him and he jingled his keys infront of me. I was about to quickly get out but he was too fast. He quickly opened the door and pressed on the automated lock.

I adjusted my glasses over my eyes and began to nervously panick.

"D…D…DDD..Derek..LLllook ..I know I made a mistake..I apologise..I swear on cookie doe it...That...Will never happen again."

I pathetically stuttered out.

What do expext? He ran after me, caught me, hauled me and shoved me in his car. Now he's locked the door and making me feel uncomfortable and nervous as crap.

I think he's stolen this car by the way, there's no way he's that rich to afford such a fine car.

My head was not thinking straight. Did I just swear on cookie doe?Seriously!?

He looked at me and burst out laughing as I eyed him and the condoms that were near the smoking tray.

Suddenly Derek came right close to my face and I immediately shut my eyes fisting my hands beside me.

I watched as he pulled my seat lever up and pushed down on the seat making it in a reclining position.

"Hmmm. The offer is tempting." he said licking his lips.

Psshhh please. I'm a stinky sweaty nerd beneath you! Plus I've seen the girls you hang around with.

That are 3 times hotter and taller than me.

No way.


You're just messing with me.


"Yes, JjjjJeana?" He mimicked easily.

I was a total red face underneath my thick black frames and he was holding back his laugher with a stupid grin playing on his face.

"Please, get off me?" I said in the most politest tones.

"Your cute when you get scared." he said putting all his weight on me now and stroking my hair.

I tried to hold my breath but it was no use as his cologne over powered my nose..

Damn the axe effect!

Snap out of it Jeana!!

Pay attention focus, get him off of you right away!

I paid attention to my conscious kicking in play in my head, I was right.

I need to calm down stop freaking out.

I felt a hot tickle of his breath as he chuckled near my face.

"Aren't you a display of funny faces?"

I scrunched my brows in angrily and clenched my jaw shut tight..

He's mocking me when I am in danger with him!

Why this stupid jerk!! He thinks he can have his way with me?

I looked away from his gaze as secretly worrying about what he was going to do to me.

"You know Jeana. You should take of these glasses and get some contacts?"

I turned my attention to him as he had a curious look about how I would look with out my thick framed Gukki glasses.

Suddenly my anger started to rise.

No one touches my frames!

My eyes went wide and I saw the grin playing, I brought my hand up to his face to slap and he immediately caught linking my hand in his.

"Oh? Temper, temper, bambi It's not good for your situation right now."

He said pointing at my noise like a pig.

My eyes went to a 2 to 9 and he left my frames alone seeing as I reacted to that situation.

"Say, shouldn't you be in school right now?"

I don't have to explain anything to you!

"Not talking huh? That's ok, I get it, I have ways to get you to talk to me princess."

Princess? I scoffed at that.

If I had the power in my legs again I would have kneed him again.

But I was trapped underneath his heavy weight leaving me very hopeless.

I hated the fact that he was scanning my body with his marine like eyes.

Be, cool.

He's just trying to scare you, like he usually does.

"You know, you're kind a cute up close?"

He stroked my face carresingly, Eyeing my parted lips. That's when I panicked and flinched away scared of him.


He quickly got off me and pulled my seat up, I could hear my heart beat trying to escape my chest.

"Relax bambi, I'm just messing with you." He winked.

I looked out of the window trying to signal a distress call for help! Pervert in the car!

But the road was completely empty. Gah I should have stayed at school!

But then I'd have to deal with Roman chasing my @$$ again.

A moment of silence passed.

I gathered my self and promised not to cry infront of him.

Derek loved it when I cried. He loved calling me weak and then strangely enough he liked to console me and apologise for pushing my buttons.

He was a bad case of bipolar.

I refused to break down in front of him.

"Why do you call me bambi?" I asked out of the blue.

"I saw you wearing the Bambi disney shirt the other day. Thought it looked cute on you. Besides, you kind of remind me of Bambi. So young and weak, when you lost your mother right?"

I shot him a glare. Don't bring my mother into this!

I'm not weak!

Just trapped.

"Let me out of this car right now Derek!" I seethed, making him chuckle.

"Tell me the truth bambi, and I'll let you go."

"I told you I know nothing." Dammit girl.

Just tell him already!

No, why must he know?!

"Ok bambi, you know what, I'm going to get that truth out if you."

He winked and quickly took my left hand cuffing me up to the door handle.

"What are you doing you psycho! I don't know anything Derek!"

He looked at me seriously now with dangerous eyes.

"Bambi, I need to know. You have no idea that the information you hold is crucial to me."

I gave him a puzzled look.

What has the murder incident in town got to do with him?

"Why do you need to know so badly?"

He smirked and started his engine.

"Because bambi. I could be saving someone right now."

Ok, he's trying to be the town's here just becsuse he's joined the precinct with Dad.

I turned my attention to the road and I noticed him take a road, where there were no traffic lights or signals on the road, it was quite a long stretch and he was speeding in almost every turn.

I gasped holding on to door handle.

As much as I like speed.

Derek was gassing quite fast.

Scaring me half to death!

Slow down prick we might have an accident?!

Alarm bells of panic were raising inside of me.

He's going to get us killed at the speed he's going at!

"Aahh!!! Derek, slow down, you're scaring me!!"


Crazy guy was now doing a 200,mph!!!

"Oh my god!! We are going to die!!!"

The trees didn't even look like trees anymore. Just a mush of green waves passing us by.

The maniac, turned up the radio in his car to heavy metal rock.

My ears burned, as my heart pounded in fright, and I screamed and whimpered.



Yes I am actually am the driving the music the speed!!!! What a rush.

I knew we were in danger somhow and I shook my head

"NO!!Please..Derek!!..slow down!!!"

He just shook his head and laughed like a psycho.

I had to think about both our lives at stake..an accident could happen, I was cuffed up good and if I didn't spill the truth we were most probably like to get killed..





I thought very hard on the first bit of information I heard dad and Ted talk about.

I had to speak up fast as we were now approaching a steep hill!


He saw me panicing and immediately slow down.

He turned out the music.

I saw him relax his grip on the wheel and gradually the car slowed down on the road.

Wow this prick, actually listened to me for once? He took a couple of turns and now we were heading right down the our road.

He stopped the car and I was vigorously shaking my cuffed hand on the handle.

My wrist was red and bruised from the shaking and I was shaken up a by Dereks insane driving.

I was being very strong not to let a tear escape.

"Calm down Jeany..I'm not going to hurt you.." he said calmly whilst stroking my hair. I flinched his hand off away from my head.

"Don't touch me!.." I said in heated fury dangerously.

Not showing any signs of joking he pulled his hand away and sighed heavily looking straight. I was pissed of angry but in return had to be patient and calm if I ever wanted to come out of the car.

After I reluntantly calmed down and took a huge sigh of defeat next to him.

Derek spoke.

"Tell me again." he said strict with his deep tone of authority.

I wanted out of the car and I once again took a deep breath, and looked at him.

He seriously wanted this information badly but whats killing me to know, is why must he know?

What possible good can he do, with information?

It's not his business, well not mine either but..oh crap his looking me dead in the eye.


I cleared my throat and looked away facing our house with its white door and porch.

I want to go to my room into my bathroom. Badly, pee like a mad horse after finishing a race at the tracks.

"Like I said, I heard Dad and Ted talking, all I heard them talk about was a gang, some one called Maria, no Mo..Mortez..thats not it..wait?"

His impatience was growing now and I knew I had mentioned the name earlier before but as soon as he had reacted to that name and made the car stop.

Why did he react to this name?

"You better remember that name bambi!"

He said like an officer barking at an order to the cadet.

He went to start his engine, dangerously.

I had to stop him, I was home and I didn't want to go on another joy ride with him!

"Yes sir!" I found myself pathetically saying to his amusemnent.

He looked at me waiting for the correct answer.


"Ss..Someone called

Moreno, being an Alpha gang, they are suspicious of him, they also mentioned a number 187, being occurred a lot when they were around. I swear that's all I heard them say!!! Please, please let me go now!"

He was looking out away in thought then clenching his fists.

Whats the matter with him now?Crap please don't start the car!

Derek was an annoying step brother.

In the end he was stronger than Roman no matter how much of body builder he was.

Derek was much more wiser, manipulative and dangerous than him.

He could have his way with anything and nobody could protest.

The only person that could stop him was his lovely mother Denise.

Maybe I should have a word with her about their crazy bullying towards me? I can't stand much of their threats anymore.

"Are you sure that's all you heard."

He said seriously snapping out of my thoughts.

Pssshhh no!!! I heard more after that but I'm not gonna tell you!

I shook my head.

"Don't lie to me Jeany."

"JEANA!.." I said angrily but I realized he started to look ticked off again.

"It's Jeana. Please, not Jeany I don't like that song Genie in a bottle, seriously it's a piss take when people call me that."

He cracked up laughing at my so called joke but it really wasn't. I was being serious.

I shook my head and looked at him angrily as I shook my wrist again clacking the cuffs on the handle.

I swear my left arm is getting slightly cold.

"Can I go your highness!" I barked.

I had already unbuckled my seatbelt off and I was waiting for him to unlock me.

"Well then bambi.."

Urgh, I've been degraded to that word again.

"Don't disobey me or Roman like that and definitely don't try to fight us, or you'll be sorry Genie." he winked and he took hold of my left wrist unlocking it finally.

He played a grin that most girls swoon over.

I on the other hand clenched my jaw. Oh? So my anger amuses you? Stupid jerk!

Just let me out already!

"Open the door…..please.." I said through my clenched teeth trying to crack a smile.

He finally unlocked the door and I took no time hurrying out and getting back fast into the safe zone of the house.

Not riding with him anymore!

This has got to be one heck of a crazy day.

I got chased by stupid Caesar brothers again, got to learn some codes especially 187

I found some sort of scratch like red paint that was seriously indicating it was blood, but I don't know if it is and need to be sure of, but how!?

Whats really bugging me is that Derek knowing the truth.

Something is not linking up here.

What does the information that I leaked got to do with him?

Finally doing my business in the bathroom I relaxed showered and changed out of my stinking clothes.

As I lay in bed, I relaxed.

Soon after, I was called down for dinner.

Hmmm I spell pasta. Followed by some garlic bread droooll. Coming food! Madly answering the hunger to my tummy I opened the my white bedroom door only to be shocked at who is saw! There he was in his white loose tee and his black tracks..grinning at me with joy.

"Hello Jeana."


"Roman." I said in a silent whisper..i got scared and immediately closed shut the door..but his foot blocked and with ease he pushed his way through towering above me like an ogre.


Crap why now!!!..

"J..J..J.Jeana.." he mimicked me as I tried to back away from him as much as possible..only to fall backwards on my bed..

"JEANA!..ROMAN ARE YOU TWO COMING DOWN!!!.." my father's voice boomed and I was just about to reply back but Roman beat me..

"ON ARE WAY!!.."

He said looking away and I took my chance to turn away on my back and get over to the other side of the bed..i was in a crouching tiger position but just as I went to crawl to the other side..i was yanked back easily by my waist from his pair of jock arms..dam his got muscles..

"Come on Jeana..lets go have some dinner..dear sister.." he said breathing down my neck..making me suddenly heat up..why do they have to be so dam close!

With ease he pulled me infront of me and I was just about to run away but he held a firm hand just over my neck holding me tightly giving me a slow massage.

"OW..ow..ow..let me go Roman.."

"Relax Jeana..just calming your nerves a little.." he chuckled

Relax!!..thats not how you give a neck massage it freaking hurts you fool!

I knew it..Roman was not going to let me go this evening..infact I guessing its going to be a long night!.

"LAST CALL FOR FOOD GUYS!.." Denise voice boomed angrily and Roman Escorted me downstairs now keeping a his friendly arm on my shoulder.

"I'm not done with you yet Jeana.." Roman said whispering quickly as he let me go to my awaiting food.

That night I saw both the Caesar brothers watch me like hawk on the dinner table..smirking and grinning and passing me death glares when our two love bird parents weren't watching.

Yup I love my life so much right now!

I ignored them fully, even though I knew they were watching, ignorance was the best way to survive.

Besides now I had another project I had to focus on the rooftop.

Who was that mysterious guy hiding himself from me up there?

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Derek: I got what I wanted out of her, but it annoys me that I can't get her off my mind. I know I shouldn't fall for her, she's like this forbidden fruit I can't keep my hands off of.

Rain_Hero219creators' thoughts