
Chapter 1.5 ( Encounter 2)

"Uncle Toni!" Tangero exclaimed, rushing over to give him a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check up on you, of course!" Uncle Toni said, patting Tangero on the back. "And to see how my favorite sister, Tana, is doing. How is she, by the way?"

Tangero rolled his eyes. "Uncle Toni, she's doing great, thanks for asking."

Uncle Toni chuckled, 'Speaking of family, how is your dad doing?'"

"Tangero said, 'Dad is doing fantastic, Mom is really taking good care of him. Hehe.'"

Uncle Toni raised an eyebrow and said with a baby face, "Fantastic? That bum stole my sister from me with his evil sweet-talking. I knew there was something weird about that guy. My sister was an iron lady, you know. I don't know how your dad made her so soft. How I suffered like hell under big sis. She was a demon from the depths of hell when she got mad."

"Tangero immediately knew what Uncle Toni meant, and his mind was flooded with memories of his mother's fiery outbursts."

Uncle Toni continued, "I mean, who can blame her? She took care of me alone. Mom and dad got killed in an accident. She took care of me and sacrificed a lot. I owe her my life. So tell your dad if my sister cries even a little, I'm coming for him. After all, he did steal her away from me, which is a criminal offense in my books."

Tangero couldn't help but laugh at his uncle's teasing. "Uncle Toni, you know that's not how it happened. Mom chose him."

Uncle Toni shrugged. "I guess you're right. But don't forget, I still have some tricks up my sleeve. You never know when I might swoop in with my troops and steal her back."

Tangero shook his head, still chuckling. "Good luck with that, Uncle Toni. Mom is a tough cookie to crack."

Uncle Toni was reminded of Tana's heated and angry outbursts, prompting him to suggest, "Perhaps for the time being, it's best to let her stay where she wants. My big sis deserves some happiness

The two continued to joke and catch up, their comical banter filling the library with laughter. Tangero couldn't help but feel grateful for his fun-loving uncle, who always knew how to make him smile.

As Tangero and his uncle General Toni continued their comical conversation in the library, Tangero suddenly realized he had forgotten to show his respect as a military official.

"Excuse me, Uncle Toni," Tangero interrupted, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry, but I forgot to salute you when we first met."

General Toni chuckled. "Ah, don't worry about it, Tangero. We're family after all. But it's always good to show proper respect in the military."

Tangero nodded in agreement and quickly stood up straight, raising his hand to his forehead in a crisp salute.

"Army General Toni, sir!" he said, holding the salute until his uncle returned it.

"At ease, Tangero," General Toni said with a smile. "You don't have to be so formal with me."

Tangero relaxed his posture, feeling relieved that his uncle didn't seem upset about his forgetfulness.

"Thank you, Uncle Toni," Tangero said, feeling proud that he had shown proper respect to his superior officer, even in a casual setting.

The two continued their conversation, laughing and joking as if they were old friends, while Tangero felt a sense of pride knowing that he had upheld the military tradition of showing respect to his superiors.

As Tangero and Uncle Toni were chatting and laughing, they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching them. They turned to see General Kaizo, the General of the Army Kaizo: GOA Kaizo, walking towards them with a stern expression on his face.

The correct pronunciation of "Kaizo" is "kai-zoh". The first syllable "kai" is pronounced like "kye" or "kie", while the second syllable "zo" is pronounced like "zoh". So when you combine them, it becomes "kai-zoh".
