
Someone New

Abel felt his annoyance rising at what he just heard. While he didn't mind Taro not being present, the fact that the reason for it was the fact that the man was getting to be wed just didn't sit right with him. Sure, he was happy for the man, but for him to have such a convenient excuse to not be present while he himself had to be the one to arrange the flow of the trial kind of made him feel overworked.

He had his own wedding to deal with too! Why was he the one saddled with taking care of both the trial and the clean up of the whole thing?!

"You do realize that I have my own wedding to plan, right?" Abel pointed out.

"Well, clearly it's going smoothly since you're still here," Fritz chuckled as he teased. "Unlike Taro and his sudden marking of his now-fiancee, you're still relatively free to do whatever you want."
