
Ready to Kill Him

The next day, Dani and Abel left to travel directly to Ebodian Camp which was located just outside Ebodia's borders. As usual, Abel insisted that they travel in his mist form, so Dani didn't bother arguing anymore in consideration of how well he did in handling her parents.

As Abel said earlier, they had a few stopovers for him to buy a few things for the Queen Mother and the others for when they returned to Valcrez. And in turn, some of his scions magically appeared to carry the things Abel bought.

"Get anything you want, Dani," Abel whispered to her as they continued roaming around the market in the capital city of Ebodia. "I know you're capable of buying anything you want, but let me buy some things that might fancy your eyes just for today."

She wrinkled her brows at him as she pointed out, "We're no longer in front of my parents, you know."
