
Man vs Pokemon Wilderness

The rain had stopped, and sunlight once again lit up the forest. Rogue was able to see everything again, so he went out and easily found some more dry firewood. With the Diamond pickaxe to assist him, the task was easily accomplished.

He then returned to the cave and threw some of the dry firewood into the fire to keep it going.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Lopunny, wake up." Rogue gently tapped on Lopunny's face to wake it up from its slumber.

"Lopunny~?" The brown rabbit opened its eyes and stared at its master.

"I'm going to go hunt some Pokemon for food. Make sure that you change the warm cloth on Dawn's forehead ever so often." Rogue pointed at the cloth and the water in the pot.

Lopunny nodded. It had seen its master changing the warm cloth multiple times throughout the night, so it knew what to do.

Rogue exited the cave again. He wore his pants and jacket. He also brought his empty backpack along for storage.

They were still a little damp, but it's better to wear these damp clothes than to go out naked. It'll also dry faster because it'll be in contact with wind and sunlight as he transverse the forest.

Rogue immediately began his search for Pokémon.

The way he sees it, his advantage is the Pokemon Eating system. To get Dawn and himself out of this shitty situation, he had to hunt and eat as many Pokémon as he could to get rewards.

After all, the rewards can be a bit random, but they are amazing.

Rogue crept through the forest for about three fourths of an hour, his eyes scanning the trees and underbrush for any Pokémon. He had masked his presence by traveling quietly and slowly.

However, the wild Pokémon seem to have already noticed his presence, and they were avoiding him like cancer.

As he moved deeper into the forest, Rogue began to hear the rustling of leaves and the chirping of Pokémon birds.

He even spotted some Pidgeys, but they were too high up for him to attack.

So, he continued his search patiently. He slowly advanced while keeping his eyes and ears perked.

"Oh, these are… Oran berries?" Rogue came up to a tree and spotted some blue and round berries growing on a tree. He walked up to the tree and picked one from the branches.

They're spherical and they have the same texture as Strawberries. He tasted it… and it tasted exactly like a strawberry. It's sweet… and a little sour. He can also feel the little seeds partying in his tongue.

"Huh? Why is this one so big?" Rogue looked down and he saw a blue round thing that looks like an Oran berry, half hidden in a bush. .

However, this thing is 20 times the size of the berries on the trees!

Rogue reached out and grabbed it, but it made a sound! He quickly yanked his hand backwards and retreated, a little startled.

"Oddish!" The blue ball wasn't actually a ball… it made a noise!

The blue thing turned around. It has two blue feet, eyes, a mouth, and leaves on its head. It walked up to Rogue to scrutinize him. It advanced towards Rogue with curiosity in its eyes.

"You're an Oddish!" Rogue said to the blue thing. He was looking for Pokémon to kill, and he didn't see any vulnerable ones… until now that is.

"Oddish~ Oddish!" The blue thing tilted its head back and forth as it observed the person in front of it. The leaves on its head also moved back and forth.

It then spotted the Oran berries on the person's hand and jumped up and down, screaming: "Oddish~! Oddish~!"

"Huh? Do you want to eat this thing?" Rogue showed the Oran berry that's on his hand to Oddish and the little blue thing nodded. He assumed that the Oddish was probably around the Oran tree, trying to find any Oran berries that had fallen down.

Rogue thought of an evil idea and tossed the Oran berry behind Oddish.

"Oddish!! Oddish!!" The blue thing celebrated and jumped in joy, turning around to eat the Oran berry. It didn't have hands, so it was a little difficult for it to reach for any food. The only thing it could do is to eat berries and other stuff from the ground.

Behind the oddish…

Rogue's eyes turned crescent and his smile rose.

He reached both of his hands over his head and summoned the Diamond Pickaxe from the System storage. He positioned himself like a person who's about to mine some stones and ores.


The swung the Diamond Pickaxe down and its sharp edge sunk into Oddish's blue ball body.

"Oddis–!" The blue thing tried to speak, but the pickaxe had poked it from behind its head… right through its mouth.

The Oddish's life passed away~ It died with its eyes still open.

"Yes!" Rogue brought the pickaxe up, carrying the Oddish body with it. Its blue ball body securely stayed on the pickaxe.

After successfully killing Oddish, Rogue picked a bunch of Oran berries and stored them in his backpack. He filled the bag to the brim.

He picked a few more to eat on the way back.

Whistle~ Whistle~

Rogue celebrated his kill and berry gathering with a whistling tune. The tune went like this–

"I want to be the very best. That no one ever was. To eat them is my quest~ To kill them is my cause~ etc etc…"

As he followed his trail back to the cave, Rogue stopped and looked up.

"Oh damn! How did I miss that?" Rogue spotted a Metapod resting on the tree branch. It looked down at him, but it didn't move. It couldn't move anyways, so it just used its Harden move to make its cocoon stronger.

Rogue quickly found a long branch and poked the Metapod down from the tree branch. He had walked by this thing before. It was so nicely camouflaged that he did not see it.

"Good thing I found this Metapod. This means that I'll get two rewards from the System!" Rogue wrapped his arm around the Metapod and continued on his way back to the cave.

Currently, his hands are full. He's holding onto his Diamond Pickaxe that has an Oddish. He's also holding onto the Metapod. On his back is a bag full of Oran berries.


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Lopunny's xxx pics are coming soon. Today, Temari's (naruto) xxx pics was dropped on there.

Oh, poor oddish.

AzureRaven69creators' thoughts