
7. Moi...Lolita.

The rest of the way, we drove back to the house. I could have walked around the yard but as Mr Salvatore's hand had been very restless for the last fifteen minutes, meaning it had been mostly under my clothes doing its magic and I was directing a porn movie in my head again. It was obvious that our slow seduction had been working on him very well and he was pretty damn heated. I was very heated too.

I didn't even get out of the car properly when Damon came and grabbed me in his arms, carrying me over the threshold. He was kissing me passionately, but didn't let go. Instead, he climbed the stairs at vampire speed up to the top floor and into the enormous bedroom.

The doors were white with gold handles, and I didn't even have time to look that closely. This room was once again gorgeous and as vampire as it gets. The carpets were a little less fluffy now but in a dramatic combination of black and red 

The soft and spacious bed was quite large. The colour palette was vampire - blood red, gold-black and purple.

Our room was very dramatic and as Damon as you can get. The bedspread, which was made of blood-red silk, gave the bed the appearance of being covered in blood. Not in a horror movie style, but very vampire style. My vampire side appreciated this color theme. It was still quite superficial. I had tried to learn about all this new life of mine. Not easy for me.

Damon was passionate. He kissed me fiercely, and then he put me down on the bed and we started kissing even more. I, too, was now grabbing his head and gluing my lips to his greedily and demandingly. Our need to have each other took over and oh, my god that we needed to do this. 

The clothes were coming off of us very quickly and efficiently. I ripped open Damon's shirt, and he ripped off my shirt, started kissing and biting my nipples, took off my skirt and ripped off my panties.

I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down, taking hold of his hard cock and working it so that Damon took a deep breath, and threw me on my back on the bed. Neither of us needed much warming up, as we were already horny as rabbits.

Damon came on top of me, and I spread my legs. He thrust all at once, kissed me all over, and started a relentless thrusting while continuing to kiss and bite me all over. His passion was palpable in the air, almost.

I let my hands wander, clawing at him, scratching his back, trying to reach out to get a drink out of him but he just grunted and held me down, legs spread, helpless, cock rowing in my pussy and making me explode pretty damn fast.

I consecrated the bed with Damon so fucking well when we tried unique positions; we fucked standing up on it. It was a strong bed. 

We couldn't get enough of each other. We had to stop after a few days when we ran out of energy.

I lay on top of Damon and he seemed to be very content in his role as my mattress after fucking me to pieces across and down the stack. Of course, we showered together and sanctified that, too.

He was very dominant, yanking my arms behind my back, pressing me against the shower wall and ruthlessly penetrating my pussy, fucking and making me explode so many times that I was legless and only stayed upright as he supported me.

We had fucked all over the room and both of our new favourites were the flower pillars. Somehow the fact that I settled down on the flower pillars and Damon pushed mercilessly into me, keeping me barely sitting on the pillar and started fucking, was very arousing.

The window sill was also a good place to fuck, not to mention the floor. The rugs were very good fucking platforms and there was no limit to our imagination where we fucked, or when.

Once I was in the kitchen getting a drink and something to eat, Damon came and lifted me up on the dining table, and penetrated me mercilessly, hard and long, we then fucked all over the kitchen, there were surprisingly many surfaces that were good to fuck.

But then, as I lay limp and sleepy and fucked to pieces in our bedroom on top of Damon and said, " You're a good mattress, very good. I don't mind that thick hard problem so much."

Damon laughed and said, "Yeah, I don't mind."

Then he took and pushed into my pussy with one hard thrust. Just stayed inside me tight and grew so big I almost split. But I knew I would not get off. I was so fucking tired; I started to fall asleep, a giant cock sunk to the bottom of my pussy. I just couldn't care. It tightly attached us to each other. I fell asleep, safe, literally attached to my husband, and the thought brought a smile to my lips as sleep took me.

Damon sighed and felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Their consecration had taken well over a week and the feeling was so incredible, the feeling he got when his cock had sunk into Mimi's greedy, hot, wet pussy and she had fallen asleep on top of him with a smile on her lips.

Damon had heard her thinking how happy and content she was to be his wife. He didn't know how rough the vampire wedding would be, but he knew she could take it all. Then his phone beeped.

He read the message. It was from elders. It told exactly what was going to happen at the wedding and Damon laughed low to himself. Some of it would probably be hard on Mimi, especially the part where he would have to prove his ability and stamina as a man to Mimi, and also what the message said about some drinks, how they might affect them.

This was going to be rough, but Damon wanted this. This was a very vampire thing to do and maybe this would help Mimi's vampire instincts even more. There was a part for Mimosa too, and those few days that the party would last would be an experience neither of them would forget.

He finished reading the message, put his phone back on the table and closed his eyes,falling asleep smiling too, enjoying their union. His soul sang. He felt his core strengthening and the evil feeling so much weaker than before.

I woke up at some point by myself and strangely enough; I felt empty when Damon wasn't inside me. I did giggle at the thought that I had become pretty fucking cock hungry when I had to have it in my sleep.

I stretched with pleasure and didn't even put a sheet over my body as I let myself stretch like a cat and enjoyed myself. Suddenly a hot hard man's body came over me, spread my legs, and penetrated my wet cunt effortlessly, fucking me furiously.

Damon looked at me hotly and said, "You seducer, now you will learn about actions and consequences. Action, stretch naked on the bed in front of me and the consequence is that I will come and fuck you all over and into a stack. "

I laughed hoarsely.

I asked in a voice of arousal. " Was that then with the promise of my husband?"

Damon rumbled, picking up the pace. He captured my wrists, and I felt my climax approaching. His hard hot cock knew no mercy as it completely ravaged my hot wet cunt, causing me to orgasm so loudly that I tried to scream out loud and Damon glued his mouth and kissed me, fucking greedily, fiercely, and possessively, biting my lips.

Dominated me completely and I could almost feel the heat ignite inside me as he fucked through two more orgasms before hitting bottom, and started filling me with his thick cream of love that I felt spreading warm like love inside me. He filled me with his own essence and bit me, marking me. I felt his passionfruit scent on my skin too.

Our passionate session lasted for some time and then Damon took me to the shower, fucked me there too, really clean across and into the stack. We finally got washed up. He picked out my clothes and disappeared downstairs before I got dressed.

My clothes were a dress that went down to my shape, a tricot dress, and it went down to my knees. I let my hair loose and then went downstairs to eat. As I descended the stairs floor by floor, I couldn't help but imagine that the stairs needed to be consecrated, too.

I got some pretty good ideas and then I developed them in my mind. I kept looking at each floor and I kept finding somewhere to fuck. No shit, I must be getting a heat or I just became a sex addict.

After all, I got downstairs and followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and Damon sat me down at the table. He already set it with quite an assortment of meats and smoothies from coke to coffee.

But when I went to sit down, he arranged the food in front of me, so he ordered what I ate first. I then watched as he went to eat. A night blue silk shirt, sleeves rolled up, and his hair was a little longer, almost falling over his eyes as he bent down and finished the dishes.

He looked at me and said, "Now my bride, we shall have a little fun with our vampires first, and then they will be in a suitable state for our wedding. The name of the game is predation. I can smell you could do some blood, so let me make this more interesting."

He attacked me, drained me so I had less than a liter left. 

He smirked and said, "now, come on, you need to let go, let your vampire side come out. This is simple. I am now your prey, you want blood, right, and I will boost your bloodlust a little bit with my telepathy, I will go somewhere in here house and you need to hunt me down. Any means you can think of?"

I felt bloodlust taking over almost, and he whizzed away with vampire speed before I could even think of anything. Fine. I smelled the air. Smelling his scent, and start to go after him. But he ran away. After a few hours trying to catch him, I knew that I had to change tactics. He taunted me in my mind, dropping a little blood somewhere, and making my blood hunger even worse. Fine, he had no idea what he was getting into. My vampire side had pretty wild ideas, and I kept them in my mind in another place so he could not get them.

I had set up my trap and I could feel my prey getting closer. I had used my vampire pheromones, lure him in and he seemed to be very attracted to them. I had not used them much before, as my normal pheromones had been more than enough to get him going. He came into the room, smelling the air, furrowing his brows, being a little confused.

I jumped at him. I had been perched on top of the bookcase, hidden and waiting. I knocked him down, slammed my fangs into his throat, and fed. I had long black poison nails and somehow I had changed my appearance; I had a black lace dress and my hair was white.

He soon got me off of him, rolled me under him, and looked at me sternly. "Stop, right now. You had your meal, now get a grip."

I said a voice that was not my own but it was, it was alluring, sexy, dark, "Come on.. my meal...you want this."

I felt his hand on my neck and darkness took me as he broke my neck.

As I came to I was in bed, as me, not in my vampire side out and it was sleeping, almost. I felt drugged, and I was trying to get up. The door opened and Damon stepped in, looking at me sharply.

He said, "Morning, you slept five days, I have now fed your vampire side asleep. And you too, so we are soon ready for our vampire wedding."

I was a little out of it still and he looked at me, and spoke, " I underestimated your vampire side, the mistake that I won't repeat. It is not good to egg you on too much. But you are fine now. Come on, let's go."

I got up, still not saying much of anything. I felt somehow that his vampire side was offended, almost. Well, I am sly when I need blood but this just told me I needed to control very tightly my vampire side too. If her attack can make Salvatore get this upset, better keep it under wraps. I went to the kitchen where breakfast was put out and I started to eat.

He seemed to relax when we were having breakfast. I hoped so, at least. I had no idea what to do to make him forget it. I did not know that he had more or less set me up, making his vampire side to see my power, how strong I was. 

 He looked up, smiled, and said, "Well now, baby, I announce we're ready. When we've eaten. They'll actually arrange transport right from that door. Nothing bad will happen, but we won't see each other until the wedding, so we'll kind of be transported separately. You've got women helping you. They're not vampires, they're dryads, sort of forest spirits, so they know exactly what herb to use. I've told them everything and given them a sample of your blood. I'm going to tell you everything I can now. Part of the job is that the woman can't know everything that's happening, but the man does."

Damon continued as he grinned smugly at me, as if he was actually being smug because he knew and I don't know everything.

" First, when we get there, it takes a good 24 hours to get you ready for your husband. You'll have various cleansing rituals and baths. Then there's the virginity thing. It's done with magic and you're a virgin for as long as you need to be. Vampire marriage is then a very male-driven old custom. Try not to get upset, yes you know me, but as an example, a wedding vow can be degrading or disturbing. It's just an old habit. Vampire society is not modern and everything you may have seen in some books and magazines about how Dracula had brides is always based on fact, but harem differs greatly from vampire marriage and some people don't want to be tied down to one woman but go after them with harem, while others in their day used it to tie a woman to them, whether she wanted to. What I say is then the law, and you had better remember it."

He looked at me sternly and then I said, "Fine, I'll behave myself there and obey, no problem."

Damon laughed and said, "You will have no choice but to obey."

He continued in a solemn voice and he again spoke in a very clear voice and the darling came out again. Bizarre.

"Another thing darlin. This is eternal. Even if I divorce you by human divorce, in the eyes of vampires, we will always be married. Always. Always remember that. Therefore, if the situation ever arises where I divorce you, darling, try to be Salvatore, because according to the vampires, you are, and if you deny me, it could have unpleasant consequences. These are just things I try to remember to tell you. We will then always be married according to the vampires and you will always be my wife, so I will always have power and rights over you, but it will also be my duty to guide and protect you."

I said, "Fine, I will not divorce you lightly, but if you tire of me, then I won't ask you to take care of me if you don't want to."

Damon laughed and said, " Darlin, don't worry about it. We are always, human marriage is weak compared to the connection we get from this. You, darlin, do not know how much you will strengthen me." 

I was silent and thinking. Does Damon already regret marrying me? Or was it now because he was such an old creature? And what was this warning about divorce?

I ate my food in peace. Damon took his time eating and feeding me. He had filled me so well during our week of sanctification that I was no longer a squirrel scrap.

After half an hour, Damon's phone rang, and he answered, listened for a moment, and said, "Our ride has arrived. Don't worry, darlin. You need nothing, just leave your phone and wallet on the table. The vampires will appreciate it. It's a kind of sign of trust. Nick and Elias and their sister Rebecca are also coming to our wedding. Now Rebecca can be nice and reasonable sometimes, but she has always wanted me, so she may not behave now. There will also be other vampires, women. I am a wanted man, but I will try to keep you safe. Again, a word of warning. Baby, I feel like I'm warning you all the time. "

I kissed Damon passionately and said, "Warn me as much as your soul will. It's one thing if this sometimes naughty wife of yours listens to your warnings. I can be stubborn, reckless, and sassy."

I hugged him. Sniffed his lovely, but now much more intense, passionfruit scent.

Damon looked at me sharply, said in a dangerously velvety and soft voice: " Oh, I have a naughty wife. We'll see what I do about that one day. It may be darlin that you won't always appreciate my lessons, so you better behave." 

He directed me to the front door and said, "I'll have my vampire side on display all the time so I may not be easygoing and playful, but baby, don't you bring out your vampire side unless I give you permission. Remember, I'm above you."

I said, "Fine, like I said, I'm a nice little Mimi. I won't cause any trouble."

Damon grunted, opened the door, and directed me to my car that picked me up for our vampire wedding.
