
AZI Volume 6 Chapter 57

Turning to Long Hua, Yao Ying opens her mouth; however—


She finds it difficult to phrase what it is that she wishes to say.


Momentarily, she gathers her thoughts, and states—

"I feel like—there's something… Calling out to me?"


Narrowing his eyes, Long Hua leans his head over while continuing to face forward, and asks—


"Straight ahead from where I'm sitting. It feels like it's nearby, but also very far at the same time. …Whenever I turn in a different direction, it seems to turn with me."


Just as Long Hua is thinking of the potential reason for this—

"Hey, fog is starting to form outside. I doubt we'd be able to see the roads ahead."

Li Zi Xiang walks back into the cave, and reports this.

"Great, no progress for shit today."

Saying this, Shao Tianming presses his back against the wall.

"Speaking of progress… Are we still considered to be in the outer area?"

"Most likely."

Answering Ye Chen's question, Wang Yongning goes on to add—

"Actually, I'm surprised that the scouting team never made it into the inner area—with how quiet it was before we came here."



Having this pointed out, those nearby can't help but raise a frown.

"Ai, Sir Wang, it's pointless to talk about how odd the ruins of the outer domain are at this point."

"I suppose."

Shrugging his shoulders, Wang Yongning had to agree with Chen Lan's remark.

"The rain has stopped; shouldn't we head out now?"



Towards Xun Yu—who had returned and made that statement, everyone turned to the former with an odd look on their faces.

Due to how dense the fog outside was, Li Zi Xiang hadn't detected Xun Yu's presence at all; and subjected to the others' gazes a few moments later, she asks—

"Hang on, don't you see the fog outside?"


In response to Li Zi Xiang's question, Xun Yu tilts her head.

From Xun Yu's viewpoint, there is indeed a layer of fog outside, but it's nowhere near dense enough to impair one's vision.

"Does the Moon Guards have the ability to see through fog or something?"

Towards this question that was asked by Ling Yi, another Moon Guard replies—

"Negative. Vice-commander, do you really not see any fog?"

"It's nowhere near dense enough for a person to get lost in. Why don't some of you head outside with me?"

With there being nothing to lose, everyone got off the ground, and headed to the edge of the cave.

"…You're telling me, this isn't dense enough? I can't see for shit."

"Lady, you're not playing with us, right?"

"There's clearly a wall of white fog around us."


Towards the others' unanimous agreement in saying that there is a wall of fog in front of them, Xun Yu can't help but frown beneath her mask.


Blinking his eyes, Long Hua frowns as well.

Despite the strength of his divine senses, he's unable to see through this fog as well as he had hoped. Meaning—it's not natural, but is instead something that was created through the technology of practitioners.


Thinking back to the differences between everyone present, and comparing them to Xun Yu, Long Hua eventually turns to Yao Ying, and asks—

"Able to see anything?"


"Head back to that statue, and pray to it with sincerity."

"…? Un."

Blinking her eyes in confusion, Yao Ying replies with a subtle nod.

As far as Long Hua is aware of, this is the only difference between Xun Yu and everyone else—she was the only one to have prayed to that statue before this fog had appeared.


Raising her hands, and closing her eyes, Yao Ying, who has no experience with the act of praying, simply presses them together, and bowed her head, while thinking—

(Please grant me the strength to change. I don't want to remain so weak-willed.)

Holding her current posture for a few moments, Yao Ying eventually reopened her eyes, and headed back to the cave's edge, to which, Long Hua asks her—


Widening her eyes, Yao Ying reports—

"Un, it's much thinner than before."

"Figured as much."

Hearing this to be the case, Long Hua thought—

(Whoever designed this magic array, they probably thought that the practitioners of the Ling Yuan family were far too arrogant to pray to a foreign deity when troubled. However, mortals—weapon spirits are different. Hmm… Will surnamed Qing have a difficult time tracking me in this fog?)


Turning to Long Hua, Gui Lian asks—

"…Long-laoban, how did you figure this out?"


Glancing at the vice-captain of Shen Le's group, Long Hua replies—

"This Moon Guard was the only one to have prayed to that statue."

"Just from that alone?"


Narrowing his eyes at Gui Lian, Long Hua asks back—

"Surnamed Gui, who are you exactly?"


Facing Long Hua's gaze, which shows a clear sign of distrust—that is also tinged with hostility, Gui Lian raises a frown.



Amidst the two's silent exchange of glares, a light of concern appears in Teng Hao's blue eyes.

Momentarily, in as natural of a tone as possible, Gui Lian states—

"I am a member of DB-04-03."

"I'm not asking about your on-paper occupation."


Glancing between Long Hua and Gui Lian, Shen Le asks—

"Long-laoban, what sort of beef do you have with the vice-captain?"

"None. I'm just curious as to why—she was bowing to a statue near the entrance; hence, I'm making things difficult for her because she definitely knows something about this ruin."

Turning to Teng Hao, Long Hua adds—

"Surnamed Teng, that light in your eyes is giving you away as well."


Redirecting his focus onto Ye Chen, Long Hua asks—

"Surnamed Ye, what does this surnamed Teng usually talk to you about?"
