

The trader sent a confused gaze at Michael as they remained silent for a few seconds. It was as though he was contemplating if they should accept Michael's request or not. But as Michael had said previously, with the previous situation of the market, customers barely visited here in fear of the enforcers catching them and arresting them.

If it weren't for the death of the captain enforcer two months ago, arising the rage of the Enforcers department that even Ani tech agents were despatched to catch the killer, turning the entirety of Neon city upside down, the market would have been bustling with customers right now and they would need to consider the request of poor customers like Michael who would likely only spend less than a hundred thousand credits in his shop.

But with the condition of the market, if they don't make a sale, it would be difficult to find another black market to sell without causing some form of conflict and competition.

Letting out an uncomfortable grunt of acknowledgement, the Masked trader Tapped on the holographic image on his wrist and instantly, the large, transparent shelf hoarding the genetic materials shook, releasing mechanical sounds in the process.

In the blink of an eye, several sections of the transparent cryo-shelf blurred, leaving several Grade-E genetic materials in sight.

Michael's eyes lit up incredibly as various information entered his line of sight.

[Name: Black-armored Bettle]

[Type: Genetic Material]

[Class: Grade-E]

[Genetic Essence Points: 978] 

[Name: Vampiric Slave Bat]

[Type: Genetic Material]

[Class: Grade-E]

[Genetic Essence Points: 789] 

[Name: Steel-pincer Mosquito]

[Type: Genetic Material]

[Class: Grade-E]

[Genetic Essence Points: 899] …

Suddenly, Michael's eyes snapped towards the top, left most corner of the cryo-shelf and his eyes instantly widened as he spotted a genetic material with an incredibly high amount of mutagenic substance.

[Name: Titan-Soldier Ant]

[Type: Genetic Material]

[Class: Grade-E]

[Genetic Essence Points: 1922] 

'it's even almost comparable to a high level grade-E genetic material! Michael couldn't almost control himself as he stare fervently at the piece of flesh.

Ultimately, he calmed down and retracted his gaze, checking other genetic materials for the amount of genetic substance they contained.

In the end, he only found one more grade-E genetic material of 1200 units and couldn't search for other which contained immense genetic particles.

Retracting the genetic materials, the trader face was full of scepticism as he gave Michael the box of genetic materials.

"The transfer line is opened, that will be 30,000 credits." His mechanical voice unchanged as he flicked his finger, revealing an holographic image showcasing his vault information.

Michael calmly accepted the box, keeping them in his phantom x bag as he also opened up his interface, clicking on the amount he wanted to transfer, he pinched his fingers as though holding the currency in hand and flicked it towards the trader's opened transaction line.

The progress bar appeared in mid air between the two of them as they observed the transfer process.

"Done." Carrying the bag on his back, Michael turned around and left the store.

Seeing the increase in digits, the trader didn't stop Michael, watching him leave with an indifferent expression on his face.

* * * * * * * * * *

The sun was beginning to set, casting a dimmed glow over neon city. However neon city is also called the Night city and there was a reason for that. 

The main reason was due to its population of citizens being 70% more active during the night than at daytime. 

Holographic advertisement along with glowing billboards towered over the city, up in the skies, above the sides skyscrapers, making the entire city look dazzling as though covered in star dust even during the night skies.

With the remnant illumination of the Neon City, Michael walked through the familiar path of the shadowy alleyway, heading back to the scrapyard when suddenly, he stopped. 

The flickering light from the nearby lamp post cast a purplish neon light over him, creating an elusive shadow that seem to linger in coercion with the darkness.

Silence reigned on the alleyway, turning the atmosphere stifled with the lingering smell of metal rust and garbage waste wafting through the entire alleyway. 

Michael stood still, his breathing calm as he gazed through the corners of his eyes. 

"You guys have followed me for a while now. Since this place is really well hidden, isn't it high time you showed yourself?"

  Michael's voice boomed through the walls creating echoes in between the sealed environment as it faded into the night sky. 

The surrounding once more returning to silence. Time passed and about a minute clocked when Michael's eyes flashed coldly and he let out a muffled chuckle. 

"BANG! "

His left leg blurred, forming an arc in midair, transforming to after images as it whipped backwards with intense speed, colliding with a nonexistent entity behind him. 

Between the point of contact an illusory figure suddenly condensed in midair, letting out a suppressed groan as the figure stepped backwards uncontrollably. 

  Eventually they slammed into a nearby dumpster crushing the metal dumpster in half before the force faded from them, but finally revealing the figure for Michael to see.

It was a man who was also in a mask the same as the one on Michael's face just like everyone else in the black market but apart from all this, his build as well as his smell was really familiar to Michael. 

Because he had bumped into him on the streets of the black market, along with two other people who had also tried to steal from him together.

The man's pupils had widened, 

  revealing his shock as he cradled his broken arm. He hadn't expected the prey to be able to see through his camouflaging cyber ware an even possess such astonishing amount of strength to counter his full form attack. 

Michael was only a bit surprised seeing it was the guys he had bumped into in the street. He had half expected it to be the trader, while the trader might prove strong, Michael hoped he would be able to surprise-kill them with his system!

"The rest if you can come down since he was has revealed him self."

The moment Michael's voice dropped the building shook and two figures and dropped from the top of the building which was about twenty meters, dropping before Michael.

Standing about 25 meters away from him the first figure Michael saw was a dark skinned man with extra pair of cybernetic eyes above his original eyes.

HIs height a bit more than two meters, I making him slightly intimidating hit what was the most intimidating was his 1 meter width man but then again this one look carefully at this figure one would realize he wasn't fat at all but was really huge and muscular. 

His muscles clearly ripping out from underneath his skin as he stretched for a meter wide, his body was like a well built greek god stature was just too it defined as though he clearly modified his entire muscles as well as the skin flesh, and bones to be all cyberware. 

It was unclear just how much cyber ware he has on him as though the figure wasn't the least bit afraid to go cyberpsychosis. 

With four eyes large eyes, a muscular structure on an entirely in built cybanetic implant along with the skill ware in him, he was like a god amongst mortals.

The expression on the man's face was totally indifferent and casual as though he was just ordering for bowl of ice cream on a Saturday. 

"Didn't think I would have to send my most trusted for someone so young."

"I give it to you kid, to be able to handle Kemeleon in one strike, you must be one tough cookie to crack."

  The dark skin man scratched at the edge of his eyebrow, plucking up a stray hair from within his array of eyebrows with a slight frown as he casually spoke, while pointing at Michael. 

"Gut him out and harvest everything from him and don't leave out his intestine this time, Heighs are really into stir frying stuffs like that, some'n about enriching their souls and stuffs."

Michael's face immediately turned dark having heard this. They kit only wanted to rob him of his stuffs along with the cyber ware and skill wares, but also wanted to harvest his organs flesh and intestines. 

He couldn't help but wonder just how many times they have done this for them not to be scared of the patrolling Enforcers. 

It was also the first time for Michael to experience something like this 

Doubtlessly, he had met several empty corpses in the streets of the slums but he had never paid any mind to it. 

Never in a million years wool he expect to be the victim in this case. He was immediately angered.

Just as the thought flashed through his mind, the Young man standing by the side of the dark skinned man moved as he tranformed into a speedy blur, heading straight for Michael with an intense speed. 
